With Xue An's current strength, it is enough to thoroughly analyze a person's soul.

This is what the Buddhism said is that there is no problem in searching.

Even if he wants to, he can transform a person from the soul level.

The premise is that the other party can endure unimaginable pain.

Of course, Xue An naturally couldn't do that when facing An Yan.

He first let An Yan completely relax. This kind of relaxation means that even the spiritual mind has entered a state of undefended, which is equivalent to opening the whole body and mind to him.

According to normal circumstances, this step should be the most difficult.

Because this requires mutual trust has reached an unsuspecting height.

Imagine you are walking on the edge of a cliff with a blindfold, everything can only be guided by a certain voice.

In this case, how much courage and trust do you have to dare to follow the instructions without any doubt?

But An Yan did it, and saw that she didn't even hesitate, she just took off all the defenses, and the whole person entered a deep state of concentration.

Seeing this scene, Xue An took a deep breath, and the huge divine thought instantly split into countless filaments, and plunged into Anyan's sea of ​​knowledge.

In an instant, the divine minds of the two were connected, and the whole villa quieted down.

Outside the villa, the atmosphere is also very solemn.

"Old Zhuge, do you think Old Xue can succeed this time?" Hu Ye asked nervously.

Zhuge Zang shook his head, "I don't know!"

"I don't know?" Hu Ye's eyes widened, "Why don't you know? Are you not Zhuge, who claims to have known five hundred years later? Divination counts one hexagram!"

Zhuge Zang glared at Hu Ye, "Do you really regard me as an omnipotent **** stick? Xiao An is a man of destiny, and his fate is extremely complicated, and I can't deduct it at all!"

"After saying so much, I just can't count it!" Hu Ye curled his lips.

As soon as the voice fell, A Rou, standing behind Hu Ye, suddenly pulled the corner of his clothes.

"Be quiet, don't disturb Sister Yan!"

Huye immediately closed his mouth.

This scene also caused many people present to burst into laughter.

It seems that Huye, who has always been unruly, has finally met someone who can control him!

Tang Xuan'er, Hu Ying and others didn't pay attention to this at all. They all stood in front of the Villa No.1 Tianzi with nervous expressions, anxiously waiting for the result.

at the same time.

Xue An was exploring little by little in Anyan's soul.

Anyan's soul is extremely clean and pure, just like a clear mountain spring, you can see to the bottom at a glance.

Xue An easily entered the sea of ​​memories in Anyan, which is where people store memories.

But Anyan's sea of ​​memories is very different from ordinary people.

Because above the sea of ​​her memory, there are many bright spots of light floating.

When Xue An's spirit came into contact with these light spots, he couldn't help but be taken aback.

Because among these light spots, there are sections of memories about the two of them.

If you look closely, you can see his acquaintance with An Yan, his love, and all the bits and pieces in the future.

And all the memories are so vivid and vivid. Obviously, these memories are very important to An Yan, and they are not even willing to miss a single bit.

Seeing this, Xue An couldn't help but feel a sore nose.

This silly girl...

Xue An secretly said a word, and then urged his spiritual thoughts, sneaked into Anyan's sea of ​​memory, and continued to dive inside.

Soon Xue An passed through the sea of ​​memory and came to a very strange place.

There are huge bubbles everywhere here, and the bubbles are still glowing blue, floating in the air.

This is the most mysterious place in the human soul.

Those huge bubbles are the carriers of human consciousness, so many bubbles together form the soul of a person.

But just in such a mysterious world, there was a gray-black brilliance floating in the air, and countless silk threads stretched out to extend into these bubbles.

As the bubbles floated, the seal flickered indefinitely, as if a living creature was breathing at first glance.

Guanghua flashed in Xue An's eyes.

There is no doubt that this is the seal that has been suppressing An Yan's talent!

Xue An took a deep breath and did not act rashly.

Because this seal has obviously been closely integrated with An Yan's soul, if it is forced to break open, it is likely to damage An Yan's soul.

If the average strong person saw this scene, it is estimated that they would be helpless.

But Xue An only snorted, "Doesn’t it feel too vicious to use this method to deal with a woman who was only a mortal at the time?"

After all, Xue An urged his spiritual thoughts to spread like water.

Wherever it went, the gray and black light filaments that had stretched into the bubbles were uprooted.

And this seal seemed to be threatened, and after a few painful struggles, he rushed to the nearest bubble at an extremely fast speed, trying to sneak into it.

Once in, it becomes more troublesome to remove it.

At this critical moment, Xue An's **** read.

In a short time, the silk divine mind was woven into a whole, firmly holding the seal, and then trapping it.

This seal began to struggle frantically, and emitted a strong gray and black air, trying to corrode Xue An's spirit.

This kind of gray and black gas can even instantly corrode the soul of a strong man.

But Xue An just sneered at this.

"Give me... get out!"

With this burst of shouting, Xue An's cultivation base surged, the mighty Immortal King's might soared into the sky, and his divine consciousness became extremely tough, and then he pulled this divine consciousness from Anyan's divine soul. .

The moment it left Anyan's soul, Anyan was shocked~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then fainted backwards.

Xue An waved his hand, a soft vigor supported An Yan's body, and then said solemnly: "Xuan'er, come in and take care of Yan'er!"

Hearing Xue An's call, Tang Xuan'er and Hu Ying who were waiting outside the door immediately pushed the door and walked in.

"Brother Xue, what's wrong with Sister Yan?" Hu Ying couldn't help exclaiming when she saw An Yan's eyes closed, unconscious.

Xue An smiled, "It's okay, it's just that the soul has been shaken, and I will wake up soon!"

"The seal on Sister Yan..."

Xue An nodded, "It has been removed!"

These words made Tang Xuan'er and the others relieved, and a smile of joy appeared on their faces.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaoyu was panting and led the two little girls to come.

Seeing An Yan floating in mid-air, Zhang Xiaoyu couldn't help exclaiming, "My mistress, what's the matter with you? My mistress, don't you have anything to do..."

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