Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1813: Patriarch White Tiger

This is a dark water prison filled with blood that is dirty enough to make people lose all resistance.

Even the most filthy demons would stay away from such a place.

But even in such a place where it is almost impossible to survive, there is a monster race that is stubbornly surviving.

But at this moment, they are also approaching the limit, and even their mentality is a bit unclear.

And what the White Tigers want is precisely this effect.

With the sound of clawing metal, the long-dust-covered prison door was slowly pushed open, and a long-lost fresh air poured into it, but most of the people were unable to get up a long time ago and could only curl up in the corner of the water prison dying. Among.

Only the Monster Race with the strongest cultivation base can sustain it until now, and slowly raised its head after hearing the sound of opening the door.

The person who opened the prison door was obviously too choked by the rotten air inside, and he covered his nose and said with disgust, "It's so stinking, what a bunch of lowly monsters!"

Following the voice, the man said in a sullen voice: "Okay, you **** have a good day. The young master has ordered all of you to come out for today's dinner. If anyone can be confused The guests participating in the banquet will be rewarded by the young master!"

Still quiet in the dungeon.

The messenger raised his eyebrows slightly, and said with a grin: "What are you still doing in a daze? Why don't you thank you?"

Still no one spoke.

In fact, there are very few who can stay sober until now, so after hearing this person's words, they just looked at him coldly.

The messenger was terrified by these gazes. He couldn't help but wince his neck, and then muttered: "What a bunch of stubborn guys, I really don't understand why Master Young Master kept you until now!"

Having said that, he hurriedly backed out.

Calm was restored in the dungeon, but only a moment later, I heard the sound of metal rubbing under the water.

Immediately afterwards, the ground of the dungeon began to climb, and eventually all the blood disappeared without a trace, leaving only the bones accumulated at the bottom of the pool.

Some of these bones even maintained the posture they had before their lives, struggling with twisted bodies, which shows how much pain they suffered during their lives.

at last.

The remaining people started to move a little bit, but before they were completely awake, someone walked into the dungeon holding a seal, and then printed a token on each of their brows.


With the sound of a shock that reached the depths of their souls, these people were confused after being stamped with a symbol, and then gradually showed a complete and thorough obedient color in their eyes.

"The young master meant to let you get close to the goal at all costs, do you understand?"

All the demons present nodded.

"Very good! After the event is done, the one who contributed the most will be released. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you, so you must grasp it!"

After that, the man sneered and left.

But just as he left, in the corner of the group of water prisons, a person's originally confused eyes suddenly showed a ray of light, and then he turned into a woman's figure.

This woman was born with double ears for the first time, with a graceful figure, and she is a rare jade rabbit monster.

It's just that at this moment, her body is covered with large and small scars, and her whole person is extremely weak.

But despite this, she was different from the monster races who had been completely controlled by the runes. Her eyes were clear, and then she looked down at the tired bones under her feet.

"The tribe...revenge...sir!"

She murmured vaguely, a trace of blood and tears dripping from the corner of her eye.

In fact, there is no distinction between day and night in this Baihu clan.

Because there is no sun or similar stars here, all the light is replaced by the round of symbols in the void.

But because of the conventions in the heavens, these white tiger monster races still divide it into day and night.

At this moment, when it was nightfall, the entire Baihu tribe was brightly lit, and it was a lively scene.

Even many tribesmen who were dispatched to patrol the country were called back.

Because this dinner was set up to welcome an important guest.

Because of the previous misunderstanding, before the banquet started, Li Xu personally led people to greet him.

This time Li Xianling also followed along.

After seeing Fox Ye, Li Mou smiled awkwardly.

"Master Fox, the dinner party is ready, let's pass now!"

Hu Ye glanced at this Li Shou without angrily. To tell the truth, he really wanted to strangle the chief elder of the White Tiger Clan who was too enthusiastic at the same time.

But in order to take into account the overall situation, he could only bear it down, and said without a smile: "Okay! Let's go now, I just hope that this time there will be no more moths!"

Li Mou slapped his chest when he heard the words, "Don't worry, Mr. Fox, I know your thoughts, and I will never dare to have any more extravagances! Even this dinner is specially prepared by the head of my family to welcome you!"

Only then did Fox Ye let out a sigh, "That's good! Let's go, let's go early and return early!"

The banquet hall is arranged in the center of the Baihu clan. Although it is in the void, it is full of magnificent tall buildings because of the Baihu clan's long-term management.

The banquet hall is one of the most extensive and most important.

When Huye, Xue An and others followed Li Mou and his son into the banquet hall, many members of the Baihu tribe had already gathered here.

These members of the White Tiger tribe are usually scattered throughout the Yao tribe, and they will be called back only when they encounter something important.

This time coincided with the Dragon Clan’s Ao Shu celebration, so these demon clan sent out basically all gathered here.

In terms of identity and status, these Baihu tribesmen are far inferior to Li Mou and his son, so when they saw them, the noisy banquet hall instantly quieted down, and then these tribesmen bowed to salute.

"I have seen the Chief I have seen the Young Master!"

Amidst the shouts, Li Mou and his son couldn't help showing triumphant expressions, nodded slightly, and then said to Huye.

"Master Fox, these are all members of my White Tiger tribe, you don't have to be restrained, you can do whatever you want!"

While talking, there was a sudden noise at the entrance of the banquet, and a scrawny but fierce old man led a group of people walking in.

As soon as he saw this old man, the arrogant Li Li and his son immediately changed into a flattering color, nodded and bowed to greet him.

The old man nodded noncommittal, but his attention was all focused on Fox Ye.

Regardless of how old the old man is, his eyes were surprisingly sharp, and then he walked over.

Hu Ye couldn't help but feel a little worried, because he recognized the person who came.

This old man is the patriarch of the White Tiger clan, and the absolute core of the demon clan. This is also the Li Slaughter known as the Old Man Slaughter!

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