The man with gold glasses looks silly.

Not only him, but even this evil **** Ji Yu is also dumbfounded.

She had just been stuck in Tianzhuna's words and couldn't help herself.

But in any case, she didn't believe that her blood father would have an accident.

Because his own blood father is a quasi-immortal emperor!

Coupled with the blessing of that heaven-defying treasure, even if the immortal emperor comes to him, it is estimated that he can't be helped.

So she calmed down quickly, thinking that Tianzhe must have been able to escape from birth for other reasons.

After that, her attention was attracted by the battle between Xue An and the man with golden glasses.

She knows the strength of a man with golden glasses!

Individual strength may not be very good, but once the magical armor is blessed, strength will be increased hundreds of times.

So in her opinion, this young man in white will definitely lose.

After all, she could tell at a glance with her strength that this young man in white was seriously injured.

In fact, Ji Yu was already very surprised that he could survive until now.

Unexpectedly, Xue An also had a suit of armor.

And it seems that this armor is stronger than the man with gold glasses.

This made her squint slightly.

Although this boy has never seen him before, why does he always feel so familiar?

Especially the certain breath in him, where did he seem to have encountered it!

At this moment, Xue An, wearing the armor, took a step, and his whole body instantly rushed to the man with golden glasses.

"Sorry, I want this armor set on you!"

With that, Xue An pointed out.

The man with golden glasses screamed and turned to run.

But it was only then that he was horrified to realize that he could no longer move.

Because under Xue An's coercion, the armor on the man with golden glasses looked like he had seen a king's courtier, and he didn't even dare to move.

It was like a prison, trapping the man with golden glasses in place.


Xue Anyi pointed on the eyebrows of the man with golden glasses.


The armor on the man with gold glasses rippled like water, and then frantically gathered around the eyebrows, spread along Xue An's fingers, and merged with it.

In an instant, the armor on the man with gold glasses disappeared.

But the armor on Xue An began to change its form crazy.

Only then did the man with gold glasses wake up, and then shouted in horror: "You... how come you have so many ancient armor?"

"Many?" Xue An smiled, "It's only ten pieces, and it's only two to complete it. How can this be called?"

The heart of the man with golden glasses gradually sank to the bottom.

He took great pains to get such an ancient armor and relied on it to show off his might.

I never expected that the end result would be a wedding dress for others.

The key is that the opponent can gather a complete set of ancient armor with just two.

He couldn't even imagine what it would become by then.

But soon, he thought of something, and then roared bitterly.

"It's the armor that the **** Wan Han gave you, right?"

Xue An was silent.

The man with golden glasses laughed wildly, his laughter was full of hatred.

"I knew it was that bitch. I asked her to give me all the armor, but she refused. I didn't expect that she would give you all these treasures! I refused..."

"So you betrayed your own civilization, and relied on your alchemy power to slaughter?"

At this time, the armor had been deformed, and it became more beautiful and delicate than before.

"That's right! They refused to give me what I wanted, and they said that they should use the power of alchemy carefully. Can I go to him! Why can't I use the abilities that I have cultivated? They are all fools, utter fools. !"

The man with golden silk glasses has fallen into a kind of hysterical rage.

Even with those evil puppets, mechanical evil soldiers, etc., they stagnate.

Naturally, everyone would not let this opportunity go, and immediately began to harvest it frantically.

In the blink of an eye, these alchemy evil things were destroyed.

The body of the man with gold glasses began to show a hideous state.

A metallic blue-gray gradually appeared on his cheeks, and it began to spread rapidly.

"Alchemy is out of order! He's crazy!" Liu Keke cried out in shock.

In the world of alchemy, if there are alchemists who do not follow the rules recklessly, they will suffer backlash from the power of alchemy.

It's okay if there is a way to suppress it. Once the suppression is lost, it will fall into complete disorder.

This also means that he will come to an end.

"Ah ah ah ah, I want to kill all of you!" The man with golden silk glasses couldn't bear such a huge pain, he screamed.

Xue An just looked at him quietly, suddenly lowered his head and pointed at him casually.

Xiaorui, who was still fighting non-stop, was immediately anchored.

Xiao Rui immediately fell to her knees, breathing heavily.

At this time, Xue An grabbed the frantically struggling man with golden glasses and threw it directly on the ground.

"Xiao Rui, he left it to you!"

Xiao Rui was startled, but when she saw that it was a man with golden glasses, her eyes showed infinite ferocity.

Although it was on the verge of collapse, when faced with Xiao Rui's terrifying eyes.

The man with golden glasses still made a scream.

"Ji Yu, what are you waiting for? Come and save me!"

But before the words fell, Xiao Rui had already bitten on his neck.


This bite bit extremely hard, even though most of his body has been transformed into a semi-metal state by the out-of-control alchemy power, Xiaorui's mouth is so good that he still tore off a large piece of flesh.

The man with golden silk glasses trembled violently with pain, and finally showed fear in his eyes.

Because he saw himself in Xiao Rui's eyes.

Once upon a time, like her, she looked at Xiao Rui with this look.

It's just that now the situation has reversed, and it is his turn to become the victim.

This fear made him almost collapsed, and he cursed frantically: "Ji Yu, you bastard, when are you going to watch the fun?"

But he was wronged by Ji Yu.

Because at this moment, Ji Yu didn't want to save him, but couldn't do it.

Xue An, wearing armor, stood not far in front of her and smiled at her.

"Are you the blood of the Lord of the Abyss?"

"Yes!" Ji Yu trembled slightly in his heart, but still said coldly.

Xue An nodded, suddenly narrowed his eyes, and asked in a cold voice, "You also placed the seal on Yan'er!"


Suddenly, Ji Yu was shocked when he thought of something.

She finally remembered where the familiar aura she had just felt from Xue An came from!

At the beginning, he was ordered by the blood father, holding a seal, depleting the blood of the immortal king, and forcibly descended on the earth, and then imposed the seal on a mortal woman.

Although I don't know why the blood father had to deal with a mortal woman so exhaustingly, Ji Yu still did.

The breath of that woman was also remembered by Ji Yu.

The breath that I just felt from Xue An was from that woman.

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