The half-old **** walked to the court, and smiled before saying a word.

Many people with weaker concentration were shaken by the laughter, and then this woman glanced at everyone with amorous feelings.

"Yeah, is it so lively?"

At this moment, an angry shout came from the crowd.

"It's you?"

Following the voice, but seeing Luo Lanting walked out of the crowd with a face full of anger, and came to Xue An's side.

"Why, do you recognize her?" Xue An said lightly.

Luo Lanting stared at this woman, the hatred on her face was almost overflowing, and gritted her teeth and said: "Of course I recognize her, because she is the culprit who killed my brother!"

Seeing Luolan Pavilion, the woman was startled slightly before she giggled, "Who am I! It turns out that it is my sister of Junior Brother Luo! I didn't expect you to stay here in Lost Paradise, but came here." Up!"

Seeing this woman with a quaverous smile, Luo Lanting was almost mad, "You woman who has no shame and betrayed her teacher, actually has the face to call my brother and brother?"

The woman's laughter stopped, and then she looked at Luo Lanting with a gloomy expression, "Little girl, I am trying to give you face because of the same door as your brother, so don't take it for granted! What's more, you are not in my sect. People, what right do you have to scold me for betrayal?"

"You..." Luo Lanting couldn't help being angry.

Because facing this woman's sophistry, she really couldn't say anything to refute.

At this moment, a cold female voice suddenly came from behind, "She is not qualified, do I have it?"

Following the voice, when Fan Mengxue stepped to the side of Luo Lanting, she looked at the woman on the opposite side sinkingly.

The woman's face changed a lot when she saw Fan Mengxue.

"Fan Mengxue? How could it be you! Shouldn't you be trapped in Paradise Lost now?"

Fan Mengxue smiled coldly, "Chu Yuqiong, are you disappointed to see that I am not dead?"

Chu Yuqiong's eyes flashed a sullen look, but he quickly returned to normal, and then said with a smile: "My dear sister, how can you say that to me? We are also good teachers out of the same school. Sister, how could I expect you to die?"

Fan Mengxue sneered again and again, and did not speak.

Chu Yuqiong's eyes flowed, seeming to be looking for something, and then said somewhat suspiciously: "Huh? What about Master Wen? Why is he not here?"

"Why is he here?" Fan Mengxue asked back.

Chu Yuqiong smiled flatteringly, "Sister Fan, do you think I am a fool? Since you can leave Paradise Lost and appear here, you must have taken refuge in Young Master Wen!"

Speaking of this, Chu Yuqiong smiled meaningfully, "What? Are you still refusing to admit it at this time? Or are you planning to be a **** and set up an archway?"

This is extremely ugly.

An Yan, Tang Xuan'er, and everyone in the Dark Council all showed anger.

Fan Mengxue's color changed even more anger, just about to speak.

Xue An suddenly stretched out his hand to pat her shoulder, smiled and said: "Okay, leave the rest to me!"

Fan Mengxue silently retreated to the back without saying a word.

When Chu Yuqiong saw Xue An, his eyes lit up.

What a handsome boy in white!

Especially this kind of tolerance on the body makes people almost unable to extricate themselves just by looking at it.

For Chu Yuqiong, who likes "beauty", such a teenager is simply too appetizing, so she almost greedily stared at Xue An for a while, and then said with a smile.

"Yeah, no wonder my Junior Sister Fan is so obedient!"

Xue An did not speak, but looked at Chu Yuqiong with a smile.

For some reason, Chu Yuqiong felt that she was a little hairy when she was seen by Xue An, and the smile on her face gradually disappeared, and she couldn't help but yell, "What are you laughing at?"

Xue An shook his head, "It's nothing! I just sighed that Tianzhe, the hero I, how did he accept an apprentice like you!"

Chu Yuqiong trembled, and shouted in a cold voice, "Who are you on earth?"

Of course she must be astonished for it, because it is not easy to know the name Tianzhe among the heavens.

Xue An smiled, but didn't answer her directly, just said indifferently: "Didn't you just ask where Wen Linglong is? I can tell you now, he is in my hands!"

Chu Yuqiong was startled, then shook his head and laughed, "Are you still trying to say that he was sealed by you?"

"of course!"

Chu Yuqiong snorted coldly, the disdain on her face almost overflowed, "Do you think I would believe it?"

Of course Chu Yuqiong didn't believe it.

We must know that Wen Linglong's strength may not be as good as the top powerhouse in the abyss, but because of inheriting the extremely powerful bloodline talent, it is not at all that ordinary powerhouses can provoke.

The white-clothed boy in front of him didn't look like a strong man who could defeat Wen Linglong.

Xue An shrugged and said in a relaxed tone: "It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. The problem now is..."

"Just sending you trash to conquer the earth, should I say that you are confident? Or do you have to say that you are looking for death?"

Chu Yuqiong was startled when she heard the words, then looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Interesting, really interesting, I didn't expect to meet someone like you in such a poor country!"

The strong men behind her even laughed out loud.

"Where's the kid, really looking for death!"

"That's right, I actually uttered such arrogant words, and I will extract his spirits and make specimens soon!"

In the face of these shouts, Xue An looked calm, did not even look at them, but cast his gaze towards the secret entrance not far away.

Because he can perceive that earth-shaking changes are taking place in that Kunlun Secret Realm.

At this moment, Chu Yuqiong laughed at and said to Xue An with regret: "I have to say that you are a very interesting person. If you are in other places, I might take Catch it and play with it, and you can even keep you alive! But, and everyone here, let me die!"

After that, Chu Yuqiong's face was cold, and he shouted: "Do it!"

Give an order.

The powerhouses behind her jumped up with a strange smile.

The prestige is really like a flood that bursts a bank.

There was a commotion in the crowd.

Many people are already prepared.

But at this moment, Xue An suddenly lowered his head, his eyes just colliding with these rushing powerhouses.

Although there is no substantial contact, just a glance, these strong people all feel chilly and stagnant.

Before they could react, Xue An said: "Since you are so anxious to die, then I will fulfill you!"

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