Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1753: The news spreads, the demons dance

The words of this general made the faces of the others more difficult to look.

"No, we have to report these things to the Congress, otherwise our country M will definitely be dragged down by this stupid!"

Several generals immediately sent the incident back.

After realizing the seriousness of the matter, the big lords of Congress reached a consensus in just a few minutes.

Then a piece of paper was sent to the cockfighting president, with a line of big characters written on it.

Presidential recall order!

The president's face was as pale as paper, "No! This is impossible. I am the dignified head of state, the chosen son of heaven. How can you just dismiss me?"

The general in charge of delivering the letter sneered coldly, "I'm sorry, but the removal order has the signatures of all members of Congress, so it is valid! In other words, from now on, you are no longer the president of Country M!"

"No! You are persecution, I want to announce it to the world! I want to..."

The general gave a wink at the left and right, and several guards immediately rushed forward and blocked the words behind him.

"I'm sorry, you will enter the nursing home for ten years of compulsory treatment for mental and physical reasons after being removed, and the name of the disease is Alzheimer's!"

Seeing the cold smile on the general's face, the president's heart gradually sank to the bottom.

Because he knew that all his escape routes had been blocked.

From then on, he will be a patient suffering from Alzheimer's.

"take away!"

Soon, the meticulously concocted news came out, which surprised all countries.

Surprised at the speed of country M.

On the second day, the special envoy of country M rushed to China. After a sincere apology, country M joined the Earth Allied Forces command as he wished.

In this way, under the full operation of all countries, the Earth Allied Forces Command was established at an astonishing speed.

The armies of various countries have been brought into the unified management and deployment of the Earth Alliance Command. Only with this, the global power has been twisted into a rope.

Especially those strong from various countries are divided into more than a dozen teams, each team performs its own duties, complements each other's strengths and weaknesses, and maximizes everyone's strength.

Just as the earth is doing all kinds of preparations before the war comes.

In the depths of the distant starry sky, stands a large family.

Above the mountain gate, there are three characters written in ancient seal script, Qiantianyuan.


In the main hall of Qiantianyuan, Shang Liang, who was meditating with his eyes closed, suddenly felt something and suddenly opened his eyes.


As he opened his eyes, the boundless sea of ​​clouds outside the mountain gate was directly shaken out of a straight channel and extended to the unknown.

All the disciples in the courtyard were trembling at it, and looked at the hall with horror.

Because they don't know what can provoke the lord so anger.

at the same time.

A trace of doubt appeared in Shang Liang's eyes.

"What's the matter? Why can't I suddenly notice the breath of the Lord of the Abyss? Even Wei Young's breath has disappeared?"

Just as he was surprised by it, a jade slip phantom suddenly flew in front of him.

Shang Liang Xin took it, and when he opened it, his pupils instantly shrank to the size of a needle, and at the same time, the cheek that had always been Gujing Bubo turned pale.

This jade slip is exactly the back hand that the Lord of the Abyss set up in advance.

After his body falls, these jade that has already set the space-time coordinates will fly to the heavens.

And the content recorded above is also very simple, only the coordinates of one planet, and...the detailed information of Xue An.

"Xue An..." Shang Liang whispered softly, and the hand holding Yujian gradually turned white due to excessive force.

In his eyes, there was a gleam of fright and excitement.

Frightened that the Red Lotus Immortal Venerable who used to be from the Sky of Avia didn't die, but was reborn and returned, and destroyed the Lord of the Abyss who was not even his opponent.

Excited that if according to what the jade slip said, then Xue An must have been seriously injured at this moment, this is a golden opportunity!

After all, he is not even a fairy king now, plus he was seriously injured, his strength must have fallen to the bottom.

In this case, he has a chance to take revenge.

That's right.

Shang Liang hated Xue An.

But in the previous life, Xue Angui was the Immortal Venerable. Don't even retaliate, he didn't even dare to think about it.

After all, the gap in strength is too big.

But this time the situation was different. As long as he planned properly, Xue An would definitely die.

Shang Liang trembled with excitement when he thought of the old immortal strongman who was able to do so.

Suddenly, he remembered something again, raised his hand in the air and wrote a series of divine reading seals, and then waved it out.

Shang Liang couldn't help but sneer after the Shennian Shu seal disappeared without a trace.

"Red Lotus Immortal Venerable, did you ever think that there will be today when you bullied me and waited? Now that you are seriously injured, don't blame me for waiting to be merciless!"

"When I get in touch with friends from all walks of life, I will get up and go to your hometown. Then...hehe!"

"I'm going to kill you a chicken or dog without leaving it!"

When Shang Liang began to contact the various sects that had hatred with Xue An, the jade slips of the Lord of the Abyss spread among the heavens.

The news broke out and all parties were terrified.

It should be known that the Lord of the Abyss chooses to have blood and blood feuds or strong people with Xue An, so when they heard the news, their eyes were red with excitement, and they screamed and wanted revenge.

The various evil sects that had been suppressed by Xue An in the past had not dared to show up, began to restart the mountain gates one by one.

Those strong men who had blood on their hands but were chased by Xue An who could only hide in the wild and trembling also reappeared in the world.

In this case, the heavens gradually waved and became less peaceful.

at the same time.

In the solar system, Zhuge Zang and Tianzhe flew into space, which is only a few million miles away from the sun, with serious faces.

Look at this big fireball that occupies all the field of vision and exudes violent heat.

Tianzhe said solemnly, "Old man Zhuge, how sure are you?"

Zhuge Zang said lightly: "I don't know either!"

"I don't know? Are you **** teasing me? It's time now, maybe when there will be a strong attack on the earth, you actually said you don't know how sure you are?" Tianzhe's face was stunned. Said.

"My surname is Tian, ​​don't you **** tell me these nonsense, how do I know that I am a little sure, I am not a god!"

"Good, good! What you said is right!" Tianzhe was not interested in bickering, "Then what do you say now?"

"Of course I gave it a try! Otherwise, I really won't be sure at all!"

With that said, Zhuge Zang took a step forward, spreading all his beards, and then raised his hand to set up a formation in the air.

With the emergence of array patterns, a huge formation began to take shape, absorbed the power of the sun, and gradually became red.

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