And when Xue An destroyed the Killing Hell with one blow and walked out of it, the spectators in the surrounding stands screamed again and again and began to flee wildly.

These audiences are diverse, not only humans, but also demons, gods and ghosts.

Xue An is not talking nonsense, raising his hand is a sword.


The sword light swept past like a horse, and countless heads landed instantly.

But Xue An's goal was not the audience in the stands. He flashed his figure and went straight to the boxes behind the stands.

As Xue An said, this is indeed a game.

It's just that the people in the game have to pay the price of their lives.

Those who watch the game enjoy it.

Especially the big men in the box.

In fact, since Xue An appeared in Killing Hell, someone has noticed him.

If it is a human being, it should be called a monster.

Because it has no body, it has only one huge eye, and the eyes are full of tentacles.

I saw its eyes staring at Xue An and An Yan in the picture, waving its tentacles and making a harsh and unpleasant whistling sound.

"I like this woman, quack! After this hunt is over, I will ask her to offer sacrifices to me!"

The others in the box disagree.

Because as far as these abyss evil gods are concerned, a human woman can't really interest them.

But the subsequent development greatly exceeded their expectations.

First, Fu Lanqing, who was supported by the evil god, died, and then Xue An began to bombard and kill hell.

Every click makes the cube tremble.

Seeing this scene, the evil spirit was angry.

"The humble humans dare to destroy our game! I will make him pay!"

With that, it sent a clone into the killing **** to try to obliterate Xue An.

But only a moment later, its clone was shattered, and then Xue An blasted through the killing **** and came to the outside world.

This time even these evil gods couldn't help being frightened.

"What's the matter? Why is this human race so tyrannical?"

But before they could find the answer, Xue An had already killed him.


The box was directly smashed by Xue An, and then appeared in the court.

Xue Ansen smiled when he saw this evil **** full of seats.

"Sure enough, you are the old dominators!"

That's right!

This group of evil gods once ruled the heavens in ancient times, but due to unknowable reasons, these evil gods quickly declined and were finally sealed in this abyss.

But this does not mean that they are not strong.

On the contrary, the evil gods that can survive to this day all possess extremely terrifying strength.

Even a weaker person will collapse and die just by looking at them.

After seeing Xue An, these evil gods didn't have any nonsense and directly launched an attack.

Around Xue An's body, the space instantly became like a swamp with an unpleasant stench.

The filthy blood is constantly eroding Xue An's body.

And crazy drums resounded through the box at the same time.

This is completely different from the attack method of the current cultivation system of the heavens, and cannot be inferred by common sense at all.

If it was someone else, even if he was a strong immortal king, he would have to retreat from the attack of these evil gods.

But Xue An didn't even move, just smiled coldly.

"I'm really weird. I hide behind my back and don't show up, but want to win against me with these maggots. Are you here to be funny?"

After all, a boundless flame suddenly rose in Xue An's eyes.

The red lotus karmic fire spewed out, and instantly broke through the chaotic swamp around it, extinguished the drums, and then went straight to these evil gods.

"Shenhuo outside the sky! No!"

When these evil gods saw the red lotus karma fire, they couldn't help screaming, and then fled in all directions.

But no one can escape Xue An's blow.


The first person covered in flames was the strange-eyed evil **** who uttered maddening before.

I saw it screaming frantically, but in the next second, it was cremated into fly ash by karma.

Then these evil gods were like torches, and they were instantly burned to ashes.

In an instant, the evil gods were completely destroyed.

Xue An stood there for a while, and finally raised an eyebrow.

"It seems that you are determined not to come out? Well, then I will dig three feet and dig you out!"

After that, Xue An turned and left.

at the same time.

Jane Zaixin and others have also flew out of the killing hell, and then they were stunned by the scene in front of them.

But seeing dead bodies everywhere in the stands, blood flowed across.

"This...what's going on?" Someone whispered in shock.

"Very simple, these are the spectators of this game, so they are all dead!" With the voice, Xue An's figure flashed and appeared in front of everyone.

It was still the image of the fluttering young boy in white, but at this moment, no one dared to look down upon him.

After all, this is the existence that will blast through the killing hell!

"Now things are done here, and your memories should be restored, so let's go away separately!" Xue An said lightly.

These people looked at each other, and then they all showed excitement, and they all bowed to Xue Anshen.

"Thank you, sir!"

After talking about it, they dispersed.

But when a brawny man got in the crowd and planned to sneak away [].

Xue An whispered: "Why, did the second hall master of Shenwu Hall plan to leave like this?"

As soon as this remark came out, the brawny man was shocked, turned his head stiffly, and grinned at Xue An.

"Big... do you have any more orders?"

Xue An smiled coldly, "I think, should you give an explanation for the previous thing?"

The cold sweat on the brawny man's forehead slid down in an instant, he fell to his knees with a splash, and squatted his head at Xue An.

"My lord is forgiving! My lord is forgiving. I have no eyes and ran into the lord! Please let me go this time!"

Xue An looked at him with a smile, and suddenly turned his head to look at Jian Zaixin who had been standing not far away.

"He will leave it to you, kill and save, whatever you want!"

Jane was taken aback for a moment.

The brawny man had already knocked his head back and forth at her.

"Girl Jane, please spare your life! I didn't mean to betray you Before the words were finished, a sword gas had pierced his throat.

The burly man was holding his throat with his hands in his hands, looking at Jane Zai heart unwillingly with resentment.

Jane Zaixin said indifferently: "Betrayal is betrayal, isn't it betrayal if it wasn't on purpose?"

Words fall. The burly man fell to the ground and died in desperation.

Only then did Jane breathe out in her heart, then took a step forward and said in courtesy: "My lord, you..."

Xue An waved his hand, "Okay, now the things here have been closed by me, you can leave as soon as possible, remember to talk to the guy Li Jingxing after you go back, just say that the incident... let it go!"

After hearing what Xue An said, Jane looked sad in her heart, "My lord, do you know why I came to this dangerous place?"


"Because Shizu, his old man has disappeared three years ago... strangely!" Jian Zaixin smiled bitterly.

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