Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1751: Call everyone to come

"Mr. Xue!"

"Little Ang!"

"Brother Xue!"


There were screams.

Tang Xuan'er, Fan Mengxue, Hu Ying and others rushed up even more desperately.

But at this moment, Zhuge Zang roared, "All back, no one should touch him! Heaven cover that!"

Tianzhe's face was dignified, and he stomped his feet directly, and the ground was suddenly covered by layers of black awns, and he embraced Xue An who had fallen to the ground.

But even such a slight shock caused Xue An to spit out another big mouthful of blood.

Blood splattered everywhere, and it also stained everyone's eyes.

"Brother Xue!" Hu Ying cried, and then wept loudly.

She had never seen Xue An like this.

The brother Xue in the memory is always the appearance of Zhizhu holding the clouds and light, but now, Xue An's momentum has fallen to the extreme, and the once breathtaking eyes are even more dim, as if anytime. Will go out the same.

This scene scared Fox Ying into tears.

As for the others, they burst into tears.



The whole world was shaken by the cry.

Chen Xiaoyi's whole person was already shaking, and the original joy has long since disappeared. At this moment, she was manipulating the machine with tears and pointed the camera at Xue An, who was sitting on the ground.

When Xue An, who was so pale that there was no trace of blood, appeared in the picture, countless people's hearts instantly became a ball.

In the old Xie Hotel, the fat aunt had already cried into tears, "Xiao An! You can't be okay!"

Even Lao Xie watched the TV blankly, with glints flickering in his sluggish eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

At the same time, Zhuge Zang fell to the ground, and the always calm he also showed anxious expression at this moment, and shouted at the sky with angrily: "Tianzhuna, what the **** is going on? What's wrong with Xiaoan?"

At that moment, Tianzhe also has six gods and no masters, "Where did I know that Xiaoan was alone in front of the quasi-immortal emperor-level lord of the abyss, and forcibly destroyed the opponent, and was injured in the end, but who knew his injury would be so serious? !"


Hearing that Xue An had single-handedly eliminated the existence of the quasi-immortal emperor level, everyone couldn't help taking a breath.

But this also made Hu Ying, Tang Xuan'er and the others even more sore and tears streaming.

Brother Xue actually endured such a huge pressure alone.

Quasi-Xiandi-level powerhouse!

That's an existence that his brother might not be able to beat! What price did Brother Xue pay to destroy the other party?

Thinking of this, Hu Ying suddenly felt a chill in her heart.

If... Brother Xue leaves me because of this, what should I do?

This thought caused Hu Ying to collapse instantly.

At the same time, Zhuge Zang was even more angry, "Tianzhuna, you fucking..."

"Old man Zhuge, don't say it!" At this moment, Xue An suddenly said in a very weak voice.

Zhuge Zang closed his mouth immediately, "Brother Xue, how are you feeling now?"

Xue An's face was as white as paper, and he waved his hand with a light smile, "Come here!"

Zhuge Zang immediately stepped forward.

"Do me a favor! Open the seal between my eyebrows and open the Fubao Xiaolou inside!" Xue An said softly.

Zhuge Zang was startled, then nodded solemnly, "Offended!"

With that said, he pointed at Xue An's eyebrows.

The seal set by Xue An was very simple to him, so he broke it quickly, and then dragged out the small talisman in the divine space with a gentle force of divine mind.

The moment when Fu Bao Xiaolou appeared in front of everyone.

An Yan rushed out of it like an arrow from a string, and behind her was thinking about these two little girls.

The mother and daughter jumped directly to Xue An, and An Yan stopped.

She stood in front of Xue An blankly and looked at Xue An quietly.

Xue An smiled slightly, but when he laughed, blood was leaking from the corner of his mouth.

Suddenly An Yan began to tremble, and then big tears fell.


The two little girls even cried into tears, but they cleverly covered their mouths and refused to make a sound.

"Yan'er, come here!"

An Yan immediately stepped forward, squatting down to hug Xue An, but did not dare to start.

Xue An raised his hand with difficulty, stroked An Yan's cheek lightly, and then smiled with relief.

"Very good! Your seal has been unlocked for the most part!"

Where An Yan still has the mind to care about the seal, she feels that her heart is almost broken.

"Stupid husband, why are you so stupid! Why do you want to lock me up! Do you know how desperate I can be when I can't hear or feel anything inside? I hate you!"

The sound is not loud, but every word is weeping blood.

Xue An smiled tiredly, "I'm sorry! The opponent I was facing was too strong, for your safety, I can only do that!"

An Yan was crying and speechless.

At this moment, Xue An's fingertips lightly touched her forehead.

In an instant, Xue An's armor was transferred to An Yan's body like flowing water.

It was only then that people could see clearly that there were huge wounds on Xue An's body.

These wounds are like a rag doll about to collapse, full of lifelessness.

An Yan tremblingly stroked these wounds on Xue An's body, and a line of blood and tears flowed down the corner of her eyes.

"Does it hurt?"

Xue An smiled and shook his head, then his complexion gradually became serious.

"Yan'er, I will leave for a while, but the news of my rebirth return has spread. By then, countless people who took advantage of the fire and robbery will come to seek revenge. By then, the earth will face a crisis that is 100 times or even more difficult than this crisis. It’s a dangerous situation, but we have nowhere to go, so you have to take it all on your shoulders and protect the Fa. When I wake up, understand?"

Hearing Xue An's words, An Yan's expression instantly calmed down, and infinite murderous intent appeared in the pair of cut water pupils.

"it is good!"

Xue An looked at Tang Xuan'er, Hu Ying and others not far away, and smiled wearily.

"Please everyone!"

Everyone gathered together and nodded immediately.

Then Xue An took a few hurried breaths, and forced to look at Zhuge Zang.

"Old man come here, I have something to tell you!"

Zhuge Zang immediately attached his ears.

Xue An said in a very low voice: "You hurry up to summon Huye and Ye Hanshang and others to come to fight the powerful enemy and defend the earth!"

Zhuge Zang's complexion changed, he immediately understood, and then nodded solemnly: "Don't worry!"

"Thank you!"

After all, Xue An tried his last bit of strength and smiled at the tearful two little girls.

"Don't cry, Dad just took a nap and will wake up soon!"

I miss Nian but I'm so crying that I can't even speak.

"Silly girl!"

He said with a chuckle, and then the brilliance in Xue An's eyes gradually extinguished, and the aura of the whole person also decreased, and eventually disappeared.

In an instant, Xue An sat on the spot with his head down, without the slightest breath, as if it were a corpse.

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