Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1724: 1 foot trembles with stars

The reason why the abyss is called the first realm of the heavens is because it forms a system of its own.

After coming out of this ancient arena, there was a vast starry sky in front of him.

It's just that most of the stars here are already dead, and some of the rest are already in their twilight years, emitting an ominous dark red light.

The stars were quickly passed by, and at the speed of Xue An and the old man, hundreds of millions of miles were no more than a snap.

Therefore, after only a few hours of light, a barren planet with a pale luster appeared in front of him.

This planet is much smaller than the earth, and it is covered by a thick layer of dark clouds. Even Xue An's spiritual thoughts cannot penetrate this layer of dark clouds.

"Old man Kang, is this the territory of your demon?" Xue An said lightly.

In fact, orthodox demons have no names that can be understood by humans, only their real names.

To ordinary people, their real names are completely obscure and incomprehensible syllables like a mantra.

So Xue An simply named the old man and called him Kang Shuaifu.

Of course the old man didn't understand the meaning of the name, even if he did, he didn't care about it.

He looked at the planet in front of him with excitement, nodded and said, "Yes, this is the last territory of our demons!"

"Since it is, let's go!"

Xue An turned into a streamer and rushed to this star first.

Kang Shuaifu followed closely behind.

The thunder was rumbling in the thick clouds, and there were bright thunder lights everywhere.

And these thunder lights are different from ordinary sky thunders, each of them exudes almost pure white light, and the terrifying power is even more numb to the scalp.

This is an absolute thunder full of destruction.

In general, the strong, not to mention hard resistance, even if they hit a little bit, they will be frightened.

But when Xue An rushed into the clouds first, these thunder lights seemed to see the king's courtiers, and they retreated extremely docilely, giving way to a straight road.

Xue An took An Yan's hand and walked through it without hindrance.

Shuaifu Kang, who followed closely, looked at him numbly.

Xue An had already shocked him too much along the way, and he was already quite familiar with it.


The group of them penetrated the clouds and arrived in the planet.

Unlike the expected scene of lava and fire rain everywhere, there is actually a lush continent underneath, and the aura is full of it, like a blessed land.

An Yan couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Seemingly aware of her question, Xue An smiled faintly, "Do you think these demons really like to live in a bad environment? If they can, who wouldn't want to live better!"

An Yan nodded seemingly.

But before she could speak, several Guanghua suddenly appeared in the surrounding area, and then there was a shout.

"Who? Dare to break into my demonic land?"

Following the voice, several powerful men wearing battle armor appeared in Guanghua.

Before Xue An could speak, Kang Shuaifu burst into laughter.

"Children, ancestor, I am back!"

After speaking, he saw that Kang Shuaifu's figure swayed, and then he transformed from an ordinary old man into a terrifying monster.

At first glance, it looks like a centipede.

An Yan was so frightened that Hua Rong paled, and hurriedly hid behind Xue An.

No matter how strong they are, girls are girls after all, and they are full of fear for these strange-shaped bugs.

Unexpectedly, these men were slightly startled when they heard what Kang Shuaifu said, and Xuan even said with a puzzled expression.

"Old ancestor? What ancestor?"

"Yes, who are you ancestors? Dare to talk nonsense here. It's not a good thing at first glance. Take it back and hand it to the adults for interrogation!"

Hearing these shouts, the man who thought these men would kneel to greet him could not help being stupid.

"You... don't you know this seat?"

"Ah, whoever you are! Take it away!"

As soon as these men rushed forward, they planned to arrest Kang Shuaifu.

And because he was imprisoned for hundreds of years, Kang Shuaifu's strength was far from recovering, so when facing these men, he could not be subdued for a while.

This is embarrassing.

Because on the way, Kang Shuaifu promised Xue An that he patted his chest, saying that as long as he showed up, everything would be all right.

Unexpectedly, this situation occurred.

Shuaifu Kang was ashamed and angry, "Assholes, you juniors, dare to despise the existence of this seat!"

While talking, his huge body rushed from left to right, trying to repel the people who blocked him.

But helplessly, the strength is not as good as that of people. The more struggling, the smaller the encirclement.

After a while, Kang Shuaifu was forced to support the left and the right.

In desperation, he had to shout at Xue An: "Hey, are you just looking at it like this?"

Xue An seemed to smile, "Then what do you think of me?"

"Come here and help!" Kang Shuaifu said angrily.

"Help? Just rely on such a human race? Old fellow, are you here to be funny?" a man laughed.

Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly, "Old man Kang, it seems that these people of yours are not as smart as you brag!"

"Damn, kid, dare you laugh at us? I'll show you some color now!" A man left the battle group and went straight to Xue An.

Xue An didn't even lift his eyelids, and snapped his fingers.


The man was directly bombed out and exploded into powder in the air.

Seeing this scene, these people who were besieging Kang Shuaifu were all surprised.

Xue An has lost patience.

The longer you stay in the abyss, the more variables there will be on the earth.

So he looked down at the ground under his feet, took a slow and deep breath, and stepped down.


Under the tremendous force of this foot, the space was smashed to pieces, and passed down like a domino.

After the loud bang, the entire star trembled a few times in a visible range, and a huge footprint appeared on the ground.

These guards were stunned by this kind of overpowering power.

at the same time.

A roar of fright and anger came from the middle of the mainland.


"Who dares to come to my demonic clan to make trouble?"

Following the voice, UU read www.uukā, but saw the figures flying straight up, and instantly enveloped the sky.

Standing at the front are three men with different looks.

The ages of the three are very different, and the elderly are already gray-haired.

And the young one is just a youth.

But no matter how old they are, the three of them are enveloped in a black qi, obviously very powerful.

"Human race powerhouse, why do you want to destroy our race land?" the oldest man asked coldly.

Xue An smiled slightly, "It's nothing, just tell you to come over!"

"Notify us to come over?"

Xue An didn't say a word, turned his side slightly, and Kang Shuaifu, who had recovered his human form, stepped forward with a complicated expression.

"Disciple, do you still recognize as a teacher?"

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