Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1785: Forcibly accepting disciples

"Yes? Is there any problem?" Zhou Daniu looked confused.

"No one helped you?"

"Help what?"

"It's like using secret medicine to temper your body?"

Zhou Daniu shook his head, "The instructor said, all external forces are unreliable, and only the strengths that I have cultivated honestly are the most real, so I have never used any messy secret medicine."

Chu Wuxiang's entire face was shining, and he couldn't help muttering: "A genius is definitely a genius, and it is also the kind with the highest talent! It can be cultivated only with such a crude technique. At this level, and without any shortcuts, this is simply born for physical cultivation!"

Zhou Daniu didn't understand what he was muttering. He couldn't help but asked with all his doubts: "My lord, if there is nothing wrong, I will leave first!"

Turn around and leave.

"Wait!" Chu Wuxiang stopped him immediately, then looked at Zhou Daniu with a serious face, "Kneel down!"

"Kneel down?" Zhou Daniu was almost at a loss for Monk Zhang Er, "Why should I kneel down?"

But Chu Wuxiang had no time to explain to him, the muscles all over his body instantly bulged, and the might of the huge Immortal King immediately pressed Zhou Daniu to the ground.

Zhou Daniu was furious, "Big man, what do you want to do? Don't think that you can bully me if you are stronger than me!"

As he spoke, he agitated his muscles very angry, trying to get rid of the shackles of Chu Wuxiang.

And he almost succeeded.

At this time, Chu Wuxiang was angry and rejoiced, and the excitement in his eyes almost overflowed.

"I found a treasure! Hahaha!"

As he said, he raised his big hand like a fan, and pressed a palm on Zhou Daniu's forehead.

Zhou Daniu still wants to struggle, but in front of Chu Wuxiang, who is serious, his power is almost the same as that of the worm shaking the tree.

Immediately afterwards, a painful color appeared on Zhou Daniu's face, and he couldn't help but growl.

Seeing this scene, the Fire Phoenix players not far away were furious, and they were about to rush over to fight for their brothers.

Especially Zou Sui, who had the best relationship with Zhou Daniu, was so angry that his eyes turned blood red, and he roared and rushed forward.

At the critical moment, Captain Cheng Hao was calmer and stopped the excited crowd with one hand.

"Captain, what are you doing to stop us? Didn't you see that Daniel is being bullied by that big man?" Zou Sui said anxiously.

Cheng Hao shook his head with a look of confusion, "No!"

"What's wrong? People are about to be killed, what else is wrong?" Zou Sui became anxious and became very rude.

"Captain, if you are afraid of this **** fairy king, then let me go by myself, I can't just watch Daniel being bullied by others!"

"Zou Sui, don't you **** talk nonsense, is the captain like that?" someone scolded angrily.

At the same time, Cheng Hao said solemnly: "I'm not afraid of that fairy king, but Daniel does not look like he is being bullied now!"

"What does it look like? It's like kneeling and singing conquest?" Zou Sui said coldly.

Cheng Hao glanced at Zou Sui coldly, and Zou Sui's dignity as the captain suddenly became honest.

Then Cheng Hao said solemnly: "I can vaguely feel a hint of energy, this Immortal King Chu seems to be instilling something in Daniel!"

Everyone was taken aback.

At this moment, Ye Hanchang staggered over, carrying a bottle of aged wine in his hand, and then he smiled.

"Yes, this big cow was obviously taken by Lao Chu, and he is now passing on the practice to him!"

"Passing the power?" Zou Sui was a little confused.

Ye Hanshang nodded, "Yeah! And it's the highest-end kind of power transmission! Tsk tsk, don't hesitate to spend his own essence and blood to improve his talent as much as possible? It seems that Lao Chu values ​​this big bull what!"

Although there were doubts in his heart, Ye Hanshang, as the fairy king, obviously wouldn't be unfounded in what he said, so everyone in Fire Phoenix calmed down.

This transfer of power lasted for a full cup of tea, and it didn't end until Zhou Daniu's skin was shiny.

Chu Wuxiang took a half step back with a pale face. Although his aura was a little wilting, his expression was very excited, and he stared at Zhou Daniu with bright eyes.

The confusion in Zhou Da Niu's eyes gradually faded, and finally the whole person was agitated, and then he recovered his sobriety.

Then he looked at Chu Wuxiang in front of him with some astonishment, "You..."

Chu Wuxiang chuckled, "Okay, now your head is knocked, and I have passed on the gong. Since then, we have been masters and apprentices. Call me Master!"

Zhou Da Niu's mouth was wide open, and he obviously hadn't fully awakened yet, but the additional exercises in his mind could not be faked.

Tian Cicada has no phase power!

A magic formula that is not known how many times stronger than Zhou Daniu's previous practice.

It is also Chu Wuxiang's trick at the bottom of the box.

It can be said that this is the first body repairing secret technique of the heavens.

But Zhou Daniu obviously hesitated, because a thought suddenly flashed through his naive head.

That's what the instructor would think about this matter?

Will you blame yourself?

So he was silent.

Chu Wuxiang touched the back of his head in some embarrassment, apparently he didn't understand why Zhou Daniu refused to call his master.

For a moment, two strong men with big nerves froze there.

Seeing this scene, Ye Hanshang couldn't help laughing, then shook his head and sneered: "Old Chu, how can you accept apprentices like this? You passed the gong before others agreed?"

Chu Wuxiang smiled, "I'm not afraid that he will run away!"

Ye Hanshang looked at Chu Wuxiang again, "And you, this old Chu gave you all the things at the bottom of the box, and you can't be exaggerated to call Master, as for those you worry about, it's not a problem at all! If Old Xue knew that you had worshipped Chu Wuxiang as a teacher, he would definitely be happy for you from the heart!"

Hearing Ye Hanshang's words, Zhou Daniu just scratched his head and shouted in a naive voice.


Chu Wuxiang was really happy, and there was nowhere to put his excited hands and feet, "Okay! Good apprentice! Get up quickly!"

After Zhou Daniu stood up, their master and apprentice stood together. The appearance was simply Because of the same bald head and the same big man, except that Chu Wu was taller and mightier than Zhou Daniu, it was simply Carved out of a mold.

At this time, the sky had already appeared white, but the feast was still going on.

Jin Jue looked at the smiles on everyone's faces, gently clasped his palms together, and exclaimed with joy, "Nanwuwu Buddha, it is dawn!"

In this way, after three days of celebration, the feast just ended.

The powerhouses of various countries and the dignitaries and celebrities dispersed separately, and everything gradually became calm.

But at this moment, in the No. 1 Tianzi Villa in Beijiang, Xue An looked at An Yan with a serious expression.

"are you ready?"

"Yeah!" An Yan nodded solemnly.

"Okay! Then I'll start!"

Having said that, Xue An urged the power of the fairy king to completely break the seal on An Yan and untie her shackles.

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