Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1728: Someone wants to take shortcuts!

"Good! Good!" The young man was overjoyed and said a few good words before saying greedily: "Remember to tell me to go down, that girl, I want to live!"

"Don't worry, young master, I have already ordered that this woman will be delivered to you intact!" This man has a narrow smile on his face that I know.

The Chinese-clothed boy was already a little uncontrollable, pacing back and forth in the house excitedly.

Today, he just stopped by to take a look at the excitement, but he caught a glimpse of Anyan, who was shopping spree on the street.

He was shocked at that time.

This place is so beautiful?

You must know that An Yan deliberately used secret methods to cover up his true appearance in order to reduce unnecessary trouble.

But this Chinese-clothed young man happened to have real eyes and could see through all concealment techniques.

So he could see An Yan's true face at a glance.

Although there are many ethnic groups in the heavens, the mainstream aesthetics are similar.

What's more, this Chinese-clothed boy was closer to the human race in blood origin, so he was immediately shocked.

Then he became excited about it.

Because in his eyes, this woman is not only beautiful and beautiful, but more importantly, the aura on her body shows that she has a very high talent for cultivation.

Only such a woman can be worthy of her own identity!

The young man in Huafu shouted in his heart and immediately sent his men to investigate.

These subordinates of his were already familiar with this kind of thing, so they followed Anyan without moving a look.

Although Xue An could see through these tricks at a glance, he didn't say anything and just walked quietly.

An Yan was ignorant of these, and continued to go shopping happily.

It wasn't until an hour later that she stopped tiredly, "Hhoo, so tired! Husband, you..."

An Yan turned around and looked around, only to realize that Xue An was about to be overwhelmed by the things she had bought. She was taken aback for a moment, and then stuck out her tongue in embarrassment.

"Sorry husband, I was excited for a while, I bought a lot of things!"

"Mom, you don't call too much, but too much!" The same thought, holding various things, poking out his head and grinning.

Xue An just smiled and sent these things into the Fubao Xiaolou, then clapped his hands and said with a smile.

"Not much, how can my wife buy more things! Want to stop shopping?"

In fact, Xue An could put these things away early, but he felt that holding them with his hands was the greatest respect for Anyan, who worked hard to shop.

An Yan naturally saw this. The happiness of being spoiled made her eyes bend into crescents, "No, I'm also a little tired! Let's get to business now!"

At this moment, thinking about it, I couldn't help but yelled, "Hey, Mom and Dad, can you move the things from the two of us first before showing affection?"

Only then did An Yan woke up and hurriedly put away the things carried by the two little girls with an apologetic expression.

"Dad, where are we going next?" I asked curiously, thinking about the activity of the sour little hands.

Xue An smiled, and from the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of the people who were approaching here, and said lightly: "First solve a little trouble, and then do business!"

Little trouble?

An Yan was startled.

At this moment, these men with grim faces gathered around.

This place is far away from the former prosperous place, and the flow of people around is not large, especially when they see this group of angry men, many people avoid it with interest.

So the surroundings quickly quieted down.

Seeing this scene, An Yan's expression sank, she guarded the two little girls behind her, and said in a deep voice, "Husband, what are these guys?"

Xue An said with a faint smile: "If I guessed correctly, it should be for you!"

"At me?" An Yan still didn't understand what it meant.

I saw a leading man step forward and said lightly: "This girl, my young master is waiting for you in a teahouse not far away. He wants to invite you over for a cup of tea!"

"Your young master?" An Yan was even more confused.

"Yes, my young master is the son of the famous Tianyu Cthulhu. He has been enamored with the girl since seeing the girl, so I want to ask the girl to tell you about her past!" the man said proudly.

An Yan finally understood what was going on, her pretty face instantly flushed with anger.

"I don't know anything from Heavenly Jade Hell, so get out of here! Otherwise, don't blame the old lady for being polite!"

An Yan's reaction was unexpected by the speaking man.

He thought that if he said the four words Tianyu Evil God, the other party would definitely obey.

But I didn't expect it to be counterproductive and let myself go!

At this time, the man's face instantly became gloomy.

"Woman, I hope you can figure out who you are talking to. It is also your blessing for my young master to see you. Go back with us obediently, and have your own chance..."

Before he could finish speaking, An Yan was like a cat with blown up fur, flipped his wrist, took out the pan that hadn't been seen in front of people for a long time, and rushed up.

"Woman, you are playing with fire!" The man snorted coldly, and said indifferently.

"I'm going to **** you!" An Yan was about to explode, and when he raised his hand, it was a pan.

Now An Yan's cultivation base is still half-step true immortal, this strength is simply too common in this abyss.

At least this man didn't care at all. He raised his hand and wanted to shoot this strange weapon in his eyes.

But he never expected that as soon as his hand reached halfway, Lei Zun in the pan cheered and thundered down a beam of thunder.

"Dare to bully my mistress, I'll let you zoom in!"


This blow was completely beyond the man's expectation, so he was hit hard by thunder.

Thunder Light itself has a strong ability to restrain the evil god's belonging.

In addition, this Lei Zun was recast from Ye Hanshang's blood of the Immortal King, so with just one blow, the man was almost destroyed.

"Grab this woman, take her back to the young master for disposal!" The man roared furiously.

The rest of the people moved.

But right here, just a sigh came from behind There are millions of roads in the world, but why do people always want to take shortcuts? "

As soon as this statement came out, these strong men who were going to attack An Yan instantly solidified in place, and they couldn't even blink their eyelids.

Then their eyes showed infinite horror.

Because they were shocked to discover that not only their bodies could not move, but even the spirits were imprisoned together.

At the same time, Xue An said calmly: "If you dare to hit my woman's idea, then I will teach you what is a lesson of blood!"

Talk about it.

The throats of these powerhouses made a terrifying gurgling sound, and then it melted completely like a candle and turned into blood.

But Xue An, who had done all this, didn't even lift his eyelids, and said lightly: "Go!"

"What are you doing?" An Yan was still a little confused.


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