Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1777: This sword is named Mo Wangan!

Oh shit!

What can you do if you just exist? Looking at the appearance of this temple, you know that you must have fallen, so now this place is just a pile of mud, what's so arrogant!

The boss cursed a few words in his heart, emboldening himself.

At this moment, someone shouted in surprise: "Boss, look at this mechanism!"

The boss hurriedly leaned forward, and as expected, a mechanism appeared somewhere in the temple.

He first studied it carefully and determined that it should not be an ambush by the agency before pressing it down cautiously.


With a loud noise of gears turning, a shrine slowly emerged on the wall behind the idol.

And above the shrine is a long sword that is completely dark and has no surprises.

"Why is it a broken sword? Isn't there even a treasure in this temple?" Everyone couldn't help being disappointed.

The boss did not speak, but stepped forward cautiously.

"Mo Wangan? What kind of weird sword name is this?"

Seeing the words engraved on the table, the boss couldn't help but curl his lips, then raised his hand to pick up the sword on the table.

But at this moment, a great spirit rushed into the air and poured directly into this long sword.


There was a sharp sound of the sword, and then an extremely bright sword light radiated from this long sword.

Where Jianmang passed, the nearest treasure hunter boss was directly evaporated into nothingness.

Immediately afterwards, I saw this long sword rushing straight up and circled the entire temple. Under the extremely terrifying sword power, these unlucky treasure hunters did not even have time to hum, and were directly crushed into powder.

After all this was done, the long sword stopped abruptly, and then the tip of the sword began to tremble.

Wherever he went, the space was cut into pieces.

After a black hole appeared in the sky that could accommodate the blade, the long sword went in and disappeared instantly.

at the same time.

Above the earth, Xue An stood high in the sky, and his voice just landed.

But everything went as usual, nothing unusual happened.

Seeing this, the Evil Emperor Xijin couldn't help but laugh strangely, "Xue An, are you making fun of you? Come back? It's really funny..."

But he hadn't waited for him to finish, but saw the void in front of Xue An suddenly rippled.

Immediately afterwards, a long sword came out, circled Xue An for a few times, and emitted a jade-like chime of swords, as if a pet had seen a long-lost owner, full of infinity Joy.

A faint smile appeared on Xue An's face, "It's alright! Don't be so resentful, haven't I come back!"

The tone was more like speaking to a living creature than to a sword.

Seeing this scene, everyone was a little stunned, including the Evil Emperor Xijin, who was shocked.

Only Jian Qi's eyes lit up, and he whispered softly, "Interesting!"

Then he continued to look with excitement and expectation.

at the same time.

This long sword finally vented the dissatisfaction in his heart, and obediently flew into Xue An's palm.

Xue An held the sword in his hand, looked at the sword with infinite emotion, and then whispered: "This sword is called Mo Wangan!"

Hearing this name, An Yan on the ground trembled, and then a sweet and distressed look appeared on his face.

"It was the saber used when I was the fairy king. I used it to slay countless evil spirits and evil spirits, and today..."

Xue An smiled coldly at the Five Elements Evil Emperor and others on the opposite side, "It's your turn!"

The evil emperor Xijin snorted when he heard the words, "Don't think that we will be afraid of you with a broken sword! The surname is Xue, don't you know that the strong immortal king is immortal?"

"Immortal? Hehe..." Xue An sneered a few times, "Under my sword, no one is immortal!"

The words fell, but Xue An suddenly flicked his sword.


A sharp sound of sword rang through the sky.

Then Xue An raised his sword in his hand and cut out in one step.

The power of this sword, its speed, and its strength are beyond words.

The first to bear the brunt is the nearest Xijin Evil Emperor.

After feeling the power of this sword, he was so frightened that he was full of disdain.

"My slot, what swordsmanship is this?"

He wanted to retreat as he said, but Qi Ji had already locked him firmly, leaving him nowhere to escape.

In desperation, the evil emperor Xijin roared in pain, and his whole body suddenly turned into pure Gengjin aura.

This is also one of his life-saving methods, as long as he enters this state, ordinary attacks can't shake him at all.

But this time, this unprofitable trick failed.

However, seeing this sword come with its peerless elegance, even the most basic particles seemed to be cut in half wherever it went.

The Gengjin Qi that the Evil Emperor Xijin transformed was naturally no exception.

Just listen to a muffled sound.

Jian Guang cut straight past.

The body of the Evil Emperor Xijin fell out instantly, his chest was stained with blood, and a huge wound had penetrated his belly.

He looked pale and looked at Xue An with horror.

"What sword is this?"

"This sword is called Mo Shi!" Xue An said lightly.

Evil Emperor Xijin nodded, "Good swordsmanship!"

When the words fell, the brilliance in his eyes dimmed in an instant, and then his whole body was completely burst apart.

In the blood splattered, even the soul was broken.

With a sword, the evil emperor Xijin fell on the spot.

And Xue An slowly stretched out a finger, "This is the first one!"

After an instant of silence, the audience shook.

The Jian Qi on the ground was even more shocked, and an incredible light of shock burst out of his eyes.

"This sword..." Jian Qi whispered softly, almost groaning, his cheeks flushed and his face was obsessed.

"Ah ah ah ah! Xue You dare to kill my brother, I must kill you today!"

The Evil Emperor Nanhuo, who had the best relationship with the Evil Emperor Xijin, reddened upon seeing this, and rushed up with a roar.

On him, the boundless flames were burning, as if the space was scorched.

But Xue An didn't even blink his eyelids, raised his hand and raised his sword, and then took the second step.

"This sword is called Mo Wang!"

The same bright sword light, the same sword intent that ruled the world, the same muffled sound.

Then I saw the evil emperor Nanhuo's forward stature stagnated, and then a blood line appeared in his throat.

The blood line expanded rapidly, and in an instant, his head rose to the sky, and the blood spurting out of the cavity was like spring water splashing into the sky.

After a while, the headless body of the Evil Emperor Nanhuo fell to the ground.

And Xue An stretched out his second finger and said lightly: "This is the second one!"

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