Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1737: Quasi-immortal-level powerhouse

Among the heavens, various supernatural powers emerge in endlessly, but there are only so few recognized top supernatural powers.

Time and space, cause and effect are among them.

But which of these two supernatural powers is higher is a topic of constant debate.

This is also because the cultivators who can awaken these two supernatural powers are simply rare, so there has been no chance to actually verify them.

But today, this opportunity has come.

Following Xue An's shout, the majestic power of cause and effect surged out, directly facing the turbulence of time and space set by the Lord of the Abyss.


A loud noise made this weird space tremble.

Immediately after that, huge cracks appeared where the two touched, and inside the cracks was a strange color darker than night.

And these cracks are still expanding at a crazy speed.

This scene shocked the Lord of the Abyss and couldn't help shouting: "The power of cause and effect? ​​When did you control this power?"

Xue An walked out slowly and said lightly: "Want to know? Then ask after going to hell!"

After all, Xue An's figure disappeared once again.

The Lord of the Abyss gritted his teeth secretly.

He did not expect that Xue An would be so difficult.

Obviously he was in his home court, but he could make a comeback, which was really beyond his expectation.

Therefore, with a wave of his hand, he first confined the cracks that kept expanding with the power of time and space, and then shouted angrily.

"court death!"

Because at that moment, Xue An's fist had already hit his back.

If it was just a fist, the Lord of the Abyss would not be so angry.

Because in this home field, even if he was bombed into a fan, he would be reborn immediately.

But this time, on Xue An's fist, he has the power of causation.

For this kind of power, even the Lord of the Abyss must stay away.

Therefore, at that moment, he directly changed the timing, and the whole person departed from the original position and appeared beside Xue An.

But Xue An seemed to have expected this, and another fist struck out obliquely, taking his face.

At this time, Xue An's boxing technique has been practiced to the point where he can send and receive in his heart and smelt everything.

Therefore, this punch was directly imprinted on the face of the Lord of the Abyss at an unpredictable speed.


The head of the Lord of the Abyss burst instantly, and blood even splattered dozens of feet away.

And Xue An obviously wouldn't give him a chance to recover, he saw him clenching fists with both hands, outputting wildly in a nearly violent posture.

Bang bang bang!

Every punch will shatter a body of the Lord of the Abyss.

In an instant, the Lord of the Abyss was bombarded by Xue Ansheng as a fan.

And because of the added causal power, even if the Lord of the Abyss wants to be reborn, it is impossible to do it.

The audience was quiet, only the blood on the ground showed how tragic the battle just now.

The trapped Tianzhe watched this scene stunned.

Just... it's over?

Why did he look at Lao Xue now that he was not even a half-step immortal king, and he actually eliminated the Lord of the Abyss with the strength of the quasi immortal emperor?

Even if Old Xue was once the invincible Red Lotus Immortal Venerable, he is not so exaggerated!

But the facts in front of me are here, and I can't help but hide that unbelief.

at the same time.

Xue An stepped up to Tianzhe's side and raised his hand to tear off the branches that trapped him.

"how about it?"

Tianzhe fell down, first pulled out the branches deep into his belly with a grim face, then shook his head and said: "It's okay! It's just a little weak!"

Then he couldn't help but said: "Old Xue, is the Lord of the Abyss dead?"

Xue An's face sank like water, his eyes coldly looked at everything around him, "Not!"


When his voice just fell.

Just heard an anger coming from the void.

"Damn bastard, dare to treat me like this, then I will let you see today, what is the strength of the Immortal Emperor!"

With the voice, only a loud boom was heard.

Then a huge force went straight to Xue An and Tianzhe.

Xue An's eyes flashed, and layers of sword light emerged out of thin air, shielding him with Tianzhuna.

But this huge force is obviously not for fighting.

On the contrary, this force unexpectedly blasted Xue An and Tianzhana into flight.

And at this moment, this space also shattered.

So Xue An and Tianzhe were blasted into the outside world like this.

Then I saw that the giant tree in front of me began to rustle, and it seemed that something terrifying was awakening.

The entire sea of ​​blood, the entire starry sky, and even the entire abyss are restless!


After a thunderous explosion.

The blood sea **** tree in front of it turned into a giant that was more than billions of feet tall.

This is an indescribable, even indescribable existence.

His body is like an open sky giant in ancient legends, with the sun, moon and stars under his feet, the galaxy surrounding his waist, and countless laws and gods on top of his head.

His eyes are like two magic lamps, just a glance will directly evaporate the sea of ​​blood in front of him.

At this moment, the terrifying power swept the entire abyss.

All the strong men suddenly raised their eyes at the same moment, their eyes filled with infinite shock and horror.

Because in their perception, a powerful existence like a torch is emerging in the starry sky.

This feeling makes them just want to kneel down and worship, but they dare not produce the slightest resistance.

Demon race land.

Zhan Qianchen, Suan Wanfa waited for the devil to pounce, and was pressed by this power to kneel on the ground, even unable to lift his head.

This is the ultimate humiliation, but no one has the slightest objection at this moment.

Because they all know.

This is a force they simply cannot resist!

The master of the abyss is back!

Tianzhe was also trembling at that moment, his face pale as paper, and he whispered in a nearly groaning tone: "Is this the true strength of the Quasi Immortal Emperor?"

Then he suddenly remembered something, and immediately said to Xue An: "Old Xue, we are not opponents of this guy, we should leave now!"

"Go?" Xue An smiled, "Do you think we can still go now?"


The entire abyss has been sealed off.

Tianzhe stared blankly at and said desperately: "What should I do?"

"What to do? Haha, since he is going to fight, he is ready to fight! This fight, I am Xue An next!"

With that, Xue An stepped forward, and instantly came to the Lord of the Abyss, who had revealed his body state.

The Lord of the Abyss gave a harsh laugh.

The laughter shook the world.

"Xue An, to be honest, I really admire you! With your tenacious heart, even if you are not respected by immortals, you are still extraordinary!"

"But you shouldn't be so stubborn!"

"Because in many cases, the price of stubbornness is death!"

Speaking of this, the two huge eyes of the Lord of the Abyss burst out with bright brilliance, and the space fragments broke where the power spread.

Xue An smiled, and while smiling, he slowly raised his fist.

"Stop talking nonsense, fight if you want to fight! Today, I vow to kill you!"

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