Hearing these words, An Yan let out a lingering breath, and then took Xue An's arm tightly.

"My ancestors and ancestors, you finally wake up, husband, but in the future you must never frighten me like this again!"

"Don't worry! I am now an immortal king, and have experienced the experience between life and death. From then on, my practice will be smooth all the way, and..." Xue An looked at An Yan with staring eyes.

"The seal on your body has come to be completely resolved!"

"The seal on my body?" An Yan couldn't help but stunned. "Didn't the previous evil **** Ji Yu said that the seal I held was insoluble?"

Xue An smiled coldly, "It's just a frog at the bottom of the well that has never seen the world, listen to her nonsense! I am a dignified Immortal Venerable. Although I have not completely recovered my strength, it is enough to unlock the seal on you."

An Yan nodded, and suddenly said: "Husband, if, I mean, if I really can’t solve it, it’s okay! Anyway, I don’t feel anything wrong, it’s just that my cultivation is blocked. I will be content to stay with you and miss you every day!"

Xue An stretched out his hand to stroke her hair, and said in a petting tone: "Silly girl, don't think about your little head, I said that if you can unlock it, you can unlock it! And you are my Xue An's woman, I How could you be allowed to be suppressed by some **** seal all the time! Leave everything to me!"

"Hmm!" An Yan nodded with a happy face.

At this moment, Yamashita did not know who set off the fireworks.

Bright and dazzling fireworks exploded time after time in the high altitude, close to the top of the mountain, as if they could be caught with one hand.

Such beauty also made Anyan cheered.

"Wow, what a beautiful firework! Husband, look at it!" An Yan looked at Xue An with excitement and looked at the sky full of fireworks, jumping like a child.

Xue An didn't look at the fireworks, but peeked at An Yan's exquisite side face, and then suddenly a word flashed in his mind.

Your sweet smile is worth the most beautiful fireworks in your youth.

"Yan'er." Xue An suddenly shouted.

"Huh?" An Yan turned his head in surprise.

At this moment, Xue An hugged An Yan in his arms.

"You...what are you doing?" Looking at Xue An's horrifying eyes, An Yan suddenly became a little nervous.

Xue An smiled evilly, "Guess?"

After all, he held An Yan, stepped out and flew directly to the sky.

In the banquet at the foot of the mountain, Zhuge Zang occasionally felt something. He raised his head and happened to see the streamer that traversed the sky. He was startled at first, and even a slight smile appeared.

"Master, what are you laughing at?" Wei Rulan asked puzzledly.

"Oh, it's nothing, it's just a sigh, really an enviable couple!"

"An enviable pair?" Wei Rulan looked dazed, and even if he saw Fox Ye and A Rou in the distance, he couldn't help but realize.

"Master, are you talking about Master Fox Ye?"

Zhuge Zang was so dumbfounded when he heard the words, he shook his head, turned and left.

At this moment, in a corner of this banquet, Fan Mengxue was looking at the sky with a confused face.

In fact, the stream of light had long since disappeared, only the fireworks remained. Even so, the brilliance one after another could not conceal the pain in her eyes.

Seeing this, the Tianzhuna on the side could not help but sighed, and then whispered: "Disciple, don't be sad. If this is replaced by someone else, Master, I will help you get it back without you saying it! But you like it. The people are really..."

Fan Mengxue lowered her head, Qingsi covered her cheeks, making it difficult to see the look on her face.

But this silent silence made Tianzhe feel distressed.

"Disciple, although I shouldn't say this, I still want to persuade you to give up!"

"Give up..." Fan Mengxue whispered softly, her voice seemed to have infinite sadness.

"Yeah, give up! Because I know him too well, he won't look back, so you should give up this kind of unnecessary waiting!" Tianzhuna said lightly.

But Fan Mengxue did not respond to this.

Tianzhuna continued to persuade him: "Mengxue, your talent in the dark is the highest among people I have ever seen, so your future achievements will be limitless, even if you don’t say it, you are my god. Chana’s apprentices are not expensive, but they are among the best. If you want, you can choose the young Toshihiko in the heavens, and I will destroy him if you dare to disagree!"

At the end, Tianzhuna's tone was full of boiling killing intent.

But at this moment, Fan Mengxue gently shook his head, "Master, thank you for your kindness, but in my heart, no matter who it is, he can't replace him!"

Tianzhe was very anxious, "Mengxue, why are you so stubborn? Don't you know that your current behavior is like moths fighting a fire, you are destined not to receive any response, but will be bruised all over?"

Fan Mengxue nodded, "I know!"

"then you……."

"But I have no regrets!"

Fan Mengxue's extremely firm words made Tianzhe aphasia for an instant.

At the same time, Fan Mengxue raised her head, her eyes gleaming like stars, tears flickering.

"You said you told me to give up waiting, but this was how I waited for the first half of my life. I'm used to waiting, so it doesn't matter whether he looks back or not! Because..."

"Waiting has become all my meaning, if I give up, then I don't even know how to face this vast world, how to live!"

When she said this, Fan Mengxue was smiling, and she was very happy.

But at the same time he was laughing, tears were already welling up.

Listening to these extremely calm but extremely cruel words ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Seeing the tears on the face of my beloved disciple, the sky is like a knife.

"The universe is so big and there are so many people. Why do you want to like him? You have to be someone else. I **** his head off!" Tianzhe was so depressed that he almost vomited blood.

Compared to his resentment, Chu Wuxiang seemed to have picked up a treasure at this moment, looking at Zhou Daniu with bright eyes.

"Who taught you how to practice Kungfu?"

Zhou Daniu looked at the Chu Wuxiang, who was bigger than himself, and said, “Of course it’s my instructor! He also personally gave me a technique at the time!”

"Oh? What exercise did Xiao An give you? Can you tell me about it?" Chu Wuxiang said.

Zhou Daniu knew that this big guy was a strong immortal king and had a good relationship with his instructors, so he didn't hesitate to recite the exercises he had practiced honestly.

The more I heard the expression on Chu Wuxiang's face, the more excited he became. After he finished reading, Chu Wuxiang couldn't wait to say: "You have cultivated to this realm with such a technique?"

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