"What? Li Jingxing is missing?" Xue An was also surprised.

"Yeah! In order to find his old man, our Seven Greatest walks scattered all over the world, we have been struggling to find him! But we have found nothing. In desperation, I came to this abyss to try my luck, but I was arrested. stand up."

Xue An looked contemplative, and finally nodded slowly, "Okay, I know! But the abyss is not a place where you can come. As for looking for something to do with Li Jingxing, I can help you!"

Jane was overjoyed when she heard the words, "Thank you, my lord, but this place is sinister, so let me accompany you to find it together!"

Xue An shook his head, "No need, I still have some important things to do here, but you will get in the way if you stay!"

Jane nodded in her heart and respectfully said, "If that's the case, thank you my lord! But I don't know the name of the lord!"

Xue An smiled swiftly, and then passed a spiritual thought.

Jane was taken aback at first, and then she was shocked, shaking with excitement.


Xue An shook his head lightly, beckoning her not to go on.

Jane gave a solemn expression in her heart and respectfully said, "The younger generation will not disturb the adults!"

"Go!" Xue An waved his hand.

Jane turned and left in the heart.

An Yan let out a sigh of relief, her scalp was tingling from the previous fight.

"Husband, where are we going next?"

Xue An smiled slightly, "Don't worry, there is always a place to go!"

With that, Xue An turned to look at the cube not far away, and said lightly: "What? I've been in it for a long time, do you have feelings? Don't plan to come out yet?"

After a while, only a soft sigh came from inside.

"I didn't expect it, but for hundreds of years, the human race has such a stunning junior like you. It's amazing!"

Following the voice, the old man stepped out of the middle section, and then moved his muscles and bones extremely happily.

"Huh! The air outside is better!"

Xue looked at him quietly and did not speak.

At this time, the old man looked at the surrounding stands with a surprised face, especially when he saw the dilapidated box in the distance, a look of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

"Those evil gods..."

"I killed them all!" Xue An said lightly.

The old man's expression gradually became serious.

"Why are you caught in the **** of killing with such a strength?"

Xue An shook his head, "I didn't get caught, but I went in by myself! And how did you get caught with your strength?"

The old man was startled, then sighed softly: "When did you know it?"

"I knew it from the beginning! After all, there are only a handful of people among the heavens who can be hidden under my consciousness!"

The old man laughed loudly, "Okay! This is bold! Yes, of course I was not caught by these **** evil gods, because I was caught by someone else, so I was trapped in it for hundreds of years. as long as!"

"You mean... The Lord of the Abyss?" Xue An suddenly chuckled.

This sentence made the smile on the old man's face disappear in an instant, and then stared at Xue An, until a long time later, he said solemnly: "You know? If it weren't for me to be unsure, now you are a dead person. !"

An Yan suddenly became nervous.

Because she really didn't understand why the two people who were talking and laughing just now suddenly became tense.

Xue An sensed her tension and couldn't help but patted her shoulder with a light smile, and then said lightly: "Do you suspect that I am the owner of the abyss?"

The old man shook his head, "I did have some suspicions just now, but now I don't have any, because you are indeed a human race, not those evil gods in human skin!"

Xue An said calmly: "Then what about you? Should I call you the Abyss Demon, or the old man?"

The old man’s pupils shrank instantly to the size of a needle tip, "You..."

"Don't be nervous, I didn't mean to target you, because... if I wanted to kill you, you would be dead by now!"

Hearing these words, the old man was silent.

Different from the threat he just made, Xue An's words have a real deterrent effect.

After all, his strength can really kill himself.

This old man really wanted to put on an old predecessor's posture in front of Xue An.

But now he finally understood that the boy in front of him was definitely not a newcomer.

He is a strong man with a calm mind and a sharp vision.

"Who are you? What are you going to do?"

"Who am I? Your people should know this question. As for what I plan to do..."

Xue An's eyes became cold, "I want to find the Lord of the Abyss!"

"Lord of the Abyss, why are you looking for him?" The old man was shocked.

"It's very simple, kill him, take revenge!" Xue An said lightly, as if talking about a trivial matter.

The old man took a deep look at Xue An, and suddenly said: "Do you know how many amazing people from ancient times to the present who want to kill the Lord of the Abyss? But they all failed without exception! How can you guarantee Can you do it yourself?"

Xue An smiled, "I don't need to guarantee, because I am the exception!"

The powerful self-signaling old man in the words couldn't help but look sideways. He licked his dry lips.

"Then what do you need me to do?"

"It's very simple, first take me back to your clan land, and then dig three feet to find the Lord of the Abyss!"

There are thousands of ethnic groups in the abyss, but the most representative ones are the evil gods and demons living at the bottom of the abyss.

These two ethnic groups are often confused.

In fact, they are completely incompatible with each other.

Cthulhu is the ruler of ancient times, so it is also called the ruler of the old days.

The demons are a race born and raised in the abyss.

Each of them has the abilities that the abyss bestows on them, but because of this, they are locked in the abyss, except for certain secret arts that can summon them outside, they can't get in or out.

Because of its powerful strength, for a long period of time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the demons are the absolute masters of the abyss.

All the way to the back, the Heretic God's army emerged, and finally a protracted battle broke out.

The victor is on the side of the evil god, and the super existence of the Lord of the Abyss was born from it.

And the demon line was reduced to a low-level existence, and some of them took refuge in the evil god, but some have been struggling to support it.

This old man was one of them, and because of his tyrannical strength, he caused a lot of trouble to the evil god.

In the end, the Lord of the Abyss made a bold move and directly sent him into the **** of killing, and imprisoned all his cultivation.

I thought he would die inside.

However, the old man deceived the sanctions by means of defying the sky and finally survived.

It can be said that the demon clan is much stronger than Xue Anke in hatred for the Lord of the Abyss.

Therefore, after hearing Xue An's trouble finding the Lord of the Abyss, the old man really led him to the Demon Race Land.

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