Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1814: I ask again, who did it?

With such an identity, even the Great Elder of the Qingqiu Fox Country had to nod slightly.

What's more, Fox Ye, a junior.

Therefore, he could only take a step forward before Li Tuluo got close, bowed and said: "Nine-tailed fox clan Fox Night, I have seen Patriarch Li!"

Li Tuluo's eyes were sharp as a sword. After swiping from Huye's body, he glanced at Xue An and the others behind him. He didn't see anything unusual, and then he laughed.

When this seemingly old man laughed, he looked like a young man who was fresh and ambitious at the same time.

The coldness and unscrupulousness is simply chilling.

Then he heard him say softly: "The visit of Master Fox from Qingqiu Fox Country is the honor of my White Tiger clan. You don't have to be so polite!"

The voice is gentle and deep, but it contains supreme majesty, like a king who speaks the law, making people just want to worship.

Hu Ye knew that all of this was because the white tiger patriarch's cultivation was too deep, and he was only a little short of being promoted to the realm of the emperor, so he couldn't control the leaked spirit in his speech and behavior.

This kind of strength can be regarded as the second to none among the monster races that are born in large numbers.

Therefore, Fox Ye stunned, and said, "Patriarch Li has praised him absurdly. The next one is just an ordinary monster from Qingqiu Fox Country. I really can't afford such praise!"

Li Tulu laughed loudly when he heard the words, "If even the best of the younger generation of monsters claim to be ordinary monsters, then no one would dare to call themselves high monsters! Since the nephew is here today, then Let go of your restraints and come, you and I will sit together!"

This face can be said to give enough to the Fox night!

Moreover, Hu Yefen couldn't help but Li Tuluo grabbed Hu Ye's wrist and took him to the banquet in the first place.

Fox Ye groaned secretly in his heart.

He is not a fool either. After this period of thinking, he naturally understood the reason why the Baihu clan treated him so politely.

This is clearly the rhythm of the White Tigers wanting to turn their faces with the Dragons!

And he is a perfect excuse. As long as the Baihu clan pulls himself into the water, the Qingqiu Fox Country will become a gun against the dragon clan.

When the time comes, the white tiger clan can sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, and take advantage of the fisherman's profit!

These thoughts flashed out of Hu Ye's mind, but there was nothing to do. In a hurry, he could only look at Xue An in the distance.

However, he did not expect that Xue An at this time did not even look at him, but looked at the entire venue thoughtfully.

This guy...what is he touching everywhere? Hu Ye couldn't help but wonder.

But then these thoughts were overwhelmed by the flattery of the Baihu clan.

Under all kinds of flattery, Hu Ye was a little dizzy and couldn't help but once again turned to Xue An for help.

But this time he was disappointed again.

Because at this moment, Xue Anzheng was looking at everything in the banquet hall with great interest, and he simply ignored Fox Night.

Huye's heart gradually sank to the bottom.

Old Xue, what are you doing?

at the same time.

Li Mulechong Patriarch Li Tulu smiled and said, "Master Patriarch, can you have some fun?"

Li Tuluo smiled, "Okay! It happens that Master Fox is here today, so let him see it too!"

"it is good!"

Li Mule slapped his face.

A group of dressed-up demon women walked into the banquet hall.

These women are all stunning.

But this is not uncommon, because the Yaozu women are more prettier than the Human women.

The most important thing is that these monster women all have a temperament that I see pity, especially when they blink their big innocent eyes and look around with a confused face, it can inspire the deepest protective desire of all men.

So their arrival also caused a big sensation in the field.

Many elders or high-level officials of the White Tiger tribe are coveting these women.

If it weren't for being in front of everyone, they might have rushed on the spot.

Even so, there are still many people just about to move.

Among the audience, only Xue An's eyes shone brightly, and even his fingers turned white due to excessive force.

Li Shou laughed unconsciously, "Our Baihu clan is honored this time by Mr. Fox's visit, and these women are here to cheer up!"

With that said, these women walked towards the fox night like string puppets.

Although the performance is dull, this feeling is different.

And not only him, but even Hu Ying and even Xue An and others have their own arrangements.

Hu Ye wanted to decline, but when he saw the deep meaning in Li Shou's eyes. Still swallowed the words behind.

Because he knew that if he refused, these women might be killed on the spot.

Therefore, he could only suppress the unhappiness in his heart by force, and smiled reluctantly: "There are hard-working elders who bother..."

Before he finished his words, he heard a crisp bang, and the cases in front of Xue An were directly broken, including the dinner plate and tea set on it.

Then he stood up with cold eyes, pointed at the woman in front of him, and said lightly: "Who did it?"

The audience was silent.

Including Fox Night, everyone was shocked.

Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly, "I'll ask again, who did the injury on her body?"

Hu Ye trembled slightly, then said anxiously: "Old Xue, what's the matter?"

Xue An took a deep breath, "This woman is my former subordinate!"

As soon as he said this, Hu Ye couldn't help but change his face.

"what happened?"

"What's the matter? Hehe, this needs to ask these guys!" Xue An sneered.

In fact, just now, it was the Yutu Banshee in the water prison who was sent to serve Xue An.

As soon as this woman who had been tortured to the point of ignorance approached Xue An, and before she could speak, Xue An had noticed the strangeness and said with a cold face, "It's you?"

The banshee first looked at Xue An with a confused face, and didn't gradually recognize Xue An until a long while later, and then said very excitedly: "Honglian...Master Honglian? Are you Master Honglian?"

As he spoke, tears came out of his eyes, and the tears contained infinite grievances.

As for Xue An, there was a terrible rage burning in his eyes.

All because of the fact that this woman and the ethnic group to which she belongs are all of Xue An's subordinates when she was Xianzun.

Yutu clan!

This ethnic group that sounds very gentle and does not seem to have any destructive power, but before it was a large component of the monster race.

Although this race does not have a tyrannical bloodline, it has a unique ability, which is to watch the wind.

It is also because of this ability that they have avoided several catastrophes and have survived to this day.

Especially when they devoted themselves to Xue An’s camp without hesitation, Xue An’s momentum became even and finally became the well-deserved first person among the heavens.

Unexpectedly, Xue An eventually fell on the Tribulation of the Immortal Venerable, and the Jade Rabbit Clan also did not know what to do.

Until today.

When Xue An saw the bruised Jade Rabbit in front of him, he couldn't help being completely furious.

Even Hu Ye had never seen Xue An so angry.

The mighty power resounded in the field like a stormy sea.

At this moment, the Baihu tribe in charge of the water jail said steadily, "What's wrong? It's just a cheap maid bought. Isn't it normal to be beaten a few times?"

The voice just fell.

The figure of this Baihu tribe swelled suddenly, and then it was directly fried into powder.

Blood sprayed most of the banquet hall.

Xue An slowly raised his eyes to look at the patriarch Li Slaughter, "I'll ask again, who did it?"

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