"It's a joke, why don't I do things authentically?" Xue An looked surprised.

"Don't say anything else, why did you kidnap my sister? How do you explain this?" Hu Ye said very annoyed.

"Abduct your sister?" Xue An's eyes gradually widened. "Have you made a mistake, your sister was rescued by me? Isn't it true that you are now raking me and saying I am abducting your sister? Do you still have a conscience?

Hu Ye was also a little anxious, "Stop making trouble, okay, can my sister use you to save it? Do you know how many guardian elders have given her since childhood?"

"I don't know, your sister was dying anyway, and I didn't see any guardian!"

"That didn't really threaten her. If there is anything threatening her life, any guardian can directly shatter a planet. No one can run away from the strong below the fairy king, otherwise you think Ying'er has run away Why hasn't Qingqiu Fox Country been too anxious for so long? To put it bluntly, she is more favored than me!"

Xue An curled his lips, "What I said is the same, and I will say it again, I didn't abduct your sister! Everything was followed voluntarily!"

"Oh, if you get a bargain, you can still behave! I also said that my sister is voluntary. Today I have to teach you a lesson."

I don't know if it's because of the rush of wine or the eagerness of the nurse, Hu Ye yelled that he would start with Xue An.

Xue An smiled, and stopped the people around who wanted to come to explain, and then said lightly: "This is what you said, don't regret it!"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Hu Ye shouted arrogantly.

Xue An didn't talk nonsense, and moved the seal together, and the two left here and went to the distant space.

Looking at the empty sofa, Wei Rulan swallowed secretly, and then whispered to Zhuge Zang.

"Master, Mr. Xue and the others... really will be fine?"

That's right!

Now Zhuge Zang has officially accepted Wei Rulan as a closed disciple.

And after hearing her words, before Zhuge Zang could speak, Ye Hanshang said lazily.

"Don't worry, the two of them will definitely be fine, because..."

Speaking of this, Ye Hanshang yawned boredly, "We have seen too many scenes like this, and we are all used to it!"

As soon as the voice fell, when Guanghua flashed in the scene, Xue An and Huye, who had just left, reappeared in front of everyone.

"What do you think, I'm right!" Ye Hanchang smiled.

However, the Fox Night at this time has become a little different from before.

The two eye circles are black and blue, just like panda eyes.

That's really embarrassing.

And Xue An said slowly: "Let me think about it, this is your thirteenth, four hundred and twenty-second time losing to me! Are you convinced?"

Huye gritted his teeth and burst out two words between his teeth.

"Unacceptable, you have the ability to fight me with one hand next time!"

"Do you think you can beat me with one hand? You are too naive!"

"Just say you dare not!" Huye began to use the radical technique.

At this moment, An Yan took A Rou's hand and walked over.

"What are you talking about? So open... Huh? Huye, what's the matter with your eyes?" An Yan has been chatting over there, not knowing what happened here.

Hu Ye hurriedly said: "Ah, it's all right, I just drank too much and accidentally touched the pillar..."

Before he finished speaking, A Rou suddenly became nervous, "Ah? Does it hurt? Is there anything wrong?"

"It's okay, it's just a little skin trauma!" Hu Ye explained with a smile.

A Rou stretched out her hand, "Let me touch it!"

Helpless, Hu Ye walked forward obediently, Arou gently touched Hu Ye's cheek, and put her hand on his eyes.

"Does it hurt?" A Rou asked distressedly.

This tender scene immediately calmed everyone around.

Xue An smiled at An Yan, and then avoided very interestingly.

Before leaving, Xue An winked his eyes at night.

Hu Ye grinned with a grin, but felt a warmth in his heart.

He even felt that Arou's hands touching his eyes were more stressful than the great elder.

As the banquet became more and more lively, Xue An and An Yan had quietly appeared on a mountain not far away.

The two found a big rock and sat next to each other.

The mountain wind is blowing An Yan's hair.

Xue An gently hugged her shoulders, An Yan took advantage of the trend and leaned her head on Xue An's shoulders.


Above the head is the brilliant night sky of the galaxy, and under the feet are the lights of thousands of families, and people's laughter can be heard faintly by the ears, which also brings out the tranquility around.

Xue An smelled the fragrance in An Yan's hair, and his heart suddenly became extremely quiet.

It seems that two people can sit and sit close to each other until they are old.

"Husband!" An Yan suddenly shouted in a low voice.


"What did you encounter when you fell asleep? They all said that you were between life and death. It was very dangerous and might not even wake up again. How did you wake up?" An Yan asked softly.

"This..." Xue An gently rubbed An Yan's head and chuckled softly: "It's a long story!"

Then he looked far away and said lightly: "Yan'er, do you know what life and death are like?"


"That is a place of nothingness and destruction. It can even be said to be the ultimate fate of the entire universe!" Xue An's eyes became serious.

"There, there is no light, no stars, even the darkest black hole has evaporated, everything has stagnated, time becomes meaningless in that situation, and life and death become a luxury."

Although it was only a simple description, An Yan was still worried, and the hand holding Xue An gradually tightened.

"That is the biggest heart demon nightmare on the road of practice~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and it has ruined countless geniuses. At that time, after entering it, I was panic because I couldn't find a way out!"

"All power has no meaning in it. You can only watch yourself go crazy a little bit."

An Yan said distressedly: "Husband, how did you wake up?"

Xue An smiled, "How did I wake up... I was already in despair at the time, but at this moment, a force suddenly appeared in my soul!"

"A force?"

"Yes! A...the power of faith!"

An Yan began to tremble slightly.

Xue An said with a serious face: "At that moment, I heard the call of countless Chinese people! The pious thoughts and ardent expectations contained in it directly ignited a flame of faith in my body!"

"As soon as this flame came out, it immediately dispelled all the nothingness and darkness, and then I woke up!"

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