When the words fell, above Xue An's head, a huge red lotus suddenly appeared, and then the red lotus bloomed vigorously.

In the lotus heart, there was a phantom young man with a fuzzy face.

Seeing this scene, Zhuge Zang couldn't help but exclaimed: "Red lotus image, it is red lotus image!"

As he spoke, his excited beard trembled.

Because this red lotus statue is exactly one of Xue An's assassins that smashed the heavens and overwhelmed everyone.

Now it finally reappears in front of the world again.

And when this red lotus figure was completely formed, Shang Liang stood in place as if he had been cast by the body spell curse.

His eyes were full of horror, but he couldn't even move his fingers, he could only stare blankly.

At the same time, but seeing the young man in Lotus's heart suddenly opened his eyes.

In Shang Liang's eyes, the young man's face was always blurred, but when he opened his eyes, Shang Liang felt that everything had disappeared in an instant.

Only these red eyes were left in the empty world.


The Faxiang of the Immortal King on Shang Liang's head instantly shattered, and then he was shaken out like a kite with a broken line.

And Shang Liang in the air was still vomiting blood.

When he barely stood firm, he was trembling all over, his face was ashen ashes, and his aura was wilted to the extreme.

one strike!

Just a blow!

The principal of the dignified Qiantianyuan, the immortal king class powerhouse Shang Liang was severely injured.

Such a result made everyone speechless.

The evil emperor of the five elements was also stunned.

But before they could react, they saw the young man in the red lotus image suddenly waved his hand.


The boundless karmic fire came out of thin air, and in an instant it covered the entire sky.

At this time, the red lotus fire industry has undergone a qualitative change, and the previous white sacred fire has completely integrated with it.

And under the blessing of Xue An's power of the immortal king, the power has increased more than a hundred times.

Therefore, wherever it went, those five elements thread broke instantly, and in the blink of an eye, this inverse Five Elements Zhutian Great Array, which was painstakingly arranged by the Five Elements Evil Emperor, collapsed and vanished.

The Five Elements Evil Emperor was forced by the red lotus karma fire to retreat back and forth again and again, and the whole person was in a panic.

But the evil emperor of the five elements is worthy of being the top powerhouse among the evil factions, I saw them roaring again and again.

"The surname Xue, don't think that this will scare us, today either you die or I die! Take your life!"

With that, the five began to bombard Xue An frantically.

They knew very well that now that Xue An has ascended the position of the Immortal King, there will be no room for return between them.

Therefore, they are also completely free of it, and once they make a move it is a strong ultimate move.

For a while, seeing the brilliance of the five elements looming around, the vitality of the entire earth that was disturbed was agitated.

The violent impact and clamors are even more audible.

Everyone looked at the battle in the sky with solemn expressions, but only a few people could see the situation clearly.

"Old Tao, what do you think the final result of this battle will be?" Hu Ye asked softly.

Zhuge Zang watched with piercing eyes, and then slowly said after a long time: "There is no doubt that the evil emperor of the five elements will fall here!"

"Falling? Old Tao, are you serious?" Hu Ye was also taken aback.

He thought that Xue An could win this battle and expel the evil emperor of the five elements, it was already great.

After all, he had just proclaimed the Dao Immortal King, and his strength was temporarily not as good as these long-standing evil sect masters.

Unexpectedly, Zhuge Zang was so confident that he believed that the Five Elements Evil Emperor would fall here.

"Of course it's serious!" Zhuge Zang nodded solemnly.

"Are you so confident in Old Xue?" Hu Ye was still a little unbelievable.

Zhuge Zang smiled, "This is not faith, but fact. If you don't believe it, just keep watching!"

As soon as the voice fell, only a loud bang was heard, and the two parties in the battle separated.

At this time, look again, the red lotus method on the top of Xue An's head has lost most of the lotus leaves and has become bald.

But in contrast, the Five Elements Evil Emperor are even more embarrassed.

They were panting and sweating, and the evil emperor Xijin and the evil emperor Nanhuo had several wounds on their bodies.

But this kind of small injury was almost nothing to them, and after just one breath, the wound healed as before.

Then the evil emperor of the five elements stared at Xue An solemnly.

"Xue, you are really amazing! But you and me are now evenly matched, and no one can do nothing. Why don't you and I take a step back. I will lead everyone to leave the earth now. From now on, the water of the well will not violate the river. What do you think? "The Evil Emperor Xi Jin, who was always irritable, spoke.

And this proposal also moved everyone's heart.

If this group of guys can really leave the earth, if the well water does not violate the river since then, that would be great!

Therefore, in an instant, countless eager eyes looked at Xue An in the sky.

But Xue An laughed when he heard the words, with a hint of sarcasm in his smile.

"Step back each? Why? You treat the earth as a playground, come and go as you like?"

The evil emperor Xijin didn't expect Xue An to reject his proposal. He was taken aback for a moment before he said angrily: "The name Xue, don't think we are afraid of you! I..."

"Stop talking!" Xue An interrupted him directly and said lightly: "All of you have to stay here today and pay for your actions!"

When this sentence came out, the whole world was shocked.

The evil emperor of the five elements was extremely angry and laughed.

"Surnamed Xue, I really don’t know how arrogant you are to say this, and you still want to keep all of us? When you first ascended to the emperor, how did you fail to treat five of our brothers, now it’s just Just a fairy king, dare to be so rampant?"

"Rampant?" Xue An shook his head~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You are wrong, this is not rampant at all, but a... trial! "

As soon as the voice fell, the evil emperors of the five elements all showed sarcasm smiles, but before they could speak,

But seeing Xue An step forward, the brilliance in his eyes burst, and the awe-inspiring spirit rose to the sky, and then he shouted in a deep voice.

"The sword is coming!"

With an order, Haoran's Spiritual Sense spanned countless star fields in an instant, and arrived in front of a lost temple somewhere in the void.

At this moment, in this lost temple, a group of treasure hunters are carefully searching for treasures.

"Boss, this temple is really big, which **** is enshrined in it?" the treasure hunter asked curiously.

"Why do you waste so much words? Work quickly!" The boss reprimanded, and the subordinate quickly lowered his head and dared not speak.

But then the boss raised his head and looked at the depressed idol deep in the temple, and the whole person trembled for no apparent reason.

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