When this scene spread through live footage to every corner of the world, the whole world was silent for it.

Before they knew it, many people burst into tears.

Because they knew that the reason why Xue An was so seriously injured was all for the earth!

To put it bluntly, he is likely to be so exhausted!

At this point, many people feel like a knife.

Even some people who didn't catch a cold for Xue An obediently closed their mouths at this moment.

For example, the President of Country M, at this moment, he dare not show any schadenfreude.

Because he knew very well that if he dared to say some nonsense nonsense at this time, even if he was the president, he would have to be torn to pieces by the angry crowd.

Even so, he couldn't help but secretly rejoice in his heart.

Gee, this is a coma? I think it's dead!

Good to die, as long as he dies, China's threat will be reduced by 90%!

The president thought with hatred.

As for the people present, they all fell into sorrow and sorrow, and there was faint crying.

In the midst of this gloomy cloud, General Zhen Guo walked out of the crowd and came to An Yan's side.

"Mrs. Xue, I hope you don't feel too sad!"

An Yan slowly turned his head after hearing this, and looked at General Zhen Guo with a calm expression, "I am not sad, because I know that he is just too tired, so he will take a rest! Soon he will wake up! "

General Zhen Guo didn't expect An Yan to be so calm, and all the comforting words he had prepared were lost.

"Mrs. Xue, it's great for you to think so, and you can rest assured that as long as we are here, you and your two daughters will be absolutely safe!"

An Yan shook his head gently, "Don't be so troublesome, I won't go anywhere, I will guard my husband here until he wakes up!"

The two little girls also wiped the tears from their faces at this time, and their little faces were full of seriousness.

"Yes, we won't leave, we have to wait for Dad to wake up!"

General Zhen Guo was taken aback and wanted to say something, but when he saw the perseverance on An Yan's face, he understood that no matter what he said, he could not change An Yan's decision.

So he pondered for a while, and then walked to Zhuge Zang, "Master Zhuge, I want to discuss something with you!"

Zhuge Zang nodded, "If you don't find me, I will find you too!"

With that, the two discussed in a low voice.

After a while, the town general nodded solemnly, "Okay, I understand!"

After that, he turned around and said to his portable secretary.

"Through my order, from now on, centering on Mr. Xue's location, the fifty-mile radius is listed as an absolute restricted area, and elite troops are sent to guard it. No one is allowed to enter, otherwise it will be killed!"

This decision stunned many people, but soon everyone understood.

After all, Xue An's situation now affects the hearts of all Chinese.

And Xue An has fallen into this weird state of death or alive, which can be described as completely undefended. If someone with a heart of uncertainty takes the opportunity to make waves, wouldn't it be a bad thing?

Just in case, it's always good to be careful!

But then the second decision made by General Zhen Guo shocked everyone.

I saw him look around the strong men and generals of all races present, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, the crisis facing the earth is far from over. Mr. Xue said himself that there will be Xiaoxiao after he sleeps [567中文] The generation of www.567zw.top] took advantage of the fire to rob."

"These people are likely to be the most powerful among the heavens. The pressure we will face will be much more severe than this time. Therefore, in order to unite and fight against the powerful enemy, I decided to form the Earth Alliance. Headquarters, gather all the forces of our humanity, to prepare defenses in advance!"

The voice of the town general echoed on the battlefield and spread all over the world through various channels.

Everyone's expressions became serious when they heard the stakes stated by the general of the town and country.

The joy of repelling a powerful enemy before was even gone.

At the same time, the generals of various countries and the strong looked at each other, and then they nodded and agreed.

"Country E is willing to join the Earth Alliance Command and accept the unified management of China!"

"Country R is willing to join!"

"Country Y is willing to join!"

All the countries all agreed to join, but the military representatives of country M did not express their opinions.

In an instant, everyone's eyes focused on them.

These M country generals were full of embarrassment, "Wait a moment, everyone, we have reported the situation and are waiting for your reply from the President!"

At this moment, one of the general's tactical computers received a reply, and he immediately opened it to check, and then his face became difficult to look.

"How to say?" someone asked.

The general hesitated, and then bit the bullet and said: "Our president wants to ask, after joining the Earth Coalition Command, what should this command say? And... he wants to be the commander-in-chief!"

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was in an uproar.

"I'm pooh! I've been hiding in the defensive lair underground and didn't even dare to show his face. Now the enemy has been repulsed, but he wants to be the commander-in-chief! Why is this person so thick?" a Chinese general immediately scolded.

The generals of Country E on the side are not surprised at this, "It's a Chinese friend, it's not worth being angry about this. These stupid **** are originally this virtue, just get used to it!"

These cynical words made the general blushing ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The General Zhen Guo said nothing bad, he just shook his head slightly, and then said indifferently: "Sorry, please forgive us for not accepting this condition, and Since you are so insincere, you don't have to join! Anyway, the Earth Alliance Command does not lack yours!"

Having said that, the town general turned around and left, leaving these M country generals directly there.

Seeing this scene, everyone felt their eyebrows exhale, and then they all left with a smile.

In an instant, only these few generals of Country M were left standing in place.

Their faces were blue and white, and it was not until a moment later that one of the generals gritted his teeth and roared.

"I really want to know what our Excellency the President thinks, isn't his head stuffed with feces? Isn't he deliberately provoking China with such incredible conditions?"

"Now it's okay, China is not going to talk about it, and if our country M is excluded from the Earth Alliance Command, it means that we have been abandoned by the international community, and there will be a strong enemy invading it. Let's just play with this stupid bastard!"

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