After a long silence, the rabbit smiled bitterly and said: "My lord does not know something. The Lord of the Abyss is extremely vigilant, and his whereabouts are even more mysterious. Unless the people around him, it is impossible. Know its whereabouts!"

Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly, but did not speak, because he knew that there would be something to follow.


After thinking about it for a while, the rabbit seemed to have made some determination, and said in a determined tone: "But one person must know its whereabouts!"


The rabbit took a deep breath, "It's the current leader of the evil god, the daughter of the abyss, Akana!"

Hearing this name, Zhan Qianchen and the others changed their expressions, and a deep fear appeared in their eyes.

Because that is the real top evil god, second only to the existence of the Lord of the Abyss.

With their strength, let alone getting close, they can't even try to understand.

Xue An didn't care at all, but said with interest: "Oh? Cthulhu leader? Where is she now?"

"She lives in the blood sea city at the bottom of the abyss, and she rarely shows up, and it is even more impossible to get close, but this time she has a rare opportunity!"

The rabbit paused, and then went on and said: "The sacred tree in the blood sea city is about to bear the blood sea ghost flame fruit that only occurs once in a thousand years. This is a very valuable divine object to the evil god. So every result will be a grand banquet, and this time is no exception!"

"Three days later, Akana will hold a Blood Sea Feast in Blood Sea City, and I happened to receive an invitation, so we can take this opportunity to enter Blood Sea City, but the premise is..."

The rabbit raised his head and looked at Xue An with piercing eyes, "You must be sure to subdue this evil **** leader, so that it is possible to know the whereabouts of the Lord of the Abyss from her mouth!"

Zhan Qianchen, Jue Wanfa and others all showed tragic expressions upon hearing this.

Because it seemed to them an impossible task.

But Xue An didn't even blink his eyelids, and said faintly: "Well, as long as there is a chance to find out the whereabouts of the Lord of the Abyss, then leave the rest to me!"

The rabbit nodded, and then sent a coordinate.

"How inconvenient I am now, you can follow this coordinate to find me, three days later, we will go to Blood Sea City together!"

After that, the connection is disconnected.

Xue An accepted the space-time coordinates, and after a moment of indulgence, turned around and smiled at these people.

"Excuse me, what is the name of this rabbit? I just forgot to ask!"

Everyone: "..."

On that day, Xue An did not leave, but directly lived in this demon planet.

Facing this human race powerhouse who crushed him in terms of strength and identity, the mood of these demons was very complicated.

On the one hand, they hope that Xue An can really destroy the Lord of the Abyss and give these oppressed demons a chance.

At the same time, he was full of vigilance against the rise of the human race.

Xue An naturally knows these things.

But he just smiled faintly and ignored it.

Even if you don’t like some things, you have to learn to get used to it, because in this world, you still have to speak with your strength.

In this weird atmosphere, Xue An and An Yan stayed here for one night. It was not until the next day that Xue An flew up with An Yan and disappeared into the abyss.

Looking at his distant back, Kang Shuaifu suddenly sighed.

I really don't know what kind of storm this young man will stir in the abyss!

According to the coordinates left by this rabbit named Taifeng Demon Venerable, Xue An only rushed to the location in half a day.

Unexpectedly, this place is not a barbaric place, but a prosperous starry sky.

In the starry sky, there is a lavender planet, the planet is not big, but there is a huge city built on it.

Countless ships are coming in and going out here, it seems very busy.

Xue An led An Yan to the ground, as if he had fallen into a bustling market.

Various ethnic groups come and go on the streets, and the shops on the roadside are row upon row. The chants of various tones are mixed together, and there is a unique lively atmosphere.

Under this situation, the appearance of Xue An and An Yan also seemed less conspicuous.

"Wow, my husband, look over there, it's so lively over there!" An Yan's eyes are almost running out, and she gleefully looked around, curious about everything.

No matter when or where it is, the nature of a woman's shopping love will not change.

Xue An smiled and nodded in response, feeling a trace of guilt in his heart.

For such a long time, Yan'er has been tossing around in the heavens with herself, and she has never complained at all.

But I rarely accompany her to relax.

Even the easiest shopping is not a few times.

Thinking of this, Xue An couldn't help but smile and said, "Does it feel strange?"

"Yeah! I found there are so many things that I have never seen before!" An Yan looked like a child who had discovered a novel toy, with excited eyes shining.

With a move in Xue An's heart, he directly released the thoughts and thoughts in the Fubao Xiaolou.

When the two little girls saw the bustling scene outside, they couldn't help being a little confused.

"Wow, dad, where is this place? It's so lively!" I asked in astonishment.

"Yeah, why are there so many weird guys?" Nian Nian said in amazement.

Xue An smiled, "This is a place where thousands of races gather, so naturally it looks very lively! Let's go, and see if there is anything fun!"

Then Xue An took a leisurely stroll and led the family around.

I have to say that the items on sale here are truly dazzling.

There are all kinds of things you can't think of, here are everything.

Now Anyan can be regarded as a shopping addiction.

However, after a while, Xue An had many strange gadgets in his hands.

Even so, An Yan still had no intention of ending.

Xue An didn't just followed behind him with a smile, very competently as a humanoid mobile shelf and a ruthless payment machine.

But just as Anyan was on the enthusiastic shopping spree, a group of people appeared calmly behind Xue An and others.

These people pretend very well, at least they can't see the slightest clue from their appearance, just like normal passers-by.

But in Xue An's eyes, these disguise are simply ridiculous.

The coordinated pace has already sold them out.

The corners of Xue An's mouth gradually raised, revealing a cold and murderous smile.


Actually came here!

at the same time.

In a tall building in the distance, a young man in Chinese clothes with a face full of excitement said: "Have you kept up?"

"Back to Master, our people have already followed!"

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