Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1701: With me, no one can step into the earth half a step...

Xue stood quietly in front of the monster's corpse, his eyes flickering, as if thinking about something.

And this scene was broadcast all over the world instantly via satellite.

People's mood that had relaxed because of the death of the demon then tightened.

What is this adult doing?

Could this monster not die yet?

These questions press on everyone's heart, making the atmosphere of the whole world very depressing.

At this moment, I saw Xue An exhaling slowly, and with a wave of his hand, a blood-red flame appeared in the air, and then the body of the monster was completely enveloped.

Wherever the flame reached, the corpse of the monster turned into fly ash.

In an instant, this huge monster disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Zhuge Zang, who was standing in front of the Lao Xie Hotel, flashed with brilliance in his eyes, and then smiled.

"Red lotus industry fire! I really don't know what the feelings of those guys in the depths of the starry sky will be when they see this flame again!"

At the same time, Xue An turned around, his figure flashed, and he came to the Battlestar.


"I have seen the instructor!"

The people of the Fire Phoenix Special Forces lined up and shouted at Xue An standing straight.

Xue An nodded with a smile, but looked at the people standing opposite.

Tang Xuan'er was naturally standing at the front of the crowd.

After she met Xue An's gaze, her cheeks were slightly red, then she lowered her head and whispered: "I'm back?"

Xue An nodded, "Yes! I'm back!"

"When did you come back?"

"Just came back tonight!"


With just a few simple words, Tang Xuan'er fell into silence.

Wei Rulan, who was standing behind her, sighed when she saw this, then stepped forward and said, "Mr. Xue, thank you for your saving grace..."

Xue An smiled and waved his hand, "Okay, it sounds like the earth is not my home!"

One sentence made Wei Rulan swallow the following words again.

Then Xue An glanced at everyone present, and his expression gradually became solemn, "If you say thank you, it should be me thanking you!"

"Originally, it was too late when I got the news among the heavens. I even thought that the earth would suffer catastrophe. I didn't expect you to be able to fend off the enemy outside your home. This is enough to deserve a word of thanks!

Xue An’s words touched many people’s faces, and Wei Rulan said solemnly: “Sir, it’s serious, as you said, the earth is also our home, so naturally these demons are not allowed to run rampant!”

Xue An nodded and suddenly said, "You have been tired after holding on for so long. Now come back to the ground with me and have a good rest!"

Xue An's words caused a slight commotion among everyone.

Although the power of this demonic invasion is not too strong, it can't hold back the frequency.

And there is no law, no one knows when the next monster attack will be.

In this situation, the nerves have to be tightened every day, and over time, both the body and the mind will feel tired.

Now that Xue An proposes to let everyone rest, it naturally refreshes the spirits of many people.

But Tang Xuan'er said hesitantly at this moment: "But if we all go to rest, what if there is an invasion by a monster?"

"Yes! There can be no one on duty in the Battlestar! Or we Fire Phoenix is ​​watching here, you should go down and rest first!" It was the leader of the Fire Phoenix who spoke, Cheng Hao.

Xue An smiled and shook his head when he heard the words, "It doesn't have to be so troublesome! If the previous Battlestar had to be guarded, then there is no point in staying behind now! Because..."

"With me, no one can step into the earth half a step!"

When he said this, Xue An's expression was very indifferent, but neither the people present nor the people who saw this scene through the live broadcast had no doubt about the authenticity of these words.

Because the strong self-confidence naturally revealed in these words has said everything.

Tang Xuan'er was also startled when she heard this, but Xuan even shook her head and chuckled.

This Xue An really hasn't changed at all!

Since Xue An said so, everyone followed Xue An to fly to the earth.

In the Central Capital Headquarters, General Zhen Guo was taken aback when he saw this scene, because he discovered that Xue An and the others were flying to the north of China instead of the Central Capital.

To the north...

The General Zhen Guo suddenly understood something, and Huo Ran stood up and said in a deep voice, "Get the car!"

"General, where are we going?" the secretary hurriedly asked.


Calculated by the straight-line distance, the total distance from Battlestar to Beijiang is no more than 100 miles. Not to mention Xue An at this distance, even the weakest Chan'er can go back and forth in an instant.

Therefore, before the people who watched the live broadcast recovered, Xue An and his party had disappeared into the night.

People stared blankly at the empty live broadcast, and they were all overwhelmed for a while.

Because everything that has happened from the beginning to the present is really shocking and incredible.

Who would have thought that these demons would suddenly merge together and almost broke the Battlestar.

Who would have thought that Xue An, who had been away for a long time, would suddenly appear and wipe out this terrifying monster with three blows.

So for a while, everyone was silent for it, but after only a moment, the whole world was boiling.

Regardless of whether it is the Internet or reality, people are all rejoicing and rushing to tell each other, and the haze that has been cast by the monster attack before is also wiped out.

As for those young people who didn't know Xue An before, and even thought that Xue An was nothing great, their attitudes at this moment have undergone a 180 degree change.

With me, no one can step into the earth!

Just this sentence convinced these unruly teenagers.

At the same time congratulatory messages from various countries flew to China like snow flakes, and the content was all congratulations to this great Chinese for his safe return.

Even country M, which has been at odds with China, can only express congratulations sourly at this moment.

Because even they had to admit that Xue An's appearance was like a pin of tranquility in the sea, instantly calming down the restless world.

And just when the whole world is busy with this matter.

Xue Anye has led everyone to the ground.

The people waiting at the door hurriedly greeted them.

Those who can appear here are basically acquaintances.

So when we met, they were all very affectionate.

Especially Tang Xuan'er, when she saw Fan Mengxue in the crowd, she thought she was wrong. It was not until Fan Mengxue came closer that she was sure that it was true, so she grabbed Fan Mengxue's hand with infinite surprise.

"Mengxue, when did you come back?"

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