Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1732: Human men should taste good

at last.

Tianyu Cthulhu's struggle gradually became sluggish, and finally fell to the ground, never moving anymore.

It wasn't until his body completely turned into a piece of coke that the flame covering it rose suddenly, then circled Xue An, and finally disappeared into Xue An's palm.

Seeing this scene, no matter whether they were present or spying in secret, everyone's expressions became very solemn.

Because this showed that the young man in white had controlled the flames of the Evil God of Heavenly Jade only through ordinary contact, and turned against the guest, and successfully eliminated the Evil God of Heaven.

This kind of method is incredible.

But the coke on the ground that was blowing green smoke silently told everyone that all this was true.

At this moment, he smiled slightly when he saw Xue An raising his head and rushing to everyone who had fallen into a petrified state.

"I'm sorry, it seems that he has started a little harder, but I didn't expect him to be so casually beaten!"

No one dared to speak, but unanimously gave way.


Patriarch is dead, who would dare to oppose this young man.

Xue An smiled when he saw it, and then gently took An Yan's hand, lifted his foot over the corpse on the ground, and walked inside.

Wherever they passed, everyone retreated, no one dared to look up.

Taifeng stared at Xue An's back blankly, then lowered his head to look at the dead body on the ground, and suddenly shuddered.

He had been thinking just now, what method should be used to get out after encountering this Tianyu evil god.

But never expected that Xue An's response methods would be so rough and direct.

Actually killed this Heavenly Jade Evil God directly.

And it only took a few breaths in total.

The Taifeng finally understood why this master had such a great reputation among the heavens!

That was all made with blood!

After pondering for a while, Tai Feng hurriedly followed and disappeared into the street quickly.

at the same time.

The entire Blood Sea City boiled again.

"The Holy Lord is here, am I dreaming?" Someone said with a look of surprise.

"I actually burned him to death with Tianyu's own flame, what is this?"

"Where did this boy come from?"

These questions and consternation made the evil gods a little bit unable to sit still.

At this moment, An Yan who was walking with him suddenly lowered his voice and said, "Husband!"


"Are you in the realm of the fairy king now?"

"Why do you say that?" Xue An asked with a smile.

"Because the guy who just died is very strong, but he didn't even survive two moves in front of you!" An Yan also exclaimed.

Xue An smiled slightly, "It's not because of how strong I am, but this guy is too stupid!"

In fact, if Xue An was able to kill the Heavenly Jade according to normal conditions, he would have to spend some time and effort, and it would never be so easy.

But the death of Tianyu was because he actually tried to use flames to deal with Xue An.

This is simply looking for death.

Therefore Xue An fulfilled him.

"Oh!" An Yan nodded, but soon said very seriously: "Then what level of strength is your husband? I feel that there are powerful and powerful people everywhere in this city. Whoever!"

This is what An Yan has been worried about.

After all, with the progress of the situation, the enemy Xue An will face is becoming more and more powerful.

Especially this City of Blood Sea, An Yan was shocked.

So she was very worried that Xue An could retreat in such a sinister environment.

Xue An squeezed An Yan's nose when he heard the words.

"Don't worry, although your husband and I are not the immortal king, I still have the ability to protect myself, and I have a sense of measure!"

An Yan nodded.

Taifeng who followed was dumbfounded.


This adult is not even the fairy king now?

Then how did he kill Heavenly Jade with a single blow?

This is not the key. The key is how to deal with the Lord of the Abyss with such strength?

You know, the Lord of the Abyss claims to have the strength of the quasi-immortal emperor!

Although it is said that this lord is Xianzun's return, but with such a huge power gap, Taifeng's heart still sinks.

I really don’t know if this battle can be won!

And just when the entire Blood Sea City was raging because of Xue An's killing of the Evil God of Heaven on the street.

In a luxurious house in the middle of Blood Sea City.

A beautiful lady sitting on the throne suddenly laughed after reading the message in her hand.

"Interesting! Really interesting!"

"Honorable King, what are you talking about interesting?" the butler on the side asked with a smile.

That's right!

This woman is the Lord of the Blood Sea City, the leader of the Cthulhu, and Akana, the Daughter of the Abyss.

"Haha, it's nothing, just saw what happened on the street today!"

"Are you talking about the evil **** of Tianyu?"

Akana nodded and asked, "What do you think?"

The housekeeper pondered for a moment, and then said: "It's weird!"

"Oh? Why?" Akana asked with interest.

"Because this man is obviously a human race, then the question is, what does a human race suddenly come to our blood sea city to do? Especially he is still with Taifeng, this is even more strange!"

Akana laughed a few times, "That's right, the purpose of this boy is obviously not that simple!"

"Then or I will send someone now..."

Akana waved her hand, and said proudly: "You don't have to be like this. It's just a human race. Even if he is strong, this is the blood sea city, which is the territory of our evil god! What storms can he cause? People are staring, and I guess that by the time of tomorrow’s **** feast, this human race should take the initiative to reveal the purpose of this trip!"

Upon hearing this, the housekeeper bowed his head and said: "Yes!"

Then he retreated.

Akana sat for a while, then picked up the stone of mind on the table with today's image, and watched it again.

When she saw Xue An's cold and arrogant figure, she couldn't help licking her lips greedily.

The taste of a human man... should be good!

One day passed in an instant.

By the next day, when it was too early, Blood Sea City had become very lively.

Cthulhu from all quarters gathered in front of the city lord's looking at the door eagerly.

These strong men who can be placed anywhere is sufficient to deter one party, and they all become very well-behaved at this moment.

at last.

The door of the City Lord's Mansion slowly opened.

The butler walked out the door and said solemnly: "Please come in, everyone! Lord City Lord is already waiting in the banquet hall!"

These evil gods just couldn't wait to flood in.

Soon, these evil gods all walked in.

The housekeeper just wanted to turn around and leave.

At this moment, Xue An and his party appeared in the distance of the street.

When he saw the boy in white, the housekeeper's complexion couldn't help but sink.

She was very impressed with the person who had a turmoil yesterday.

Unexpectedly, he really came.

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