
Extremely quiet!

The eyes of everyone present were opened to the fullest.

Especially this Zhan Qianchen is even more daunting.

Red Lotus Immortal!

This name is so remote and so shocking.

Even if they lived in the abyss, they had heard of this name more than once.

Only Kang Shuai, who has been caught in the **** of killing for hundreds of years, is relatively unfamiliar with this name.

Because Xue An ascended to the top of the Immortal Venerable, he happened to be out of the heavens when he became famous.

But he is not a fool.

The word "Xianzun" alone was enough to shock him.

This boy is actually Xianzun?

My mother, isn't that the well-deserved first person in the heavens?

Even the Lord of the Abyss cannot be his opponent!

Thoughts flashed in Kang Shuaifu's mind.

But at this moment, Zhan Qianchen suddenly shouted: "Impossible! Isn't the Red Lotus Immortal Venerable already fallen? What's more, if you really are the Immortal Venerable, you can search the abyss in an instant, and you have to spend all the trouble Huh? So you can never be him!"

"Well said!" Xue An applauded lightly and said with a smile: "But have you ever thought about it, what if I reincarnated again?"

Zhan Qianchen was speechless for an instant, and could only stare at Xue An in a daze.

At this time, Xue An went on to say: "I know what you are worried about. Many of the demons who take refuge in the evil gods are the eyeliners sent by you. If it is exposed, you will lose even the last hole card!"

"But what I want this time is the life of the Lord of the Abyss, as long as it is completed, then you will naturally have no worries!"

"How? Are you interested in making a deal?" Xue An said with a smile.

You must know that the abyssal demons are known for their preference for dealing with people, but they generally appear as almsgiver.

Unexpectedly, when the position was reversed, Xue An became the upper hand.

"How do we know if you will succeed? Because, as you said, you have been reincarnated and rebuilt, which means that your current strength is far from recovering, so how can you be the opponent of the Lord of the Abyss?" Wanfa's thinking is obviously much clearer.

Xue An smiled and shook his head, "This is a good question, but you don't need to think about it! Because...I will definitely succeed, there is no second possibility!"

Everyone was moved by the powerful self-signaling revealed in words.

"Let's think about it!"

In the face of this kind of problem that concerns the survival of the ethnic group, the little friction before it becomes insignificant.

Even Zhan Qianchen converged his inner emotions and got together for a serious discussion.

But Kang Shuaifu didn't go over, but approached Xue An and said softly, "Master Xianzun, do you really want to do this?"

"Of course, is there any problem?" Xue An said with a smile.


"Why, are you scared?" Xue An said leisurely.

Kang Shuaifu was silent.

Yes, he was really scared.

As someone who has had direct contact with the Lord of the Abyss, he knows better than anyone how terrifying the Lord of the Abyss is.

In fact, the entire evil **** was born because of him.

And his origin has always been a mystery.

People only know that he suddenly appeared in the abyss, then swept the abyss with weird and unpredictable power, and ended the demon's eternal glory.

Xue An suddenly patted him on the shoulder, "Sometimes fear doesn't solve the problem, but it makes the problem worse!"

"Do you want to be a coward for a lifetime, or do you want to be a hero, even for a few minutes?"

Xue An's words made Kang Shuaifu's eyes bright and colorful, and finally he sighed softly: "Sometimes I really doubt whether we are the devil or you are the devil, how can I be more proficient in bewitching people's hearts than me!"

Xue An laughed, "Of course it is you! Because I can't look down on you demons!"

At this moment, the three people who had finished their discussions came over again.

At this time, their attitude became much more respectful than before.

Even Zhan Qianchen didn't dare to have the slightest bit of resentment.

Because he knew very well that the young man in front of him had given himself a lot of face because he hadn't killed himself just now.

If you don't know how to praise, then you are really looking for death.

"How? How are you thinking about it?"

"Master Xianzun, we only have one last question now!"


"After you destroy the Lord of the Abyss, what will you do next?" Duan Wanfa looked at Xue An with piercing eyes.

"I am not interested in this lifeless abyss!" Xue An said bluntly.

Upon hearing these words, the three people finally let out a sigh of relief.

"Okay! In that case, we will accompany you to bet this one! I just hope you don't let us down!" Jue Wanfa solemnly said.

"Smart choice!"


Xue An followed them to the magic palace located in the middle of the mainland.

The three of them carefully took out a piece of jade-like bone.

"Master Xianzun, this is our tool to contact those adults who have penetrated into the evil **** in an emergency!"

After speaking, I saw that the three of them put a curse on each of them.

In an instant, light waves emerged from this bone, and then condensed into a mirror in mid-air.

A messy image appeared in the mirror first, and then gradually became clear.

at last.

A huge rabbit appeared in the mirror.

I saw it squatting on a chair and said with a serious face: "Is there anything wrong with contacting me in such a hurry?"

The three hurriedly gave a salute, "I have seen Master Demon! The reason why I am so anxious to contact you is because someone wants to see you!"

"Someone wants to see me? Fooling around! Do you know how secret my identity is? If something goes wrong, wouldn't it be a waste of work?" Rabbit said angrily.

At this moment, Xue An walked to the mirror and said with a smile: "Long time no see!"

The rabbit's expression was immediately dull.

This rabbit was exactly the one Xue An had encountered before in Lost Paradise and slaughtered the King of Light.

At that time, the King of Light summoned it and wanted to make a deal with it to deal with Xue An.

But it was categorically rejected ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then Xue An appeared and startled the rabbit away.

Unexpectedly, it was the eyeliner of the abyss demon into the evil god.

In this way, it would be able to explain why it would deal with the subordinates of the evil **** like the King of Light.

"Big...sir! Why are you?" the rabbit said tremblingly.

"Why can't it be me?" Xue An said with a smile.

"Ah... I didn't mean that! I just don't understand, why are you in the Demon Clan?"

"It's very simple! Because we have reached a deal, now...you and I are on the same front!" Xue An smiled happily.

The rabbit was silent, and after a while, he said in a nearly groaning tone: "You... are you going to deal with the Lord of the Abyss?"

"It seems I finally met a smart man!"

"So tell me now, where is it!"

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