Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1733: Under the power, the gods and ghosts are shocked!

Xue An slowly walked across the long street and came to the gate of the city lord's mansion.

The butler stood on the steps and looked at him coldly, without any intention of giving way.

The atmosphere instantly became stagnant.

Taifeng standing behind Xue An just wanted to speak when he saw Xue An stepping up the steps, and then walked up without any haste.

A cold light suddenly flashed in the eyes of this housekeeper.

She originally wanted to give this Human Race teenager who didn't know where to come out to get his horse.

She never thought that the other party hadn't even looked at her directly, how could this not make her angry.

She snorted and took a step forward, intending to block Xue An's path.

But at this moment, Xue An suddenly raised his eyes and glanced at him coldly.

It was this glance that made the steward froze in place and could not move.

What kind of look is that!

It is deep like the sea, but also contains infinite indifference.

As if a **** descended to the world, looking down at his people.

The butler was terrified.

At the same time, Xue Anye has stepped up.

The housekeeper stepped aside almost completely subconsciously, and walked away.

Xue An just passed her by, and never said a word from beginning to end.

This silent silence suppressed the housekeeper's breath, and could only watch Xue An walk into the city lord's mansion.

At this time, Taifeng, who hurriedly caught up, couldn't help but marvel as he passed the butler.

Just a look in the eyes forced the steward to give way, how powerful an adult!

But he didn't know that after he left, the butler showed a hint of hesitation on his face, and then he wanted to leave.

But at this moment, a small flame suddenly rose from under his feet.

She froze for a moment, and then opened her mouth in pain to scream.

But the flame spread extremely fast, almost instantaneously, the bright red flame gushed out from her mouth and eyes, and then burned it into ashes.

Entering this huge city lord's mansion, Xue An's steps did not slow down.

On the contrary, every step he took, the momentum on his body became violent.

In the end, a torrent of weather condensed and formed over his head, and the whole sky that was disturbed changed color.

Following this, Tai Feng stared at this scene dumbfounded, and a thought suddenly rose in his mind.

Could it be that your lord is going to do it now?

At the same time, such tyrannical aura naturally alarmed all the evil gods in the banquet hall.

Akana, who was originally sitting on the throne in a bored manner, accepted the evil gods from all sides, was shocked, and then suddenly got up, looking outside with a look of astonishment.

The Cthulhu in the audience also changed.

"This momentum... is the human man from yesterday!" someone exclaimed.

Akana's complexion gradually calmed down, and she closed her eyes lightly. When she opened them again, the water-cut pupils had become a pair of vertical pupils full of infinite indifference and killing intent.

And under her white to almost transparent skin, a trace of weird cyan pattern is emerging.

at the same time.

Xue An's figure has also appeared at the entrance of the banquet hall.

At this moment, he was dressed in a white robe without wind, and his whole person was like an immortal who was about to melt away at any time, full of invisible mist.

And a whirlpool formed by the shocking weather turned the top of his head slowly.

The brutal murderous intention enveloped the audience, making many evil gods shocked.

Akana's pair of vertical pupils gradually narrowed into a gap, which flashed with extremely evil light.

"Yesterday, I was thinking, what did you do when the human race suddenly came to our evil god's territory, now I understand!"

Xue An raised his head and smiled silently at Akana, who was above the throne.

"Oh? What do you understand?"

Akana sneered a few times, "You came with such a powerful killing intent, don't you want to destroy all the existence on the scene?"

Xue An nodded, "Yes! You guessed it right!"


"It's a joke!"

This group of evil gods sneered.

Because in their opinion, this is just like a joke.

With so many powerhouses gathered in one's own main venue, only a human youth wanted to destroy everyone.

Isn't this a foolish dream?

Akana couldn't help but sneered a few times, "I want to deal with me on my own. Should I praise you for being brave, or should I say you are arrogant?"

"Whatever you think, I don't care!" Xue An said indifferently.

When speaking, the aura on his body was beginning to rise at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Akana smiled.

Because of her face at the moment, she laughed like a nightmare, terrifying and evil.

"Actually, I am very interested in you. After all, I am tired of the creatures in the abyss, but I have never met a human man like you! So..."

Akana spit out her tongue like a snake letter, and licked her lips lightly, "I will save you later and enjoy it!"

Speaking of this, Akana looked up to the sky and laughed. In the laughter, her hair suddenly began to grow wildly, and then turned into a venomous snake, and went straight to Xue An.

Wherever it passed, the stench of the smell made the space dull and toxic.

Upon seeing this, Tai Feng screamed and hurriedly hid behind Xue An.

Akana snorted when she saw it, "Taifeng, I have entrusted you with a heavy responsibility, but you dare to betray me, then I will make you a snake puppet, so that you will never live beyond life!"

Taifeng was scared to death.

Because he knew too well the strength of this Akana.

This Akana is the daughter of the abyss, inheriting the most violent part of the blood of the master of the abyss.

This is why she can become the leader of the evil god.

Because in terms of lethality, she can be said to be the most powerful of all the blood of the Lord of the Abyss.

But these venomous snakes just rushed to Xue An and were blocked by an invisible barrier.

But these poisonous snakes suddenly opened their mouths and vomited a cloud of black mist.

The mist was invisible and innocent, and directly crossed this barrier and rushed towards Xue An.

Before being physically present, Xue An's hair was slightly scorched by the poison.

Xue An raised his eyebrows but instead of retreating, she took a step forward.

"Looking for death!" The evil **** grinned when he saw it.

But the next second he couldn't laugh.

Because at this moment, a red lotus appeared out of thin air, turned slightly, and all the black mist was swept away.

Even the poisonous snakes with those hairs screamed, and then turned into ashes silently.

Akana screamed, "This flame..."

For the first time, the color of horror appeared in his eyes.

Xue An smiled coldly, "Don't worry, this is just the beginning!"

With the voice, another white flame emerged out of thin air, fusing with the red lotus in the air.

As soon as the two were combined, an extremely violent force rose to the sky, covering the entire Blood Sea City.

Under the power, the gods and ghosts are shocked!

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