
Xiao Rui's body smashed down obliquely, and after shattering a dozen mechanical evil soldiers, she could not stop her footsteps.

Looking at her at this time, there were all kinds of scars all over her body, and even a huge wound across that pale face was slashed diagonally. If she was hiding more slowly, her head would have to be cut in half.

Despite this, Xiao Rui still stood there panting, cold light flashing in her eyes, without the slightest flinching color.

The color of excitement in the eyes of the man with gold glasses is getting stronger and stronger.

"What an interesting soul! After suffering such a serious injury, you still refuse to shrink. What are you protecting?"

Speaking of this, he suddenly remembered something, looked around, then laughed.

"I see, do you want to protect these people?"

Xiao Rui did not speak.

At the same time, No. 2 Xiaorui attacked again.

Xiao Rui dodged her body, avoided her hand knife, and then deceived her, kicking between the chest and abdomen of Subject 2.

The two battled to one place again, but it can be seen that the second experiment body outperforms Xiao Rui by a bit in terms of reaction speed and shooting power.

Despite this, Xiao Rui refused to retreat one step, and even preferred to fight her own injury to madly block the second subject.

The man with golden silk glasses showed a faint smile, "It's really a strong will to fight! But this world doesn't mean that whoever has a stronger will can win, everything in the end depends on strength!"

"And don't you want to protect these people? Then I will tell you how stupid your guardian is! Because... these people have to die today!"

As he said, the man with golden glasses suddenly waved his arms madly, and then uttered an obscure and extremely evil curse.

In an instant, a wave of tyrannical waves descended from the space-time channel, and then the figure inside appeared.

It was a huge mechanical puppet.

It's just that these puppets are different from those used by Liu Ruyan and the others, not to mention their larger body. The pair of red eyes and the armor covered with mottled blood all tell people how terrifying these puppets are.

"Destroy everything you have seen!" The man with golden glasses roared excitedly.


The eyes of these mechanical puppets were full of red light, and then they rushed to everyone at an extremely fast speed.

Upon seeing this, Liu Ruyan yelled, "Attention all, stop these evil puppets!"

With an order, everyone in the puppet master gate urged their puppets to greet them.


In just one face, several puppets were torn apart.

Liu Ruyan's face was pale, and she fully controlled her puppets to flicker in the cracks, and counterattacked from time to time, trying to block the footsteps of these evil puppets.

But the gap in strength is too big.

It is too big to be compensated by technology.

I saw two evil puppets grabbing the two arms of Liu Ruyan's puppet within a short period of time, and slammed hard.


Liu Ruyan's puppet let out a mournful cry, and then both arms were pulled down.

Blood oozes from the corner of Liu Ruyan's mouth.

Because her spirit has long been bound to her puppet, the puppet is injured, and she is also injured along with it.

The man with golden silk glasses sneered coldly, "I am embarrassed to call himself a puppet even with such a superficial alchemy power? What a joke! Tear them apart!"

Give an order.

The evil puppets swarmed up, and instantly tore the puppets of Liu Ruyan and others to pieces.

In just a few breaths, Liu Ruyan and others were wiped out.

Then these evil puppets swarmed up and started bombarding the earth's defensive formation with the mechanical evil soldiers.

All of a sudden, the powerhouses of the earth suffered a nearly devastating blow, and under tremendous pressure, the defense formation that had remained unmoving finally appeared flaws.

These evil puppets are not only extremely powerful, but also have a very high IQ. After seeing the flaws, they immediately swarmed to try to tear the hole completely.

"Close the gap!" The town general who was desperately killing the enemy hissed and screamed.

Without waiting for him to finish, the nearest army rushed up.

But they only persisted for a few seconds before they were torn to pieces by these evil puppets.

But their sacrifice was not in vain. It was these precious few seconds that gave other troops time to react.

I saw a group of troops rushed up like a torrent, and was torn apart by these evil puppets.

But even so, there is still a steady stream of soldiers rushing forward one after another.

No one was afraid, and some even smiled contemptuously before dying.

Seeing this scene, the General Zhen Guo's eyes shed blood and tears.

Not only him, everyone who witnessed this scene was deeply shocked.

What kind of spirit is it that can create such an army with a smiling face and calmly going to death?


Someone in the battlefield started choking and singing.

"Qiyue Wuyi? The same robe with the son. Master Wang Yuxing, repair my spear. Enmity with the son!"

The sound was not loud, but soon, all Chinese people began to sing along with everything.

"Qiyue Wuyi? Same with Zi. Master Wang Yuxing, repair my spear. Work with Zi!"

In the end, its sound spread throughout the battlefield, shaking the sky.

"Qiyue Wuyi? Same clothes with Zi. Master Wang Yuxing, repair my armor. Walk with Zi!"

Because the photographer had already died in battle, Chen Xiaoyi, who personally manipulated the live broadcast machine, burst into tears after hearing the singing of his compatriots, and dripped all over his cheeks.

But soon, she resolutely wiped the teardrops from the corners of her eyes, and then manipulated the machine to broadcast this scene to the whole world through the camera.

In a moment, the whole world was silent for it.

Then all the Chinese in front of the TV camera stood up and sang along with the voices in the live broadcast.

"Qiyue Wuyi? The same robe with the son..."

The Chinese war hymn resounded throughout the earth.

The man with golden silk glasses saw his eyelids beating frantically, and then roared furiously: "Tear me up these ants! Don't leave one!"


The pressure suddenly increased. Although countless people had paid the price of their lives, they could not stop the coercion of these evil alchemists, and they were forced to retreat again and again.

Zhuge Zang in the high altitude also saw this scene, and couldn't help but burn all the inside out, so he wanted to make a clone of himself to make a relief.

But the woman giggled at this moment, "Old guy, your opponent is me, don't make a mistake!"

After speaking, he fought Zhuge Zang again, making him no time to be cloned.

At the same time, but saw an evil puppet standing tall, leaping high, and then hitting the crowd with violent power.

The people who were struggling to deal with it were no longer able to deal with this blow from the sky at this The situation became extremely critical in an instant, and everyone fell into despair.

But at this critical moment, there was a faint rumbling noise from the sky.

Everyone was taken aback, then turned around and looked around.

Seeing that in the extremely far sky, a white light was rushing at an eye-popping speed. Wherever it passed, even the space was ploughed into a deep ravine.

Just after a while, Bai Guang rushed forward, and then ran into the evil puppet in mid-air.


After a loud noise, white light came out through the body, and then the puppet exploded and turned into fragments in the sky.

In the smoke and dust in the sky, Bai Guang stopped his figure and showed his true colors.

I saw a young man standing proudly, white and black, with cold eyes.

Who is it if it's not Xue An!

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