Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1739: I control my own life!

Immune and rebound all damage?

The abyss powerhouses who were watching this scene through various means were all stunned.

But soon, some people who had heard all kinds of rumors about the Lord of the Abyss thought of something, and their faces instantly turned pale.

At the same time, Tianzhana also roared, "Be careful, old Xue, this is his assassin!"

When he said this, his eyes were full of horror and fear.

At the beginning, a large piece of abyssal creatures rushed into the lost paradise through the cracks in time and space. In order to avoid future troubles, Tianzhana came to the abyss alone, trying to seal the gap.

But I didn't expect all of this to be a trap set by the Lord of the Abyss.

When he was lured to the depths of the blood sea, the Lord of the Abyss showed his body and fought against Tianzhe.

It stands to reason that Tianzhe is also an Immortal King-level powerhouse at any rate, and has been in charge of Lost Paradise for many years.

But the end result was that Tianzhe was caught for failure, and was sealed until now.

The reason for all of this is largely related to the nearly insoluble trick of the Lord of the Abyss.

At this moment, I saw this almost nightmare scene again, and it was displayed by the Lord of the Abyss in a complete form.

How could Tianzhe not be shocked.

Xue An didn't shrink back at all. After taking a deep glance at the Lord of the Abyss, he took a deep breath, and then the whole person turned into a streamer and came straight to the Lord of the Abyss.

Boom boom boom!

Xue An raised his fist and blasted out, every punch has the power to shake the world.

But the Lord of the Abyss did not even move, but looked down at Xue An with a sneer.


After only a moment, Xue An was shocked and flew out, and waited until he barely stopped to look at his body.

The left arm had been twisted into a weird angle, the chest collapsed, and the broken ribs pierced the skin, revealing the crystal-like jade bone stubble.

But what is strange is that there is not a trace of blood in these terrifying wounds, just like bleeding lips turned outwards.

The Lord of the Abyss laughed triumphantly, "It's useless, just relying on your current strength, don't even want to break my defenses, so just say that, obediently accept your fate!"

Although he was covered with scars, Xue An's eyes were still as calm as water, and even after hearing the provocation of the Lord of the Abyss, he did not stir up any waves.

I saw him slowly raising his hand, holding down the broken ribs on his chest, and then pushing in.


With a sour bone rubbing sound, Xue An abruptly rested the broken ribs back.

Immediately afterwards, Xue An grasped the left arm twisted into a weird angle and twisted it suddenly, and the misplaced bone was reattached back.

From beginning to end, Xue An didn't even blink his eyelids, as if this was not his body, but an irrelevant doll.

Many people watching this scene have their eyelids beating, and their hearts are cold.

The Lord of the Abyss sneered, "Will you not give up this senseless struggle? Well, then I will fulfill you!"

Having said that, he suddenly raised his foot and stepped down heavily towards Xue An.

This foot really looked like a Tianzhu upside down, smashing it down with supreme might.

Wherever he went, the space broke every inch, and the shock wave even swept through hundreds of millions of miles of starry sky.

Faced with this earth-shattering scene, everyone was horrified.

Tianzhe exclaimed in despair, "No!"

The face of the Lord of the Abyss was full of brutality and excitement.

When he thought that the once peerless Immortal Venerable was about to be trampled on by himself, he felt extremely excited, and even his soul trembled.

But at this moment, Xue An's eyebrows were raised like swords, and the brilliance in his eyes was so deep that he dared not look directly.

"Accept fate? Haha! My life is always in my hands, no one wants to make me bow my head! So..."


Around Xue An, the boundless sword light suddenly appeared.

Immediately afterwards, a strong to sharp, majestic sword intent that seemed to pierce the entire universe was condensed in front of Xue An's eyebrows.

When the sword intent appeared, the boundless sword light seemed to have found the general's pawn, rushing in madly.

Suddenly, a small, slender, and even delicate sword appeared in front of him.

Then Xue An raised his hand, holding the sword, and then suddenly raised his eyes.

"I control my own life!"

After all, Xue An rose to the sky and directly faced the soles of the feet that the Lord of the Abyss had stepped on.

This shocking sword intent also made the eyes of the Lord of the Abyss a little serious.

"Noisy! Do you think this can change anything? You are wrong, I am the truly invincible existence, die for me!"

There is no extra sound, not even a trace of fluctuation.

Xue An's sword directly pierced the sole of the feet of the Lord of the Abyss.

In an instant, everything seemed to stagnate.

Everyone opened their eyes wide, wanting to see the final result.

At this moment, the small sword in Xue An's hand suddenly shattered, and then Xue An flew upside down like a broken kite.

This time, the Lord of the Abyss did not pursue it, but looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

"It's so lively, the result is not the same?"

At this time, Xue An barely stopped his figure, but now he looks ten times more miserable than before.

Numerous fine wounds spread all over his body, making him look like a rag doll torn apart and pieced together.

And his eyes became dimmed for the first time.

Standing in the air, his whole person was shaking slightly, and he was obviously unable to stand firm.

Tears from the sky came out.

You know that in his eyes, Xue Anke has always been a symbol of invincibility!

As a result, he was in such a miserable situation when facing the Lord of the Abyss this time.

At this moment, the blood in Tianzhe's body began to be restless, and his eyes became deeper.

Obviously he was going to burn everything and make the final blow.

But at this moment Xue An, covered with scars, suddenly laughed.

The smile is full of jokes to see through everything.

"What are you laughing at?" The Lord of the Abyss frowned and asked coldly.

"I have never understood why you are not even the emperor, you are just a quasi-immortal emperor level powerhouse, but you can have such a sky-defying trick!"

"As soon as you enter the gate of the immortal emperor, you will have a special heavenly attribute. Don't you even know this?" The Abyss Lord sneered.

Xue An shook his head, "Of course I know, but you are lying! Because it is absolutely impossible for you to have such ability!"

"Joke, why are you so sure..."

"Because there are as many as four immortal emperors who died in my hands! So I can be sure that this ability is not yours at all, am I right?"

The Lord of the Abyss gradually became gloomy, "Even if it is, what can you do?"

Xue An smiled, "It can't do anything, it's just... kill you!"

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