I saw him smile slightly, then walked up quickly and gently held the woman's palm, "A Rou, I'm back!"

In an instant, the woman's tears fell like a broken string.

"I haven't been here for so long, I thought...I thought I would never see you again!"

Hu Ye took the woman's shoulders distressedly, and hugged her into his arms.

"Okay, okay, stop crying! Didn't I come back now?"

The woman gradually stopped her grief, and suddenly stretched out her hand to fumble on Huye's cheek.

"What's the matter?" Hu Ye asked strangely.

The woman was silent for a moment, and then whispered: "You have lost weight!"

Fox night was startled.

He thought about many possibilities, but he didn't expect Arou to say this.

After all, he is the blood of the celestial fox, how could he be thin?

But at this moment, Arou stood up, then turned and walked into the house, "I'm going to cook some food you love!"

Seeing her groping towards the back of the kitchen, Huye gently touched her face, smiled silently, and then quickly walked up.

Although invisible to the eyes, Arou's cooking skills are extremely good.

Hu Ye leaned on the door frame, holding a cucumber in his hand, chewing big mouthfuls, and smiling and teasing the busy Arou to speak.

"Rourou, did you miss me so much when I was away?"

"Rourou, how did I find that you are beautiful again?"

"Rourou, you look so handsome when cutting vegetables!"


This kind of mouth-breaking chattering is exactly the style of Huye.

If it were replaced by someone else, such as Xue An, he would have blocked Fox Ye's mouth very violently at this moment.

But A Rou seemed to like to listen to such nutritious nonsense from Fox Ye.

In addition to occasionally blushing because of Fox Ye’s "mockery", A Rou listened with a gentle face most of the time, and from time to time she laughed at Fox Ye’s exaggerated statements.

And this smile often makes Hu Ye lose her mind.


A table of food is ready.

Without exception, they are all fox night favorite dishes.

Huye is also welcome, waving his chopsticks is a madness.

Listening to his feasting voice, A Rou put her hand on her cheek, her face was full of happy smiles.

"Hey Rourou, why don't you eat it?" Hu Ye swallowed a big meatball in one bite, and choked him to roll his eyes, but still asked with concern.

A Rou shook her head, "I'm not hungry! You can eat it, I just listen!"

"Oh! Then I'm not welcome!" As he said, the fox night suddenly drank a jar of Hundred Flower Stuffed Rice, and then he touched his mouth comfortably.

"Good wine, Rourou, your brewing skills are getting better and better!"

A Rou smiled so that her eyes were bent into crescent shapes, and her dim and godless eyes seemed to shine.

"If you like it, drink it open, I've brewed a lot!"

After a bottle of wine, Huye's face began to redden at a speed visible to the naked eye, he laughed a few times, and then moved forward, Baqi kissed A Rou on the cheek.

"Rourou is awesome, reward you with a bite!"

A Rou's face flushed to the root of her ears, "Big...Big bad guy!"

Then he lowered his head, shy of not daring to look at Huye.

"Hey!" Hu Ye smiled triumphantly.

At the moment the beauty is on the side and the wine is in front, he is naturally full of joy.

But at this moment, an invisible divine mind passed over this planet.

No one is even aware of wherever he went.

Only when he passed this small courtyard, Fox Ye, who was eating meat and drinking alcohol, shook his whole body, and then an extremely bright light burst into his eyes.

The powerful coercion was even more gushing out, and he was about to touch Arou in front of him.

An imperceptible brilliance suddenly appeared in the center of A Rou's eyebrows, which directly protected her body and was immune to all external harm.

If there are foxes here, they will surely scream.

Because it was a drop of blood of the Immortal King who protected A Rou.

at the same time.

Hu Ye stood up suddenly, his face uncertain, and his eyes flashed with brilliance, and he was obviously confused.

Because what he just received was the divine thought sent by Zhuge Zang with the help of the power of the sun.

The message in Divine Mind was simple, but what it brought to Fox Ye was infinite shock.

Xue Anli slashed the Lord of the Abyss. He was already in a coma at this moment, but the news of his rebirth has spread throughout the sky, causing the current situation on the earth to be very dangerous, and if he is careless, he is in danger of overthrowing.

Each of these is a shocking event.

But what worries Huye the most is the current situation of his friend Xue An.

Seriously injured and unconscious?

How could he suddenly fall into a coma?

Could it be that you have fallen between life and death, unable to extricate yourself?

Linghuye's face turned pale with this thought.

For monks, the way of cultivation is to go against the sky, and the difficulties and obstacles along the way are countless.

Especially when your strength becomes more tyrannical, the crisis you will face will be more dangerous.

Between life and death is one of the catastrophes, and also the most dangerous one.

No matter what reason you fell into this demon barrier, as long as you enter, it will be difficult to wake up again.

What's more important is that outsiders can't help in this robbery, and everything can only get through by themselves.

At this point, Huye felt the seriousness of the matter more and more.

But I just came back and just left...

He was thinking about how to explain to A Rou.

A Rou already whispered: "Are you leaving again?"

Hu Ye nodded, "Yeah!"

"Why is it so fast this time?"

"Something urgent!"

"Can't you not leave?" Arou asked suddenly.

Fox night was silent.

After a while, Arou nodded, "Okay, I understand! There is wine I prepared for you in the backyard, you can bring it!"

Hu Ye opened his mouth, "Arou..."

A Rou had already stood up, "I'm a little tired, help me close the door when you go out!"

After that, she turned around and staggered towards the bedroom.

Huye looked at her back, and now a guilty expression appeared on her always cynical face.

"Sorry! This matter is related to my friend's wealth and life, I must go!" He said softly, then turned and left.

Hearing the sound of footsteps outside, Arou, who was leaning against the bedroom door, slowly slid to the ground, then lowered her head and sobbed silently.

In her limited life, there is a clear dividing line.

Before the dividing line, her life was completely dim, and even hope had been lost.

Everything changed with the appearance of Fox Night.

For the first time, her life also had brilliance.

But she knew very well that this man would definitely not stay with her forever.

So she cherishes the time with Fox Ye.

Every time Fox Night comes, she is the happiest and happiest time.

But this time, he just came for less than an hour, and left without even finishing a meal.

Although she said it was okay, her heart was still full of unspeakable loss.

Is he tired of me?


After all, who would like a blind man?

What's more, he is so handsome and powerful!

These thoughts ate her heart like a poisonous snake, and gradually made her despair.

But at this moment ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the sound of footsteps suddenly returned, and the bedroom door was opened.

Fox Ye stood behind the door with scary eyes bright.

A Rou stood up a little dazed, "You..."

"Rourou, are you willing to follow me?" Hu Ye asked categorically.

"Go? Where to go?"

"Go and see my friend, would you like to?"

A Rou was stunned.

"I thought about it for a long time, but I still think it's too cruel to leave you here alone. After all, there isn't even a speaker here..."

"I'm willing!" Before Fox Night started talking, Arou nodded firmly.

"Uh, it might be a bit dangerous on this road, I..." Hu Ye didn't expect A Rou to agree so quickly, so he wanted to explain a little bit dazedly.

But A Rou shook her head straightforwardly, "Needless to say, no matter where I go or what I do, I am willing!"

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