"you can say so!"

"It turned out to be like this, I understand! I will find someone who can make me fall in love as soon as possible, because I also have to temper a strong sword intent!"

Jian Qi was confident, and then said to Xue An with a sincere expression.

"Thank you for your advice!"

"You're welcome!" Xue An admired this girl who looked mad but in fact a clear sword heart, and said with a smile.

"One last question..."


"Where do I find someone I like?"

"Uh, this..." Xue An was also a little confused, this question seemed to be unanswerable.

At this moment, Jian Qi looked at Xue An's eyes gradually, "Or...I just like you! After all, you look more pleasing to the eye, and swordsmanship is so powerful!"

These words of Jian Qi made Xue An almost bit his tongue and immediately refused: "Sword Seven girl, don't talk nonsense, I already have someone I like!"

"What does that matter? Anyway, I just like you. As for who do you like, what do you do with me?" Jian Qiyi said purely.

Xue An was silent.

Only then did he understand that the ethereal woman in front of him was a complete sword lunatic.

Kendo cultivation can be said to be unique in the world, but it is completely ignorant in terms of interpersonal communication and emotions, just like a blank sheet of paper.

"Oh, that's it, I will try to like you in the future, and then I will fall in love with you!" Jian Qi clapped and made a decision.

"Uh..." Xue Angang wanted to say something.

Jian Qiye turned around and said without looking back: "Thank you very much for teaching me, but after I succeed in tempering my sword intent, I will come to you to compete!"

"At that time, I will definitely defeat you, and then I will be the champion of the sword and ascend to the top of the heavens!"

"At that time, I would not be called Jianqi, but the upright Jianyi girl! Hahahahaha!"

In the loud laughter, Jian Qi slashed out, directly breaking through the space in front of him, and then stepped in, disappearing into the vast void.

Seeing the splendid back of the sword seven girl, Xue An's eyes couldn't help showing a bright brilliance, and he said softly.

"Okay! I'm waiting for that day!"

This is an extremely grand dinner.

China, E, M.......

Almost all dignitaries and celebrities from all countries rushed over.

Coupled with these powerhouses at the scene, the scale of this dinner has become very grand.

But in the face of China's super organizational power, all this is nothing at all.

Several high-power armed helicopters flew directly to the nearest city and began to transport all kinds of ingredients needed for the banquet.

The planes full of world-famous chefs had already taken off from it, and arrived at the banquet venue in just over an hour.

This team of chefs is luxurious, even so, these chefs still look excited when they step off the plane.

Because for them, this may be the most important banquet they have ever participated in in their lives, and it is also the largest number of participants.

Everyone cherishes this opportunity extremely.

Therefore, they all showed their housekeeping skills, and within an hour of landing, the steaming dishes were presented like water.

Wine is good wine, food is good food!

The participants were even more relaxed and joyful, so the atmosphere of the banquet reached a climax soon.

Countless people coveted, talked and laughed happily, venting their joy as best they could.

From time to time, people will look at the center of the banquet with infinite reverence.

Because there is the core of the whole banquet, and it is also where the **** of war Xue An is.


The much-anticipated Xue Anye has become a toast.

Countless celebrities who are usually aloof are standing in line with the elderly, just to have a drink with Xue An and a glass of wine.

It may not be possible to say a word during the whole process, but people still enjoy it and are proud of it.

And Xue An didn't refuse anyone who came, and a glass of wine to dry.

Even the more I drink, the more clear my eyes are.

at last.

After drinking not knowing how many glasses of wine, all the people who wanted to toast were already drunk, and some of them were already drunk to death.

Only Xue An's face remained as usual, not even a hint of drunkenness.

Seeing this scene, people just understood a truth.

That is, the fairy king not only fights fiercely, but also has a first-class existence when drinking.

But they didn't know that, in fact, not all fairy kings could drink.

For example, now, Hu Ye, who was already flushed with drinking, walked over staggeringly, and then sat down on the sofa next to him.

"Why? Drunk again?" Xue An asked with a smile.

"No...not drunk, just a little dizzy!" Hu Ye mumbled with tongue out.

"Go ahead, how many drinks did you drink?"

Huye stretched out two fingers, "Drank four glasses! Hey, don't you think I am good at drinking?"

Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly, then stretched out a finger, "What's this?"

"Don't dangle, isn't this two!" Hu Ye mumbled dissatisfiedly.

Xue An nodded, "It's really good at drinking, at least I can count!"

"Don't laugh at me! Do you think everyone is like you, drinking like water? Those guys still want to pour you, really overwhelming!" said Fox Ye Lali verbally.

Xue An smiled, then turned around, and said lightly: "Listen to Yan'er, you brought back a mortal woman and said it was your girlfriend?"

"Yes!" Hu Ye said with a smirk leaning on the sofa.

Xue An looked at the girl who was talking and laughing with An Yan in the distance, and said softly, "Is that her?"

Hu Ye nodded, "She's A Rou, a very gentle girl, I love her very much!"

When he said this, Fox Ye's eyes seemed to be shining.

Xue An turned his head to look at him, and there seemed to be glories in his eyes.

"Old Xue, why are you looking at me with such a look?" Hu Ye asked.

"It's nothing, I just feel a little surprised. A lazy guy like you can actually say love?" Xue An smiled lightly.

"What? Don't I deserve to say love?"

Xue An shook his head ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's not that I don't deserve it, but I want to remind you that if you really love each other, don't care about others. After all, time is long and only your feelings live up to it. So if you love her, don't let down Up her! "

Fox Ye looked at Xue An in amazement, "You have no opinion?"

Xue An looked inexplicable, "Why should I have an opinion?"

"I thought you would say that she is a mortal woman, and you still can't see..."

Xue An chuckled and waved his hand, then looked solemnly, "What about mortals? Which one of you and I didn't come from mortals? Compared with sincere feelings, these external things are nothing to mention! What's more... ...."

A narrow smile appeared on Xue An's face, "If this girl Arou is not blind, can she see you!"

Fox Night: "..."

Then a bit depressed, said: "I don't know what's going on, I suddenly want to beat you up! But Old Xue, you are really not authentic!"

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