Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1734: Red lotus white fire, kill!

Akana's complexion was extremely solemn, and she did not dare to contempt Xue An the slightest.

"who are you!"

Xue An stood proudly, "My name is Xue An! You can also call me... Red Lotus Immortal Venerable!"

Red Lotus Immortal! ! !

This word shocked all the evil gods.

Akana was even more angry, but she calmed down.

"You are not Xianzun!"

Akana knows very well that if the other party is really Immortal Venerable, then one finger can crush the entire Blood Sea City.

Xue An smiled, "Yes, not now!"

Somehow, after seeing Xue An's smile, even Akana, who was accustomed to seeing the evil, couldn't help but shudder.

Akana took a deep breath, "Whether you are or not, the abyss is a place independent of the heavens. What do you intend to do here?"

Xue An's eyes moved slightly, "You really don't know?"

"what do you know?"

Xue An's eyes suddenly became interesting, and he suddenly raised his hand.

The seal in the palm of the hand was released.

Wen Linglong's soul was released.

After feeling the familiar aura from the outside world, Wen Linglong was startled first, and then screamed frantically.

"Sister, save me!"

Akana was surprised, "Wen Linglong?"

Then he looked at Xue An, "What's going on?"

Xue An smiled, "It's nothing, I just want him to see you before he died!"

After all, Xue An's spirit swept across.

Wen Linglong let out a terrible howl, and then he was shattered to pieces.

Although Akana and Wen Linglong belong to the same bloodline of the abyss, they are far away from each other.

Even their last names are different.

But Xue An didn't say anything, and immediately wiped out an abyss bloodline, which still made Akana furious.

"What do you want to do?"

"Very simple!" Xue An's tone was unhappy, "I want to see the father of your bloodline, the Lord of the Abyss!"

This statement came out.

Not only Akana, but all the evil gods present were shocked.

After a long time of trouble, this Human Race boy actually came for the Lord of the Abyss.

This is too incredible!

Akana even sneered, "Do you want to deal with the great Lord of the Abyss?"

Xue An sighed softly, "How can I know if I don't try it?"

"But what if I don't say it?"

Xue An smiled, "I know that things will not be solved so easily, since you refuse to say, then I...I will call you to say!"

As soon as Xue An's words fell, Akana also shouted in a deep voice: "Let's do it together and kill him!"

For a while, all the heretic gods flew up and went straight to Xue An to kill.

So many evil gods gathered together, and the power formed was enough to shake the world.

But they had just rushed halfway, Xue An suddenly took a step, and at the same time coldly shouted: "Cause and effect!"

The turbulent power of cause and effect spread instantly and enveloped these evil gods.

After Xue An entered Daluo, he rarely used this magical power again.

But at this moment, the power of cause and effect directly restrained these evil gods, causing their bodies to freeze in the air.

Akana sneered when she saw this.

With that, her eyes instantly became as dark as lacquer ink, and the patterns on her face became more and more obvious, and the powerful dark power directly collided with these causal forces.

But at this moment, Xue An said calmly: "Red Lotus and White Fire, kill!"

The boundless flames suddenly skyrocketed, and then poured down like rain.

Wherever they passed, the bodies of these evil gods fell like ragged leather.

Akana couldn't help screaming, "No!"

Then, as if avoiding the most terrifying thing, he fled back crazy.

And these evil gods howled in pain.

For them, the two kinds of flames released by Xue An were like natural enemies.

Therefore, only a moment later, the Cthulhu who had just filled the audience was swept away.

Akana, who fled to the distance, finally showed infinite horror in her eyes.

She had been pierced by the flames, she didn't dare to love war anymore, turned around and ran.

But at this moment, Xue An moved.

In an instant, Xue An blocked Akana's way, and then the blossoming red lotus bloomed, trapping Akana alive.

"Now tell me, where is the Lord of the Abyss?" Xue An said coldly.

Akana's whole body was shaking uncontrollably.

"I... I don't know!"

Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly, and a flame directly eroded half of Akana's body.

Akana screamed in extreme pain, but the flame stopped abruptly in just a moment.

Looking at her at this time, half of her body has disappeared without a trace, and the wounds are even more tidy.

"Do you know now?" Xue An said lightly.

"Yes...yes..." Akana was trembling with fear and just wanted to say something.

But at this moment, an unimaginable divine mind suddenly came.


Akana's head burst open instantly.

Then the corpse fell silently.

Xue An laughed, laughing very happy, and then slowly raised his head, "Lord of the Abyss, you have avoided me for so long, are you finally willing to show up?"

The huge divine consciousness condenses in the air, transforming into an illusory figure, and then a hollow voice comes from it.

"Red Lotus Immortal Venerable, the grievances between you and me should be settled, if you dare to come, come to the Blood Sea God Tree to find me!"

Words fall.

The huge spiritual thought faded instantly.

Xue stood quietly, until after a while, did he smile coldly, then lowered his head and said to Taifeng who had fallen to the ground because of excessive horror.

"Okay! You don't need you for the rest! You can leave by yourself!"

After all, Xue An's whole person rose into the sky, smashed through the ceiling of the banquet hall, and flew into the sky. He recognized the direction first, and then disappeared in place.

Taifeng watched this scene blankly, and suddenly Ji Lingling shuddered.

Did you really challenge the Lord of the Abyss?

And what will be the result of this battle

at the same time.

Xue An, who was flying fast, raised his hand and wrote many seals between his brows.

An Yan in the Fu Bao Xiaolou noticed the strangeness and couldn't help asking: "Husband, what's the matter?"

Xue An's face was cold, and he said solemnly: "It's okay, just take precautions in advance. Remember, no matter what happens later, you can't come out!"


Before An Yan finished speaking, Xue An added the last seal, thus isolating all the breath of Fu Bao Xiaolou.

After all this was done, in the boundless sea of ​​blood in front, a huge sacred tree stood upright in front of him.

Xue An's eyes were as cold as ice, and a raging flame suddenly burned all over his body. A red lotus before the center of his eyebrows was as red as blood.

Then he came straight to this sacred tree with a violent posture.

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