Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1714: Entrance to the abyss

After all, Xue An raised his eyebrows, stepped and punched, and blasted directly.

The first ones to bear the brunt were the strong men who rushed to the front. Seeing that they were too late to react, Qi Qi snorted and was blasted by Xue An's punch.

The strength was so strong that even the people behind them were shaken out.


The many powerful men who had just been awe-inspiring were smashed into pieces.

Chu Yuqiong couldn't believe her eyes, "This..."

The voice did not fall.

Among the scattered strong men, Xue An's figure suddenly rushed out, came directly in front of her, and then smiled at her slightly.

"Since Tianzhe is not there, I will clear the door for him first!"

After all, Xue An slapped it down.

There is no wind!

But in Chu Yuqiong's eyes, this palm seemed to overturn the sky.

The intense fear made her tremble.

But I have to admit that as the master sister of Tianzhe, she is indeed good.

Therefore, in the face of Xue An's shocking palm, she frantically urged her whole body to cultivate, and she was able to avoid it.

A palm-print-shaped deep hole was shaken out of the ground silently, and after a while, crimson magma poured out from the deep hole.

This palm of Xue An actually shattered the mantle directly and hit the magma layer.

Chu Yuqiong was so frightened that she was so scared that she never thought that this gentle-looking young man in white would be so terrible to shoot.

She was for meritorious service, and she led the crowd to fight this first battle.

I thought it was just an ordinary planet that could no longer be ordinary. At most, it was just some indigenous powerhouses. As long as they came, they would be able to conquer the whole world without any effort.

But I never expected that as soon as he showed up, he met a strong and shameless teenager.

This can't help making her regretful.

But the matter is over, regret is useless.

Therefore, she forced herself to suppress the inner shock, and screamed, "This is what you forced me! Very evil flower!"

As a direct disciple of Tianzhana, her extremely evil flower is naturally countless times stronger than Luolanting.

In an instant, countless illusory flower buds lined up, covering the entire space.

Then these buds bloomed vigorously.

The red petals cover the sky and the sun, and the beauty is dazzling.

But what is hidden under this glorious scene is infinite murder.

Countless extremely evil flowers kept coming and going around Xue An's body, and every time they came and went, they would forcibly seize the vitality of the surrounding space.

This is an extremely vicious practice.

Because the vitality of man is inherently connected with the heaven and the earth.

If the vitality of the space around you is cut off, then the vitality in your body will flow out uncontrollably.

In this way, you will soon die because of vitality.

Xue An stood in the boundless sea of ​​flowers, like an unmoving reef, with a calm face.

Chu Yuqiong's complexion was also a little pale, after all, it was not a small burden for her to perform such a powerful trick.

But everything is worth it!

Seeing that the figure of this white-clothed boy was gradually overwhelmed by the ever-growing extremely evil flower.

Chu Yuqiong couldn't help showing a smile.

But at this moment, a cold voice suddenly came from her ears.

"Didn't your master tell you who did he learn this trick from?"

Chu Yuqiong was frightened and shocked, just about to react.

Xue Anye, who didn't know when he appeared behind her, raised his hand and snapped his fingers lightly.

This sound finger is like a switch.

In an instant, all the evil flowers that were blooming all withered, and then disappeared.

The whole process quickly seemed like an illusion.

Chu Yuqiong was stupid.

She had never thought that anyone could break her own extremely evil flower in this way.

But she hasn't waited for her to react further.

Xue An's hand has gently grabbed her neck, and then lifted her into the air lightly.

"do not move!"

Chu Yuqiong really didn't dare to move.

Not only did she dare not move, the strong men who followed her also froze in place.

Because at the same time, sword lights appeared out of thin air in front of their eyebrows.

The cold and solemn sword intent pierced through the sea of ​​knowledge, making them full of horror and dare not make the slightest change.

Chu Yuqiong's eyes were pleading, and her lips trembled, "Forgive... forgive me!"

Xue An smiled slightly, "Look, why bother to spend such a big week if you want this attitude? And I'm not an unreasonable person. If you want to survive, you can, but please tell me what you can exchange for! "

Chu Yuqiong's face turned pale, and her mind was turning wildly.


What conditions can be exchanged for their own survival?

Oh! correct!

Chu Yuqiong's inspiration flashed, and hurriedly said: "My lord, I can...I can help you sleep in the bed!"

With that, there was a flattery on her face.

Xue An didn't even lift his eyelids, and shook his head directly, "I'm sorry, I'm not interested in old ladies like you!"


The nervous people almost laughed when they heard the words.

The people who watched the whole process on the Internet are even more boiling.

"Hahahaha! Master Xue's words are really maddening!"

"Old does this word sound so exciting!"

"I was really scared to death just now, but fortunately, my lord is amazing!"

"Bah! Shameless, I actually want to stack the bed for the adults, and it's not your turn!"

Naturally Chu Yuqiong didn't know these remarks, but she was still so angry that she almost vomited blood.

You must know that what she usually resists most is that some people say that she is old.

Not to mention this old lady!

But Ren had to bow her head under the eaves. Her life was between Xue An's thoughts, so she could only say humiliatingly: "Then... Then what can I do?"

"It's very simple. Tell me, the sky is the place where you are now, and then I can spare you a life!"

Chu Yuqiong instantly stiffened, and said with a horrified face: "I...I don't know..."

"Huh?" Xue An's palm slammed hard.

In the clucking sound, Chu Yuqiong felt that her cervical spine was groaning overwhelmedly, as if it might burst open at any time.

Under the fear of death, Chu Yuqiong finally couldn't bear the pressure, "My master... he was locked in the bottom of the abyss!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a muffled sound.

Chu Yuqiong's sea of ​​consciousness burst open suddenly.

She trembled all over, and then her eyes dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye. Until she died, there was still fear and unwillingness on her face.

Xue An frowned slightly, "Divine Mind Control?"

With that said, he turned his head thoughtfully and took a look at the secret realm entrance.

At this moment.

The Heaven and Earth Qi machine suddenly became extremely irritable ~ and the entrance to the Kunlun Secret Realm exploded.

A violent shock wave swept across, trying to destroy everything along the way.

During this time that was not allowed, Xue An suddenly stomped his foot.

A high wall composed of divine and sword intent rose out of thin air, Shengsheng stopped the shock wave and protected everyone.

But these strong men who followed Chu Yuqiong were not so lucky, and saw them all screaming together, and then they were twisted into powder by the shock wave.

After the brilliance of the shock wave gradually dissipated, everyone moved in terror.

Because the previous secret realm entrance has disappeared, what appeared in front of everyone was a dark vortex that was as dark as a magic eye, constantly exuding cold and cold air.

As for [Literature Museum] Kunlun Secret Realm, it no longer exists.

Zhuge Zang's figure suddenly flashed beside Xue An, and his expression was extremely ugly and said: "It is the entrance of the abyss! They want to swallow the entire earth!"

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