Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1746: The Battle of Humanity

Everyone looked sideways, and Xiao Rui shivered more and more.

Zou Sui's expression sank, and he stepped forward to block Xiao Rui behind him.

"Don't be afraid, I am here!" Zou Sui comforted him without looking back, and then shouted loudly.

"He Fang, the demon, dare to make times here, and don't go back!"

The man in gold glasses grinned.

When he laughed, the previous elegance disappeared in an instant, replaced by a kind of extreme madness and cruelty.

"Who am I? Haha! I am the creator of all mechanical creatures, an all-knowing and almighty alchemist, including her who is behind you at this moment, all of my creation!"

Zou Sui's complexion changed drastically, "So you **** who made Xiao Rui look like a ghost?"

The man with golden silk glasses smiled happily, "Asshole? I like this adjective very much! But you said she is not a ghost or a ghost, I am very angry! Because... she is my favorite work! Isn't it? Mine child!"

The man with golden silk glasses looked at Xiao Rui, "Remember those years in the laboratory? Every day I am transforming your weak body, dividing your weak soul, making you a little stronger! At that time You cry every day and beg me for mercy. It’s still exciting to think about it now..."

The man with golden silk glasses talked eloquently, but Xiao Rui shivered more and more, then almost collapsed holding his head and let out a beast-like growl.

"Asshole!" Zou Sui was furious, he had never seen someone as shameless as this man with eyes.

She actually did so many cruel things to Xiao Rui, no wonder she was so taciturn.

Because no matter who it is, after experiencing that kind of hell, it is already strong enough to not collapse.

This person must be killed!

Thinking of this, Guanghua flashed in Zou Sui's eyes, and then he entered a sneaky state, and began to quietly approach the man with golden glasses.

As the only person specializing in stealth ambush in the Fire Phoenix Special Forces, he is also known as the Fire Phoenix First Assassin.

Now, in order to kill this weird alchemy madman, he used his stealth technique to the fullest, without even alarming the mechanical evil soldiers guarding by the side, and cautiously came behind the man with golden glasses.

This is it!

Zou Sui slowly stopped his figure, quietly took out a special black dagger, and then slammed into the back of the man with golden glasses without causing any waves.



Seeing that the dagger had pierced the clothes and was about to be inserted into the back, Zou Sui's eyes couldn't help flashing a flash of joy.

But at this moment, a layer of armor like water suddenly spread on the back of the man with glasses.


After a crisp sound, Zou Sui felt as if the dagger had pierced the metal, and his wrists were tingling.

It's not good, it won!

This thought flashed through Zou Sui's mind for the first time, and then he began to back away sharply.

But everything is too late.

Just listen to the man with eyes grinning and said, "Do you dare to assassinate me even with this strength?"

As he spoke, he saw the armor on his back spread over his arms, wrapping it up.

Then he turned around and punched Zou Sui who was retreating rapidly.


This punch exploded the air, and the huge pressure spanned the distance in an instant, and then it was firmly printed on Zou Sui's chest.


Zou Sui opened his mouth and spit out a big mouthful of blood, and then flew into the camp of the mechanical evil soldier like a kite with a broken line.

This would fall into the hands of these evil soldiers, and Zou Sui had to be torn to pieces at that time.

The members of the Fire Phoenix Special Forces in the distance all saw this scene and screamed.

"Old Zou!"

"Broken mouth!"

But helpless, they couldn't come over in time when they were under the siege of evil soldiers.

Zhou Daniu, who has the best relationship with Zou Sui, has blood red eyes, "Zou Sui!"

Then madly bombarded the evil mechanical soldiers in front of him, trying to break a **** path to rescue Zou Sui.

But all to no avail.

Zou Sui closed his eyes resignedly.

See you in the next life, Daniel!

But at this moment, he suddenly smelled a faint fragrance, and then he felt that his downward movement stopped.

Zou Sui suddenly opened his eyes, and what caught his eyes was a pale little face.

"Xiao...Xiao Rui?" Zou Sui said in astonishment.

The man with golden glasses raised his eyebrows when he saw it, then he held his arms and looked at it with interest, without even chasing after him.

Xiao Rui remained silent, shaking her arm abruptly, and threw Zou Sui at Zhou Daniu and others.

Zhou Daniu jumped up and finally caught him without incident.

"Interesting, really interesting!" The man with golden glasses clapped his applause with a smile, "I didn't expect you to have your own consciousness and emotion after losing half of your soul. This is really beyond my expectations!"

Xiao Rui didn't say a word, looking at the man with golden glasses with cold eyes.

But the man with golden silk glasses became more and more excited, "You really are the best experiment I have ever encountered. The pain that is enough to make the strong collapse can not make you crazy, how tough is your soul?"

"But all of this will have an answer soon! Because..." The man with golden glasses rubbed his palms excitedly.

"I also brought a precious collection!"

As he said, he snapped his fingers lightly.

In an instant, an extremely cold aura surged from the gate of time and space.

Wherever they went, the mechanical evil soldiers who had attacked wildly immediately knelt to the ground, and even started to tremble.

Then, a petite figure slowly walked out of it.

When she appeared in front of everyone, including Fan Mengxue, everyone who knew Xiao Rui couldn't help exclaiming.

Because it was another Xiao Rui who appeared in front of everyone at this moment.

Regardless of her facial features or figure, she is exactly the same as Xiao Rui.

When they stand together it is almost like looking in a mirror.

But one thing is different, that is, compared to Xiao Rui, this new person has a colder breath on his body and even more apathy in his eyes.

To put it bluntly, Xiao Rui may still have a trace of humanity, and this person is like a machine, without a trace of human emotion.

This kind of strong contrast formed a sharp contrast, which made the excited face of the man with gold glasses light up.

"The first test body, this is the second test body I made with the other half of your soul. Now that the two of you have finally met, is it the humanity you are stronger? Or is she who is deprived of all emotions? Yeah!"

"Now, please prove it to me!"

As he said, the man with golden glasses pointed at Xiao Rui, "Kill her! Then devour her soul!"

No. 2 Xiaorui's body shape began to change in an instant, and in a blink of an eye, her arm turned into a terrifying blade.

Then she flashed around and came straight to Xiao Rui.

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