Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1725: Do you know my name?

As soon as he said this, the old man trembled all over, then looked at Kang Shuaifu with a confused face.

"you are……."

Kang Shuaifu sighed softly, and suddenly said a large number of obscure syllables.

After listening, the old man thumped and fell to his knees, then knocked his head with excitement.

"Master, I thought you had already died in the hands of the evil god, but I didn't expect you to be alive! Where have you been for so many years?"

Shuaifu Kang shook his head and smiled bitterly, "This is a long story. Get up first!"

The old man just got up.

From the beginning to the end, the two men standing behind him did not move anything, but looked at Kang Shuaifu and Xue An with indifference.

"The two of them are..." Kang Shuaifu asked.

The old man hurriedly introduced: "Master, they are all rising stars of our demons, this one is called Zhan Qianchen, this one is called Jue Wanfa!"

Among the new generation of demons, it has become a common practice to take human names.

So this is not surprising.

But the two of them stared coldly at Kang Shuaifu, not even a slight smile.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Kang Shuaifu's complexion gradually became gloomy.

The old man saw that the atmosphere was wrong, and quickly stood up to make a round.

"Master, you must be very tired, please go and rest with the apprentice first!"

With that, he wanted to lead Kang Shuaifu away.

But at this moment, Zhan Qianchen stepped forward and blocked his way.


The old man was taken aback, "Qianchen, you..."

Zhan Qianchen said coldly: "He can go, but these two human races can't! Who knows if they are spies sent by the evil god?"

"Yes! And I doubt it, since this senior hasn't seen each other for hundreds of years, why did he suddenly appear at this time?" Duan Wanfa also sneered.

"You..." Kang Shuaifu was so depressed that he almost vomited blood.

Originally full of joy, I thought everything would be fine after returning to the Demon Race.

But I didn't expect that I hadn't appeared for hundreds of years, but things had become like this!

In particular, he was scorned by younger generations one after another, which really made him a little unable to come to stage.

But Xue An laughed after listening.

"A group of ignorant juniors shivering in the corner, dare to show off in front of me?"

The audience was shocked when he said this!


"Where did the kid dare to be so presumptuous!"

The expression in Zhan Qianchen's eyes instantly became cold, "Okay! Very good! It seems that our demonic clan hasn't been out for too long, even the trivial humans dare to be presumptuous in front of me!"

"Are you presumptuous?" Xue An smiled faintly, "I don't think so!"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone only felt that there was a flower in front of them, and Xue An's figure disappeared in place. When he reappeared, he had already come close to Zhan Qianchen, and then raised his hand with a loud slap.


After a crisp sound, this Zhan Qianchen was flew away hundreds of feet away.

And Xue An stood proudly in place, and said lightly: "What do you think?"

The whole audience was quiet and terrible for a moment.

The pupils of the broken ten thousand law shrank to the size of a needle tip, and the momentum of the whole body suddenly became violent.

But before he could do anything, Zhan Qianchen, who was about to be mad, rushed forward with a roar.

But just rushing to the front, Xue An's palm was like a ghost, drawing it again at an incredible angle.


Zhan Qianchen was fanned out again, this time even the other half of his face was swollen.

"Have you taken it?" Xue Anyi asked dispiritedly.

Zhan Qianchen let out a sharp roar, directly revealing the original form of his body, rushing towards Xue An infinitely furious.

He hadn't suffered such humiliation yet, and was slapped twice by a human race that he had always looked down upon, so now he can't wait to tear Xue An directly to pieces.

When Xue An saw this, a cold color flashed in his eyes. When Zhan Qianchen just rushed to the front, he suddenly raised his foot and stepped on it.


With a burst of intensive explosions, Zhan Qianchen let out a miserable cry, and most of the body bones were crushed by Xue An's foot.

But he still refused, Qiang tried to raise his head since he was struggling, but Xue An just said coldly at this time.

"Don't move, move again, I don't mind stepping on your head directly!"

Accompanied by the voice, there is a shocking intent.

Zhan Qianchen, who had always been rebellious, actually made Lingling shudder at this moment, and then he really didn't dare to move anymore.

Because he had no doubt about Xue An's determination to kill him.

Therefore, Xue An defeated the Zhan Qianchen in just one face, and then looked around the audience like iron.

Everyone was shocked wherever they went.

Even if it was Suan Wanfa, he couldn't help taking a half step back pale.

Kang Shuaifu was also stupid.

He never expected that things would turn out to be like this.

As soon as he touched him, the white-clothed boy couldn't lift his head.

What does he want to do?

At this moment, Xue An said calmly: "What I just said, are you very unconvinced?"

Suddenly hummed coldly, which was regarded as a response.

Xue An smiled coldly, "But what I said is indeed correct, you are just a bunch of trash who only dare to hide and show off! Don't rush to refute!"

"In the face of the evil **** that is pressing every step of the way, what have you done?"

Xue An's questioning left these demons speechless.

It was a long time before I heard Wan Faqiang calmly said, "What does this have to do with you?"

"Well said! It really doesn't matter! Actually, if it wasn't for something that needs to be understood clearly, I wouldn't bother to come here at all!"

"As for whether you are alive or dead, it has nothing to do with me!"

Shuaifu Kang opened his mouth to say something, and finally closed his mouth with a bitter face.

Once upon a time he thought that Xue An was thinking of using the power of the devil to deal with the Lord of the Abyss.

But only now did he understand that Xue An had no such idea at all.

Because he simply doesn't look down on the power of the demons.

This discovery made him a little angry, but unable to refute it.

"Big...sir, please calm down. Both of them are demons that have only grown up in the past 100 years. They are ignorant. Please don't be familiar with them!" The old man made a round once again.

Xue An smiled faintly, "General knowledge?"

Then he shook his head, "You are wrong, if I want to be more serious, he is already a dead body now!"

With that, Xue An's feet lifted slightly.

Zhan Qianchen flashed away, and then stood up with a face full of humiliation, and the eyes that looked at Xue An were full of fear and hatred.

Xue An didn't bother to pay attention to this at all, and said lightly: "Now I just want to know, do those demons who took refuge in the abyss evil **** have contact with you?"

If Xue An's dominance made all these demons frightened, then these words now set off an uproar.

"Dare to ask you, what do you mean by this?" The old man's face also showed a cold look.

Xue An smiled faintly, "It's very simple, I want to find them, and then use them to find the Lord of the Abyss!"

"Lord of the Abyss? What are you looking for for the Lord of the Abyss?" Now he couldn't help but ask in amazement.

"There are some accounts, I need to calculate with him! What? Is there a problem?" Xue An said slowly.

The audience was quiet and terrible.

Everyone's eyes flashed with It was not until a long time later that Zhan Qianchen suddenly sneered.

"What a joke, how much the Lord of the Abyss exists, countless people have tried to find him to settle accounts, but they all failed! You want to deal with him alone? This is just wishful thinking!"

This is also the voice of almost everyone present.

But Xue An smiled coldly, and then gave Zhan Qianchen a light glance.

Zhan Qianchen's face turned pale, and he involuntarily stepped back a few steps.

"I know many people have failed, but I am different from them!"

"Where is it different?"

"Do you know who I am?" Xue An asked suddenly.

"Oh? Then dare to ask your name?" Zhan Qianchen smiled sarcastically.

"My name is Xue An! But people generally call me Red Lotus Immortal Venerable, I hope you have heard of this name!"

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