at last!

Just a few feet away from Fox Night, Xingzhou suddenly braked sharply, and the violent forward momentum suddenly began to slow down.

When it came to a complete stop, Xingzhou's front was already close to Huye's nose. That's it, Huye didn't even blink his eyes, but quietly looked at the front window on Xingzhou.

Because through this layer of glass refined by the secret method, you can just see Ye Hanshang inside.

The two looked at each other, and then the window of Xingzhou came down. Ye Hanshang poked his head out of it and shouted with a narrow smile: "Hey, dead fox, you are not afraid that I can't stop the car. Huh?"

Hu Ye shrugged, then spread his hand, "Don't be afraid! You can run over me if you have the ability!"

"Damn, you are still such a rascal!" Ye Hanchang sipped.

"You too, still so boring!" Hu Ye replied unceremoniously.

But after mocking each other, the two looked at each other and then laughed.

Amidst the laughter, Ye Hanshang jumped out of the star boat directly, and gave Huye a sturdy bear hug.

"Little fox, long time no see!"

"Little Apiao, long time no see!"

A Piao is used as a pronoun for lonely ghosts in some places, so Ye Hanchang said embarrassingly: "You are still like this, you won't eat any loss!"

"Nonsense, why should I take your losses? You are not a girl!" Hu Ye said disdainfully.

At this moment, Jin Jue and Meng Yao also walked off the Xingzhou.

When he saw Jin Jue, Hu Ye was slightly startled, "Invisible Big Bodhisattva? Little Ye Zi, are you planning to convert to Buddhism?"

"Fuck, do you think I'm like someone who can't think about it?" Ye Hanshang cursed with a smile, and then introduced: "His name is Jin Jue, who is also Xue An's friend. This time he heard that Xue An had an accident, so he followed Helping out!"

While talking, Jin Jue stepped forward and greeted Fox Yeji, "Little monk has seen Lord Fox King!"

Hu Ye hurriedly returned a gift, "Too polite! Just call me Hu Ye!"

Fox Ye knows very well that in Buddhism, the invisible Big Bodhisattva is equivalent to the fairy king among the heavens.

So he was very polite.

Then he looked at Meng Yao curiously, "This one is..."

Meng Yao stepped forward and respectfully said: "Little girl Meng Yao, I have seen Lord Immortal King!"

"Meng Yao, wow, this name is really temperamental! Little lady, how old are you? Are you married?" Fox Ye said with a grin, how do you look like a gangster.

Meng Yao's face flushed, and the person who ate Ai Ai didn't know how to answer Fox Ye's words.

At this moment, I only heard a powerful and loud voice that resembled Dalu of Admiralty.

"Little fox, you are at the cute girl again!"

Following the voice, the brawny man who was three meters tall also walked off the star boat.

After seeing him, Hu Ye was taken aback for a moment, then couldn't help but exclaimed, "Damn it, it's you!"

"What? Surprised?" The strong man smiled faintly.

A strong surprise appeared on Hu Ye's face, "It is indeed a little surprised, Brother Chu, why are you here with Xiao Ye Zi?"

The brawny man smiled, "At that time, after I received the news, I immediately put everything down and rushed here, and then happened to meet Han Chang and the others on the road! So I rushed together!"

Ye Hanshang also nodded, "Yes, the big man was on his way alone at the time, I happened to meet him, and then came over together!"

Fox night was simply overjoyed when he heard this.

In his opinion, as long as this big guy comes, the earth can sit back and relax.

Because this big man created the Dragon Elephant Gate with one hand, and was also called Chu Wuxiang, the first person to cultivate in the heavens!

This is a truly peerless fierce man, the kind that does not contain any moisture.

In terms of strength alone, this Chu Wuxiang can be regarded as one of the best existences in the first level of the Immortal King, second only to some peerless evildoers.

Even Huye, when facing him, he has to bow down.

But because this Chu has no relatives and peace, and doesn't like to fight with people, so the fame among the heavens is not as big as the fox night.

In recent hundreds of years, it has been heard that he has long been practicing in retreat.

Unexpectedly, this time when Xue An had an accident, he would not be far away.

In fact, Chu Wuxiang is indeed practicing in retreat, and it has reached a very critical moment.

But even so, after receiving the divine mind broadcast, he immediately broke the barrier, put everything down, and rushed directly to the earth.

The reason for this is not only the deep relationship between him and Xue An, but also the kindness in it.

At that time, Chu Wuxiang was so obsessed with cultivation that his heart and demons were in his body, and his golden body was almost broken under the circumstances.

It was in this extremely dangerous situation that Xue An took a huge risk and brazenly took a shot, surviving him in a mad state, and then adjusted it, and finally let him pass the hurdle.

Since then, Chu Wuxiang, who is upright by nature, regards Xue An as his lifelong confidant, and does not want to repay his favor all the time.

So this time Xue An had an accident, he would be so desperate.

"Great, if Zhuge Zang and the surnamed Tian know that you two are here, they don't know how happy they would be! Let's go, let's go back quickly!" Hu Ye said excitedly.

Then everyone boarded the star boat together, and an acceleration disappeared in the starry sky.

The remaining group of dragon people stood in the same place stupidly, and didn't wake up until after a while.

"Yaoshou, my lord doesn't want us!" someone screamed.

As soon as the voice fell, the dragon man on the side raised his hand and knocked on his head, "Yaoshou, are you so tall? I have been holding you back for a long time!"

"Then what shall we do now?"

At this moment, Fox Ye's voice suddenly appeared in their minds.

"Er wait here. If there is any change, please report it to me as soon as possible, understand?"

This group of dragon people shuddered, and hurriedly bowed their heads and said: "Yes!"

They patrolled here and waited without mentioning, but said that the Fox Ye and others returned to the earth with the starship.

On the way, Hu Ye had already notified Zhuge Zang and others in So when Xingzhou appeared in outer space, Zhuge Zang and Tianzha had already led people to greet him here.

Not only that, when the news spread, all the media began to exaggerate the matter.

Especially when I heard that there were two fairy kings among the people in Laede, the whole world was boiling.

"Hahaha, now we have five immortal kings on our planet, I don't believe who else would dare to do it!" Someone smiled with relief.

"Yes! Whoever dares to come, let's teach him a lesson he will never forget!"

For a time, all kinds of discussions were raging.

And this matter was called by later generations, the Five Kings!

But just when the whole world fell into a state of madness of relief.

In the depths of the distant starry sky, a huge team suddenly appeared.

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