Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1736: Space-time collision

The Lord of the Abyss waved his hand, and branches emerged out of thin air, and in the middle of the branches was a solidly bound person.

The man was tall and naked, and branches passed between his chest and abdomen, and then came out from behind.

And with breathing, these branches are constantly drawing blood out.

The man lowered his head and seemed to have fallen into a coma.

Xue An's complexion became extremely gloomy.

The Lord of Abyss said with a smile: "His vitality is simply the strongest I have ever seen. Even after so long of inhalation, he still hasn't died! On the contrary, it has nourished countless blood sea ghost flame fruits, what a pity! No one can taste the high-quality fruits this year!"

"How? Do you want him to wake up?"

Although he was asking, the Lord of the Abyss snapped his finger.

The branches that had been madly drawing blood stopped instantly and withered slightly.

at the same time.

Tianzhe's body trembled slightly, and then slowly raised his head.

This is an old and haggard face, only a pair of eyes are still extremely clear.

When he saw Xue An, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he was shocked: "Old...Old Xue?"

Xue An was also quite excited, and nodded, "Yes, it's me!"

"Why did you come to this place?" Tianzhuna suddenly became extremely excited, struggling frantically: "Go! Now you are not his opponent at all! Get away..."

Before he finished speaking, a branch stuck directly into his mouth, blocking the rest of the words back.

Then the Lord of the Abyss looked at Xue An with a smile but a smile, "Look, your friends are in my hands, so how about we make a deal? As long as you agree, I immediately let him go!"

Xue An's face was sinking, and he took a deep look at Tianzhana, whose eyes were full of anxiety, then took a deep breath, turned his head and said to the Lord of the Abyss.

"There is one more thing I don't understand now!"

"Oh? What's the matter?"

"Why do you have to deal with Yan'er with such a powerful strength?"

"Yan'er? You mean the seal on that woman?" The Lord of the Abyss laughed, and then took a deep look at Xue An.

"Yes, the seal on your wife's body was indeed sent by me, as for why..."

The Lord of the Abyss said playfully: "I can only say that the reason is far more complicated than you think!"

Xue An's heart moved.

The words of the Lord of the Abyss just confirmed some of Xue An's suspicions, and also caused a trace of understanding in his heart.

Yan'er's origin is not simple indeed!

Immediately, he showed a cold smile, "Very good! Now that you admit it, it will be easier!"

Following the voice, Xue An's momentum began to rise at a crazy speed.

Feeling this momentum, the Lord of the Abyss sighed softly: "Is it really going to be like this?"

Xue An was unmoved, and said indifferently: "Chinese massacre, you are one of the main messengers, this is one of them!"

"The seal in Yan'er almost ruined his vitality, this is the second!"

"I have imprisoned my friend, this is the third!"

"This is the fourth one to condone subordinates to invade the earth!"

"Combined with so many reasons, do you think there is anything to say between you and me?"

Xue An's voice was not very loud, but it echoed in the entire space, shocking people.

The Lord of the Abyss suddenly laughed when he heard this, and the more he laughed, the louder his voice.

"In fact, I know that all persuasion is futile, but I still want to try it! Xue An, since you toast and not eat fine wine, don't blame me!"

With the voice, the stone table in front of him, and the tea set on the table burst open, and Guanghua came straight to Xue An.

Xue An didn't even move, all the fragments were silently turned into nothingness in the middle.

Then a ray of sword light suddenly appeared behind the Lord of Abyss, and there was still a drop of blood remaining on the tip of the sword.


The body of the Lord of the Abyss then shattered.

Xue An was expressionless in the blood flow.

Because he knows that this is just the beginning.

Sure enough, only a cold and hollow voice came from the void.

"Xue An, do you know why I lured you here by killing the game, but didn't show up immediately?"

"Because your body is trapped here, you can't move at all, right?" Xue An said lightly.

"Hahahaha, as expected to be a former immortal powerhouse, really good eyesight! Yes, I am indeed trapped here and cannot leave!"

"That's why you thought of slaying those evil gods with the hands of false self?"

"Yes!" With the voice, a faint figure gradually condensed in the air.

"It's been a long time since I showed up, and these evil gods have lost their awe, so I want them to die!"

"Do you also include your daughter?" Xue An said coldly.

"You mean Akana?" The illusory light and shadow twisted, and then there was a sneer.

"She is only transformed by a drop of my blood, and she is not qualified to be called my daughter! And there is one thing I want to tell you!"

Speaking of this, the voice of the Lord of the Abyss became ridiculed, "My true blood has led a large army to the earth, and it is estimated that it has arrived there now, that is, your home is probably now in ruins! "

After that, the Lord of the Abyss laughed wildly again.

In the laughter, Xue An's eyes suddenly burned with boundless killing intent.

"Very good! Then I will use your blood to pay homage to the earth!"

Words fall.

Xue An rose into the sky and cut out a sword.

This sword light was radiant to the extreme, as if to cut off the void, and came straight to the Lord of the Abyss.

Xue An integrated all the killing intent into this sword, the violent power has been condensed to the extreme, and even all kinds of illusions have appeared.


The body of the Lord of the Abyss was completely torn apart like a fragile doll.

But that's it.

I saw that the severed fragments of the Lord of the Abyss suddenly disappeared, and then reunited in the distance.

Then the Lord of the Abyss said in a playful tone: "Xue An, although your sword intent is strong, it is impossible to destroy me!"

"Because this is my home court!"

When the words fell, Xue An suddenly felt that the time and space around him had become stagnant, and his whole person seemed to be trapped in a swamp, completely unable to move.

"The power of time and space? You taught him the time and space art of the fairy king Wei Li in the ghost world!" Xue An said that's right! That Wei Li is willing to be my lackey, I naturally want to fulfill him! As for you, it is enough to be proud of being able to die under the strangulation of my time and space! "

The Lord of the Abyss snapped his fingers.


The time and space around Xue An was instantly out of order, turned into an indestructible turbulence, and began to strangle everything.

The Lord of the Abyss looked at this scene with a smile, and then turned his head and said to Tianzhana, whose eyes were full of sadness.

"Tsk tusk, did you see it? This is the Red Lotus Immortal Venerable who once stunned the heavens, but now, like a dog, died in my hands!"

Tianzhuna's eyes showed infinite grief and anger.

If vision can kill, the Lord of the Abyss has already been killed countless times by him.

But at this moment, a cold voice came from the turbulent flow of the sky.

"Causality... a big reversal!"

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