Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1738: Advance, half-step fairy king


Xue An's fist blasted with the blow of the Lord of the Abyss.

The Lord of the Abyss did not move at all, but Xue An flew out like a kite with a broken thread.

"Old Xue!" Tianzhe exclaimed.

But the Lord of the Abyss obviously wouldn't give Xue An a chance to breathe, and saw a thick branch directly shattered the void and blasted towards Xue An's foothold.

If this blow is drawn, even if it is an indestructible golden body, it will have to become a fan.

But Xue An's figure stopped halfway through.

I saw that his face became a little pale at the moment, only a pair of eyes were still bright as stars.

"Come again!"

With that, Xue An rushed up again.

Bang bang bang!

Amid the clashing sound like firecrackers, Xue An and the Lord of the Abyss blasted no fewer than hundreds of blows. Despite this, the skin of the Lord of the Abyss didn't even explode.

On the contrary, Xue An's momentum began to wilt.

The Lord of the Abyss laughed.

"Don't make unnecessary struggling, I am the powerhouse of Emperor Zhunxian. Even if you stand still, you cannot be shaken by a little Luo! So... the game is over!"

The Lord of the Abyss gently raised his hand and pressed it down with a palm.

It was like thunder and explosion, and it seemed like the sky was falling apart.

The void of thousands of miles burst open.

And Xue An impressively was within the scope of his palm.

"Not good! Hurry up!" Tianzhe screamed in shock.

But everything is too late.

Xue Anye has been firmly locked, where can he get off.

But Xue An didn't feel the slightest panic. Instead, he raised his head and stared coldly at the huge palm that was falling, then took a deep breath, jumped up and greeted him straight up.

Compared to the huge palm of this hand, Xue An's figure looks too small.

at the same time.

All the strong in the abyss also saw this scene through various means.

With the advent of the Lord of the Abyss, Xue An's outrageous challenge was seen by everyone.

After seeing Xue An's decisive figure, many people were deeply shocked.

Tianzhe closed his eyes in pain.

Not to mention that he is currently in an extremely weak state, even in his heyday, he cannot be the opponent of the Lord of the Abyss.


After a loud noise, Xue An actually withstood the falling palm of the Lord of the Abyss.

I saw him holding his arms up to the sky, agitating his whole body to fight against the Lord of the Abyss.

The Lord of the Abyss sneered, "Is that just enough strength?"

After all, his palm was pressed down again.

Xue An snorted and was pressed down.

Seeing is about to be photographed as a fan.

Xue An's heart suddenly made a loud bang.

Then I saw that Xue An's whole body had become almost transparent, and even the crystal clear white bones could be seen inside.

Immediately afterwards, traces of blood began to rebuild together, blood vessels, muscles, viscera...

The whole process is fleeting.

Immediately afterwards, it was as if something was broken, Xue An's eyes flashed with brilliance, and then burst out almost substantial brilliance.

And a powerful force is even more impressive.

All the cultivation levels in Xue An's body have undergone a qualitative change at this moment.

From the power of Da Luo, it has evolved into the power of the half-step fairy king.

So far.

Xue An finally took that step and achieved half a step towards the fairy king status.

This change is comprehensive.

If the power of Da Luo was only 1, then Xue An of the half-step Immortal King had as many as 10.

So in an instant, Xue An, who had just been in a total disadvantage, flew up directly with the palm of the Lord of the Abyss.

Then Xue An yelled softly, "Broken!"


With an order, the entire arm of the Lord of the Abyss smashed into dust.

This is the biggest gain for Xue An's promotion to the half-step fairy queen.

When you prove to the Immortal King, it also means that you have access to the essential rules of everything.

At this time, if you are a tyrannical person with a tyrannical cultivation base, you will be able to speak out the law in a limited way.

Xue An is like that.

And because it is the essential rule of direct interference, no amount of tyrannical defense can avoid this kind of damage.

The Lord of the Abyss screamed, and then roared: "Xue An, what if you are promoted to the half-step fairy king? You still have to die today!"

When the words fell, his broken arm instantly condensed, and then he stomped his foot suddenly.

The void shattered and the abyss shook.

Several nearby planets burst open.

The powerful coercion is directed at Xue An.

Xue An's figure fluttered, avoiding this wave of attacks.

At this time, although he was promoted to the half-step fairy king, the pressure he faced was still increasing.

Because the strength gap between him and the Lord of the Abyss is too big.

A big gap is enough to smooth out all means.

What's more, the difference between them is the most important fairy king realm among the heavens.

Therefore, Xue An is still full of solemn expression at this time.

Because he knows very well that this will be the hardest battle he will face after he is reborn.

Compared with this, the previous battle against Wei Li and against Li Hen Tianjun seemed so trivial.

"I see how long you can hide!" The Lord of the Abyss screamed, then waved his hands frantically, and at the same time, the branches were constantly attacking Xue An.

In contrast, Xue An's counterattack seemed much weaker.

Sometimes he can only deal with the Lord of the Abyss through the gap of the attack.

This big battle was fought in a dark place.

Everyone was stunned.

At this moment, Xue An suddenly began to retreat sharply, and at the same time yelled, "Red Lotus and White Fire, kill!"


In the body of the Lord of the Abyss, countless red lotus suddenly appeared, and then went straight to the Lord of the Abyss.

Until then, many people understood that the reason why Xue An had just kept fighting around the Lord of the Abyss was because he was constantly arranging the red lotus karma.

Seeing this beautiful scene shrouded in the starry sky, red like blood.

Tianzhe whispered: "Really... can you really kill him?"

Xue An also watched quietly from a distance. At this moment, his face was exhausted, but he was still as tall as a sword.

The scorching heat and the terrifying characteristics of the red lotus and white fire flames are the nemesis of all living things.

At least Xue An has never lost his hand as long as he uses the red lotus and white fire from his rebirth to the present.

But this time is different.

Because it's so quiet.

The Lord of the Abyss, surrounded by two flames, didn't even make any sound.

This weird silence made Xue An's eyes a cold look.

It was at this moment that fire scars suddenly appeared on Xue An's body, and they were rapidly expanding.

Xue An was surprised.

at the same time.

The Lord of the Abyss laughed triumphantly.

"Xue An, how does it feel to be roasted by your own flame?"

Xue An's face was as cold as ice, and he waved abruptly.

The sky full of flames then dispersed.

The Lord of the Abyss was unscathed and looked at Xue An with a smug face.

"Have you seen? This is the true strength of the quasi-immortal emperor rank, immune and rebounding all damage!"

"So Xue An, what are you fighting with me now?"

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