Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1765: Full coverage saturated artillery strike!

When the news reached the Earth Coalition Command, it only took less than a minute. The generals of the Earth Coalition Command reached a consensus and issued a mobilization order.

All countries and organizations, as long as they are under the jurisdiction of the Earth Alliance Command, must be prepared for the highest level of combat from the moment they receive this order to wait for a strong enemy.

With an order, the world is boiling.

Countless troops have begun to prepare step by step in accordance with the regulations that have been drilled countless times.

I saw a warplane roaring into the high altitude, major fleets were assembled at sea, and countless missile silos in the mountains were also opened.

The outer space radar that has been set up is turned on at full power, closely monitoring all changes.

Compared with the army's arrogant swords, the powerhouses of the earth are much more relaxed.

Despite this, they also packed their bags for the first time, staring at the scene above the sky with all their attention.

On the street, in each house, all the TV programs were interrupted and replaced with a panoramic live broadcast.

For a time, the whole world was filled with an atmosphere of extreme silence.

In this case, Xue An's position is naturally even more important.

Countless missiles are densely arranged within a radius of fifty miles, waiting to take off at any time.

Various anti-repair mines are buried under the ground to prevent the enemy from breaking through from the ground.

An Yan dressed in alchemy armor and holding a pan, sitting silently in front of Xue An, blocking him behind him.

Miss Nian and Arou, Chan'er and others have followed Zhang Xiaoyu back to the Fubao Xiaolou. Under the heavy restrictions, the absolute safety of these two little girls should be guaranteed.

So An Yan at the moment has no distractions, with murderous eyes.

An Yan is a very good-tempered person, under normal circumstances, she is easy to kill.

But now she is indeed angry.

They even dared to come to the pit when their husband was seriously injured. No matter who came, they were all dead.

Not only that, but Tang Xuaner, Fan Mengxue and Hu Ying were sitting behind her at the moment.

So many people gathered together, and the strong murderous aura rising up made the wind and clouds above their heads discolored.

It's when everyone is ready to wait for a strong enemy.

In outer space, the team of Shang Liang and others had already crossed Mars and was only one step away from the earth.

Looking at the pale blue planet in the distance, Shang Liang's eyes flashed an icy killing intent, and then he said in a deep voice: "The order goes on, all the star boats are moving forward at full speed. You must kill him by surprise!"


With an order, the team suddenly began to accelerate.

A cruel smile appeared on the faces of everyone present.

The seductive woman looked at the earth and smiled lightly: "It's a beautiful planet, it's a pity..."

Before she could say anything, the Xingzhou under her feet suddenly trembled violently.

Everyone's complexion changed, but before they could react, the shock wave set off by the explosion blasted the starship they were on.

Immediately afterwards, countless missiles flew across the sky, covering all the star boats like a rain of fire from the sky.

Boom boom boom!

The explosions continued one after another, and in the end, the order was not even clear, and the explosion sound was even denser and connected.

Full coverage saturated artillery strike!

China’s best tactics.

No matter who the opponent is or how many people there are, cover it with gunfire first.

One time is not enough, then twice.

In short, all problems that can be solved with artillery fire are not problems.

Especially at this moment, facing a powerful enemy with unknown strength, Hua Guo has fully utilized this tactic.

In less than a minute, China dumped thousands of missiles into this airspace.

Looking at the continuous flames in the monitor, the faces of the generals from other countries were a little pale.

In particular, the general of Country M murmured to himself with a dull expression: "Mad, all crazy! Are these guys in China planning to kill gods with missiles?"

at last.

The fire gradually dissipated.

Fortunately, this is outer space. If it is above the earth, no matter how hard the ground is, it can't withstand such dense artillery coverage.

Even so, because of the dense explosions, the entire space presents an unstable situation.

Everyone stared at the monitor with piercing eyes, and when the smoke and dust had completely dispersed, the center of the explosion was finally revealed.

I saw the whole area was empty and there was nothing.

The previous star boats are even gone.

Everyone's eyes gradually widened.

what happened?

Could it be that a round of artillery coverage wiped out all these enemies?

Although there was some disbelief in my heart, the emptiness in front of me seemed to prove that all this was true.

When many people saw this, they couldn't help but breathe, and then their confidence increased.

"Hahahaha, this group of fools went all the way to invade the earth, and they sent them to the sky in a volley, which is really funny!"

"I didn't say, Hua Guo Niu X (broken tone)!"

"It seems that firepower is the truth!"

"Tsk tsk, I have collected so many instant noodles in vain, and these guys are too good!"

"The whole world is like an enemy, but the enemy is not strong!"

The Internet is simply a joy.

But at this moment, the void in the lens began to ripple, and then, a star boat flew out of it.

The surface brilliance of these star boats is still there, only slight burn marks prove what they have experienced.

And this is the biggest achievement of this round of artillery fire coverage.

Seeing this scene, the originally jubilant Internet instantly went silent.

Everyone looked foolishly.

at the same time.

Shang Liang, who was so ashamed by this round of volleys, had a pale face, and said angrily: "A group of ants dare to resist? All rush to me. I will blast this planet to pieces!"

These guys who followed Shang Liang were also holding fire in their hearts at this moment.

If it is blocked by the strong, they can still accept it.

But I never thought that the first wave of attacks would come from the mortals I looked down on most.

And he almost hurt himself.

How can this not make them So these guys screamed and rushed to the earth.

But at this moment, vortices suddenly appeared in the originally calm void. Several star boats were too late to react, and were directly torn apart by these vortices. Including the people inside, it became the most basic in a flash. The particles disappeared.

This weird scene made Shang Liang and the others chilling.

"Hurry up! These vortices are weird!"

But everything was too late, and countless eddies appeared in a flash.

Not only that, but the entire void suddenly filled with darkness, as if **** had reappeared in the world.


In the blink of an eye, several star boats turned into nothingness.

Shang Liang's face sank, and a few words burst out between his teeth.

"The fairy king means!"

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