"How is it? Do you remember it?" Xue An asked coldly.

Ji Yu's complexion changed, and immediately sneered, "Yes, how about me?"

Xue An nodded, "Very well, as long as you admit it!"

"Joke, what's not dare to admit? And I can tell you that the seal in that mortal woman is insoluble, so you must understand the heart of the seal! Hahahahaha..." Ji Yu laughed triumphantly.

In the laughter, Tang Xuan'er, Fan Mengxue, and many people who knew the inside story of An Yan's seal could not help but change their expressions.

They all knew that An Yan's cultivation base and talent were forcibly sealed, and they also knew that Xue An had traveled all over the world to break the seal on An Yan's body, and almost tried everything.

But I didn't expect that at the last moment, I was told that the seal on An Yan was insoluble.

This is simply too desperate.

Hu Ying stared at Xue An's thin back blankly, and her heart gradually sank to the bottom.

Brother Xue...

At this moment, Xue An's eyes grew brighter, and then he sneered, "No solution?"

"Yes, it's completely incomprehensible, no one among the heavens can unlock the seal on her body!" Ji Yu said decisively.

"Hehe, let's not say that in my eyes there is no word incomprehensible. If I guess correctly, the seal on Yan'er is set with the upper limit for you who perform the surgery, right?"

Ji Yu's complexion changed, the smile on his face converged, and he stared at Xue An with cold eyes.

Xue An didn't pay attention to this at all, and continued to say: "That is to say, no matter whether it can be unlocked, but as long as you kill you, Yan'er's seal ceiling will increase by a large amount, am I right? "

"Yes! But you want to kill me too?" Ji Yu sneered.

Xue An also smiled, and his smile was full of murderous intent. "If you don't try... how can you know?"

When the words fell, Xue An disappeared in place.

Then there was a loud rumbling noise.

Looking at Ji Yu's body again, a figure flickered and madly bombarded Ji Yu.

Ji Yu leaned left and right, blocking Xue An's attack, and at the same time secretly surprised.

She thought that the seriously injured boy in white was already at the end of the battle, so she didn't take him seriously.

But I didn't expect to notice something unusual as soon as I did it.

Especially with this almost ghostly speed, Ji Yu was a little overwhelmed.

But that's it.

After all, Ji Yu is also a dignified immortal king's cultivation base, although to a large extent he has the light of his father, the lord of the abyss, but the immortal king is the immortal king and should not be despised by anyone.

Therefore, after only a few moves, Ji Yu adapted to Xue An's speed and prepared to fight back.

But at this moment, Xue An suddenly sneered.

"Ji Yu, don't you feel the change in your own strength until now?"

As soon as this statement came out, Ji Yu was taken aback.

What do you mean?

What is a change in strength?

"For example, the power of your blood!" Xue An said lightly.

Ji Yu was surprised, and hurriedly felt the changes in her body, and then her face changed.

Become as white as snow.

"How? Do you feel that the power of blood is declining crazily?" Xue An said coldly.

"How could this be? What the **** did you do?" Ji Yu screamed in horror.

It's no wonder that she was so scared, it was such a change that was too unbelievable.

You must know that most of her strength comes from her own bloodline, relying on the bloodline left to her by the Lord of the Abyss, she can be so powerful.

But she never expected that the power of blood in her body was declining crazily at this moment.

How could this not make her frightened.

But from the beginning to the end, she never thought about whether it was her own blood father, Lord of the Abyss, that something had happened.

Because in her opinion, it is simply impossible.

No one can be the opponent of the blood father, so she will suspect Xue An for the first time.

"What a ghost? No, no, no, you think too much. The reason why your bloodline is declining crazily is only because the source of your bloodline has fallen!" Xue An said lightly.

"This is impossible! How could something happen to the blood father?" Ji Yu roared immediately.

"Haha! No one will never have an accident, and the invincible Lord of the Abyss is no exception in your eyes!"

"I don't believe it!" Ji Yu shouted hysterically.

But at this moment, a powerful power rose from the top of Xue An's head and formed a phantom illusion in the air.

Surprisingly, it was an extremely tall blood sea **** tree.

As far as the momentum came, Ji Yu was struck by lightning and stood still.

"Why... how could this be... how can you have the breath of a blood father?" Ji Yu muttered to himself.

At the same time, Xue An stepped forward and said coldly: "It's very simple, because your blood father has been killed by me!"

With the voice, the imaginary image of the blood sea **** tree rumblingly folded into two parts and shattered.

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!" Ji Yu shook his head frantically, still unwilling to believe it was true.

But at this moment, her power is disintegrating.

Xue An raised his hand, and there was the ancient mirror in the palm of his hand.

"Now, are you credible?"

After seeing this treasure from the Lord of Abyss, Ji Yu finally understood that everything Xue An said was true.

This fact caused her to collapse immediately.

The power of the remaining blood burst out and exploded into a piece in the air.

"Ahhhhh, I don't believe it, the blood father won't abandon me, all this is fake..."

There was a muffled sound.

The scream stopped abruptly, and then Ji Yu turned his head hard to look at Xue An behind him.


"Walk slowly, not send it!"

Following the voice, Xue An pulled out abruptly, and his palm was pulled out from the back of Ji Yu's heart.

In his hand, it was a beating heart.

Then Xue Anxin shook his hand.


The heart was completely crushed.

Ji Yu's eyes went out instantly, and his body exploded, becoming nothing.

At the moment when she fell, a Qi machine suddenly penetrated into Xue An's eyebrows.

Then all the creatures in the abyss, whether they are alchemy evil things or evil spirits, Qi Qizhen is for the fans.

at the same time.

The man with golden glasses on the ground has also been torn to pieces by Xiao Ruisheng.

So far, this wave of attacks on the earth has been completely resolved, and the crisis has also been resolved.

Everyone stared at this scene blankly.

It wasn't until a moment later that people gradually awoke, and then they cried and cheered.

In an instant, the audience, the whole country, and even the whole world were completely boiling.

Everyone was cheering hysterically~www.wuxiaspot.com~ leaping and crying.

Because of this battle, everyone underwent unimaginable pressure.

Now that the crisis is suddenly lifted, the pressure will naturally be completely released.

The powerhouses present couldn't help showing a relieved smile.

Without knowing who started it, people suddenly started cheering loudly.

"Mr. Xue is invincible!"

"Mr. Xue races high!"

The sound was shaking.

Everyone looked up at Xue An with respect.

But at this moment, Xue An, who was standing high in the sky, suddenly opened his mouth and vomited out a big mouthful of blood with a puff.

Immediately afterwards, he fell like a kite with a broken line.

In an instant, the whole world was shocked!

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