The audience was quiet, everyone was stupid.

Sword Seven...

This name means that the woman in front of me has challenged at least six kendo masters and won all of them.

This growth rate is really terrible.

Just when everyone was shocked.

Jian Qi said lightly: "Do you know the direction of the earth?"

Hearing this, Shang Liang suddenly thought of something, then lowered his posture and asked cautiously: "You...what do you want to do when you ask the direction of the earth?"

"Go there and challenge the Red Lotus Immortal Venerable!"

Shang Liang was startled at first, and then overjoyed, "Sword Seven Girl, we happen to also go to the earth to find Xue An's account, how about we walk together?"

"You...find Red Lotus Immortal Venerable?" Jian Qi glanced at everyone.

Shang Liang nodded vigorously, "Yes, all of us have antagonisms against Xue An, so we and the girl are comrades-in-arms on the same front!"

With that, Shang Liang winked at everyone.

"Yes, yes, yes!" The crowd reacted and nodded again and again.

Jian Qi smiled and said softly: "Interesting!"

Xuan even nodded, "It's okay, anyway, I'm going to the earth, so let's go along!"

Shang Liang was overjoyed and hurriedly ordered people to vacate a star boat. Jian Qi was not polite, and went back to rest after boarding the star boat.

Everyone got together and talked in whispers.

"Now it's done!" Goatbeard said with flying brows: "As long as there is this killer, even if Xue Anzhen finds a helper, he has to stand aside!"

"Is it such an exaggeration? How can I see that this girl can pinch water out tenderly, really so powerful?" The scarred man said with a smile.

But as soon as his words fell, a butterfly-shaped sword light swept across the air, directly piercing his forehead, flying it, and then firmly nailed to the wallboard.

Blood was mixed with his brain, and the scarred man's eyes were full of incredible horror. He obviously didn't believe that anyone would dare to act in front of so many people.

But in the next instant, this sword light burst open, blasting his head directly into pieces.

The dead corpse plopped and fell to the ground, and then the blood snaked down the cracks in the floor, exuding an unpleasant smell.

Everyone was stunned.

Then I heard Jian Qi's voice coming from afar, "There are more people who talk about the palace behind, kill!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone shuddered, and their faces appeared frightened.

Because this is too domineering.

Just because of a comment, he killed a big Luo strong man.

And it's just like killing a chicken.

Only then did people finally understand how terrifying this small and quiet woman was.

There was joy in Shang Liang's eyes.

The stronger Jian Qi's strength is, the more help he will be.

As for the dead scared man...

Shang Liang didn't even bother to take a look, but he said in a deep voice, "Drag the dead body out, and then collect all the men he brought!"


The army flew to the earth in mighty force.

Finally, five days later, a sea of ​​gravel on the edge of the solar system loomed ahead.

When he saw this scene, Shang Liang waved his hand, and the team slowly stopped.

"What's the matter? Why did you stop suddenly?" Goatee asked.

Shang Liang smiled, "Can't you tell? In this sea of ​​gravels, there is obviously a master who has set up a detection circle. If we just break in like this, we will surely startled the snake!"

"Then what to do? This is obviously the only way to go, and you can't go around if you want to!" the seductive woman said anxiously.

"Hehe, don't worry, since I dared to call everyone to come, I was naturally prepared!"

As he said, Shang Liang suddenly stretched out his hand, and a series of seals printed in advance flew into the air, and then landed on each star boat.


Fu Zhuan was activated, and an invisible barrier blocked all breath fluctuations.

Shang Liang said triumphantly: "Did you see it? Now even if we pass directly through the detection circle, it won't cause any waves, so when we reach the earth, we will surely kill them by surprise!"

"The Lord of the Chamber of Commerce is really good!" Goatee praised with his thumb.

Everyone was also flattering, and Shang Liang laughed, "It's just a little trick, it's not enough. Next is the rare opportunity of a lifetime. I hope everyone will work together to destroy Xue An!"

Everyone suddenly promised.

Then the team restarted and rushed into the sea of ​​gravel.

Sure enough, as Shang Liang said, under the cover of this talisman seal, where the team passed, no waves arose.

Everyone was excited, gearing up, planning to enter the earth, and then shame.

But just when they thought they had evaded all detections seamlessly and were about to enter the solar system silently, a small change happened.

Since Fox Night ordered this group of naive dragons to be in charge of patrolling here, these dragons have done their job with due diligence.

For them, this kind of day is simply not too leisurely.

Every day, it revolves around a large area, and if there is any abnormality, just report it to Fox Night through divine mind.

Today is no exception.

The three dragons hummed a small song and strolled along the edge of the sea of ​​gravel, while discussing the new boss who is now following.

"Tsk tusk, I think our new boss is much brighter than the previous Lord Lord!" said a dragon with a lollipop in his mouth, and said with enjoyment.

"Yes! It's not something the boss sent, I don't know that there is such a delicious thing in the world!" Another dragon man chewed the spicy noodles and said very moved.

There was another dragon who didn't speak, because he was concentrating on dealing with the chicken legs in his hand.

But at this moment a huge team suddenly appeared in front of their eyes, and thundered past them.

These three dragon men were all stupid, standing still, not even knowing that the lollipop in their mouth had fallen.

Shang Liang and the others were very fast, disappearing into the night sky almost in the blink of an eye, so they didn't even notice the three dragon men on the edge of the sea of ​​gravel.

When Shang Liang and the others were already far away, the three dragon talents came to their senses, looked at each other, and then exclaimed in unison.

"Fuck, come to live!"

Having said that, the three of them began to frantically contact Fox Night, and transmitted the scene they had just seen through their spiritual thoughts.

Huye, who was on the earth, was surprised when he received the news, but quickly calmed down, and then told Zhuge Zang and others.

Zhuge Zang was silent for a moment, and then sneered: "Is it finally here? Well, I want to see who can attack the earth under the joint hands of our five immortal kings!"

As he said, he said solemnly: "Notify the Earth Allied Forces Command, so that they will be ready to face the powerful enemy!"

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