Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1757: In love, only in courtesy

"Come on, hold me!" said Hu Ye.

A Rou wrapped her hands around Fox Ye's waist with a red face.

Although she has known Fox Yee for a long time, the relationship between the two of them is from love to courtesy. At most, Fox Ye will occasionally "shamelessly" kiss her, and she has never been as close as it is now. .

So Arou stammered and said, " shall we go next? Do you directly ascend?"

Although Taoism is not too prosperous in this world, folk legends about immortals are very broad.

At least Arou had heard of the fairy who soared by the day.

And Hu Ye never concealed his identity as an extraordinary person.

Only in the past, A Rou wisely chose to avoid this, but now that she finally has the opportunity to leave together, her heart is naturally very excited.

Fox night smiled, "Of course not! Because the place of my friend is far away from here, even if it is me, if I want to fly over, I have to walk for a long time. By then, the day lily may be cold. Up!"

"Ah... what should I do?"

"Naturally take a shortcut! Don't worry, I have my own way!" Huye said with a grin, and then gave a soft drink, "Hold tight!"

As soon as the voice fell, his whole person rose up into the sky, so scared that Arou hurriedly hugged him.

In an instant, Hu Ye led A Rou to fly away from the city and into the sky.

The cold wind was bitter, and A Rou couldn't help subconsciously burying herself in Fox Ye's chest.

Fox Ye smiled, and a white tail suddenly appeared, covering A Rou's body.

Feeling the furry warmth, Arou couldn't help but be surprised: "Little fox, is this your tail?"

"Uh... Rourou, can you stop calling me a little fox? If my friends hear this, I will lose face!"

"Why is there no face? Isn't the little fox cute?"

" don't understand! Don't call me a little fox anyway!"

"What's that called you?"

"Why don't you call me husband!" Hu Ye said with a narrow smile.

"Husband? What does that mean?" Arou was obviously unfamiliar with this earth-specific term.

"Um... it means being a very good friend!"

"Oh! Okay then, husband!" A Rou's eyes were bent into crescent shapes, and she said with a smile.

Hu Ye was startled slightly, and even if he coughed slightly, he turned his head with difficulty, "Okay! You may be a little dizzy next, but you will be well soon! Remember to hold me tight, don't let go! "

"Good husband!" A Rou responded crisply.

Looking at Ah Rou with an innocent look, a sense of guilt suddenly appeared in Hu Ye's heart.

Is he too shameless?

How to deceive such a pure girl!

Bah, scumbag!

Hu Ye sipped himself secretly, and then the brilliance flashed in his eyes, and six tails suddenly appeared behind him, plus the one covering Arou, which was exactly the number of seven.

I saw the six tails wagging in the air, and the image of Fox Ye changed accordingly, showing the original face of the Tianhu family.

The powerful momentum raged in the high altitude, spreading even hundreds of miles away.

This is also the reason why Fox Ye had to fly to a high altitude to reveal his body. If it were in a city, this momentum alone might be enough to shatter the spirits of the people in the city.

at the same time.

Hu Ye closed his eyes and silently felt the energy from the depths of his soul.

There was a little brilliance in the void of his divine consciousness.

Every bit of brilliance represents a place of worship.

We must know that the fox tribe is enshrined as a **** in many places, not to mention the most powerful Celestial fox tribe.

Whenever someone enshrines him, it will form a little brilliance in the magical void of Fox Ye.

As long as the incense continues, this brilliance will continuously provide the power of faith to the fox night.

This kind of power may not be a big deal to Fox Ye, who is a precious fairy king.

But for some weak gods, this kind of incense means power.

Therefore, there is actually another way of cultivation among the heavens, which is to be widely worshipped, to accumulate the power of incense, and to become enlightened.

Of course, this kind of gods condensed by faith has great limitations, but it has to be said that it is a good way to find another way.

At this time, Fox Ye was searching silently in the divine consciousness void.

at last!

He found a brilliance that looked extremely bleak compared to other light spots and seemed to collapse at any time.

"Damn, the incense is actually weak again, it seems that it is time to clean up Lingying Palace this time when I go back!"

Hu Ye muttered, and suddenly a trace of divine thought was connected with this brilliance.


In an instant, a connection established by the power of faith took shape across countless stars.

Then Hu Ye yelled loudly, "Drive me!"

As he said, his tail was gathered together like two hands, and then he jerked to the side.


The space was torn apart, revealing a bottomless space-time channel.

The spatiotemporal turbulence that overflowed from it swept across the entire sky.

But Hu Ye smiled, "Softly hold tight, let's go!"

After that, he raised his foot and stepped into this space-time passage before disappearing.

The space-time passage was still violent, but at this moment, a furry tail suddenly stretched out and then slammed it.

This space-time passage suddenly collapsed, and the violent space-time power directly shook the entire void.

Although this space-time channel converged to the invisible right after that, the power that burst out at that moment still made all the powerhouses in this world amazed and looked up here.

what happened?

Why did such a palpitating power suddenly come from high altitude, and then disappear without a trace?

Of course, their question is destined to be unanswered.

Because the instigator has already left here and disappeared into the boundless space and time.


Fanjing Mountain, Lingying Palace.

As a large temple with a thousand-year heritage, the Lingying Palace at this moment is in dilapidated, a scene of withering.

The direct cause of all this is the serious loss of incense followers.

And this phenomenon is not just the Lingying Palace family.

In fact, in today's China, apart from those decent beliefs, all other beliefs are rapidly withering.

In the words of these former believers themselves, now there are living Chinese patron saints, who is willing to worship these wood-carved clay sculptures!

That's right!

Because of Xue An's performance all the time, he has been respected by the people and even by the government as the patron saint of the Chinese people, and he has been worshipped.

It's just that Xue An didn't pay too much attention to it.

But anyway, the Lingying Palace today is indeed a desolate scene. Even the main hall door was broken due to disrepair. Shi Xueqing didn’t have money to repair it, so he just found a piece of scrap colored steel for it. Blocked.

The color steel is even sprayed with a few large characters on the fox breeding farm, which is quite suitable for putting it here.

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