This is a very strange team.

Because the team is made up of all kinds of star boats.

The identities of the players are even more diverse.

There are monsters, ghosts, demons, and even a few alien creatures.

Of course, the human race is the main one.

But these people, no matter what their identities, are all looking forward to it without exception.

"Ahem! Business master, how far are we from the goal now?" said an old man with a goatee and flashing eyes.

The principal of Qiantianyuan, Shang Liang Wenyan, pondered for a moment, and then said in a deep voice: "It's very soon, there are at most three or four days away!"

"There are still three or four days? I'm almost there! I'm bored all day long in this star boat!" A man with a red flower head and a beard, but a very feminine man , Pinched her throat and said in a "Jiao Di Di" voice

Everyone couldn't help but feel a chill, and some of them almost got sick and vomited, but they suffocated again.

Because people all know how terrible this girly man is.

After all, this is a perverted murderer who once slaughtered an entire planet and then raised all men in captivity for their own pleasure.

"Master of the business school, but I don't know the news is it true? The Red Lotus Immortal Venerable was really reincarnated and then seriously injured?" This time it was a beautiful and charming lady who just said something. , The amorous feelings revealed made many people with less determined powers look straight.

Shang Liang nodded, "I can't go wrong, because it's the Lord of the Abyss, a quasi-immortal emperor-level powerhouse who notified me, how could such an existence lie?"

"Hey! Speaking of it like this, can this reincarnation of Xue be able to destroy the quasi-immortal emperor-level powerhouse in such a short time?" someone exclaimed.

"Humph! What can be done if he is not as good as the Immortal Venerable now, then I must kill him, and then make his soul into a puppet, so that he will suffer endless suffering all the time!" The man with scars on his face and gloomy eyes said grimly.

Everyone's eyes sparkled with cold light when they heard this.

Because these people present are all people who have blood feuds with Xue An.

That's why they rushed to the earth without stopping immediately after hearing the news.

To take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to kill Xue An.

"Ahem!" Goatee coughed slightly at this time, "In case, I mean in case, what if this Xue An gets better when we arrive?"

"Impossible!" Shang Liang said decisively: "Because it was the Lord of the Abyss who injured him, it is absolutely impossible for such a powerful existence to make him suffer only a small injury!"

After hearing this, everyone nodded.

But this goatee has the courage to ask questions.

"Okay! Even if he is seriously injured, Xue An is not a fool. He naturally understands how dangerous his situation is now. Wouldn't he find a helper during this period of time? You should know that although the Red Lotus Immortal Venerable had made countless enemies, But there are also many friends! Among them, there are many strong immortal kings..."

These words changed the faces of many people, because what this goat said is true.

Shang Liang was also speechless, and finally said bitterly: "What if I can find a strong immortal king? I am also a immortal king!"

"But the point is that you are the only immortal king in our group, and most of the rest are the existence of the immortal kings above Daluo. How do you do this?" Goat Hu said.

"Then what do you say? Do you want to go back home?" Shang Liang said irritably.

The goatee smiled, "Don't worry, the business master, I'm just talking about what might happen. If Xue Anzhen finds a helper, then I think our safest way is to wait!"


"Yes, this news is obviously still being fermented! Soon, the depths of the starry sky will also know this news, when that time there will definitely be big people taking the opportunity to take the opportunity to dispatch, and there may even be immortal emperor-level giants. By then..."

The goatee sneered, "Even if Xue Anzhen finds a helper, he might not be able to catch it!"

This analysis made Shang Liang's eyes bright, but immediately dimmed.

"When will you wait? So it might as well..."

Before he could finish his words, the whole team was shocked.

Shang Liang was startled, "What's the matter?"

At the same time, the vibration of the void became more and more intense, as if a giant was striding forward, and the stomped void vibrated.

Everyone's complexion changed drastically, and they turned to look at the depths of the void.

Bang bang bang!

With a sound of vibration from far to near, a faint figure gradually appeared in the depths of the void.

This figure is advancing step by step, and every step it steps down, it will cause waves of ripples, and the void will also vibrate.

The speed of the figure seemed to be extremely slow, but in a flash, it came to everyone from the depths of the distant void.

Only then did people see that this figure was actually a woman.

A small and slender woman with picturesque eyebrows and full of ethereal beauty.

And there is a red vertical line between the woman's eyebrows, like a sharp sword, full of evil spirits, making people shudder just by looking at it.

Everyone was stunned by the scene before them.

At the same time, the woman stopped in front of the team, her eyes flowed, and then said lightly: "Do you know the direction of the earth?"

Shang Liang trembled all over.


Did this woman also go to Earth?

What is she going to do?

At this moment, the old man with a goatee suddenly shook his whole body, and then exclaimed, "Sword Thirteen, you are Sword Thirteen!"


This name shocked everyone.

Because this seemingly simple name is an almost legendary existence.

Rumor has it that this sword thirteen is a complete sword lunatic. She took this name because she felt that there were only thirteen people in the heavens who were able to surpass her.

I have to say that this is an extremely arrogant name.

Because there are more than hundreds of millions of swordsmen in the heavens, this person actually thinks that there are only thirteen people who can beat her. How confident is it to say this.

At the beginning people did ridicule this title, but all these voices disappeared.

Because this man began to single-handedly challenge the great sword factions of the heavens and win streak consecutive battles.

In the face of this absolute strength, all criticisms are pale, and people even think that what she said is true.

So the name resounded through the heavens.

But I never expected that this dazzling and frightening Jian Shisan was actually a woman.

This is too incredible.

At this moment, the woman smiled slightly, "Do you know me?"

The goatee was trembling all over, and he stammered: "I... I was fortunate enough to see you from afar at the Sword Palace Conference!"

The woman nodded, and then faintly said: "But you said one thing wrong, I am not Sword Thirteen now!"

"My name is Jian Qi! The seventh of the seventh!"

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