Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1815: Are you questioning me?

Hearing anger envelops the entire banquet hall with heavy blood.

Everyone was stunned by this scene.

Someone dared to kill people directly in this banquet hall in front of the chief patriarch.

How courage does this person really have?


Li Tulu's complexion gradually turned gloomy, staring at Xue An, and then sneered.

"Listening to you, it seems to be questioning me?"

Following this sentence, the violent coercion pounced on Xue An like a stormy sea.

This coercion was so terrifying, and only after the aftermath, it shocked many people pale and retreated.

One can imagine how much pressure Xue An should be under.

If you change to a general powerhouse, you may collapse on the spot, but Xue An didn't even blink his eyelids, as if everything was just a breeze, and slowly said: "The answer is yes or no, the rest of the nonsense... Stop talking!"


As soon as this remark came out, the audience was shocked.

Especially these Baihu people were in an uproar.

"Is this kid getting frustrated? How dare to talk to the patriarch like this?" Someone asked in astonishment.

"Haha, I'm so impatient to live!" Someone sneered.

Under this boiling situation, Li Tu Lian Jiejie laughed strangely.

"Interesting, really interesting! No one has dared to talk to me like this for a long time, you are the first one!"

As he said, he turned his head to look at Fox Ye, and said faintly: "Young Master Fox, this is here with you, so I want to know, does his attitude represent your Qingqiu Fox Country? Or just Only represents himself?"

These words are very clever.

If Fox Ye is unwilling to intervene in this matter, as long as one sentence only represents himself, then this matter has nothing to do with Qingqiu Fox Country.

This was also Li Tulu's plan, after all, he didn't want to turn his face with Hu Ye.

He felt that his intention, the future heir of the Qingqiu Fox Country, would definitely be able to see through.

And as long as it is a normal-minded person, it will make the right choice.

But I never expected that in the face of Li Tulu's questioning, Hu Ye shrugged slightly, and said with a smile: "Although I don't want to say it, his words also represent what I mean!"

This response not only stunned Li Tuluo, but even the father and son Li Mou and Li Xiaoling were stunned on the spot.

Is this going to turn his face with the Baihu clan?

Just for a trivial maid?

Li Tuluan deserves to be a patriarch who has experienced strong winds and waves. He quickly recovered his sobriety, and then said coldly.

"Fox Night, I hope you can think clearly about what your words mean! It's worth fighting against my white tigers for the sake of a humble human race!"

"Humble human race?" Fox Ye laughed presumptuously as if he had heard the most ridiculous joke in the world.

Amidst the laughter, many elites of the White Tiger clan gathered silently and got ready.

After laughing for a full minute, Hu Ye gradually reduced his smile, and then looked at Xue An narrowly.

"Old Xue, did you hear that? He called you a humble human race! I really laughed at me, hahahaha!"

Xue An didn't even have a trace of expression, but looked at Li Slaughter in the distance with a waveless gaze.

"If you say that, they..." Xue An pointed to the Yutu women.

"Is it the way you are now?"

"What about it?" Li Tuluo replied coldly, full of anger.

Because he really didn't expect that a good dinner party would become what it is now.

For the sake of an insignificant lowly servant, some people slaughtered his own people in front of him, and then even the people from the Fox Country of Qingqiu turned against him.

All this made him upset, the angry emotions and even the entire void of the Baihu clan trembles.

"Very good, just admit it!" Xue An nodded, then lowered his head to look at the tearful Yutu female demon.

"Are there them?"

The female demon of the Yutu tribe cried and nodded, already speechless.

"Don't cry, then you will keep your eyes open and watch how I made them pay for their actions!"

As he said, Xue An looked around the audience, and a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"All of you must die!"

As soon as these words came out, before Li Slaughter could react, Li Xiaoling jumped out first, and shouted loudly, "Where did you guys dare to run wild in my Baihu clan? I will kill you today. !"

With that, he swooped up.

Although the strength of this Li Fierce Spirit was not as good as Ao Yi, who was the body of the Immortal King, it was quite impressive.

Especially because of the bonus of the White Tiger bloodline, he is much stronger than the human monks of the same level.

This is why he dared to be so arrogant.

Especially at this moment, in the presence of the great patriarch and many elders in the clan, if he kills the boy in white who doesn't know where he popped out, it will be great for his prestige.

With this thought in mind, Li Xiongling smiled and rushed towards Xue An, his eyes full of excitement and cruel light.

His speed can be described as extremely fast, and he has already crossed most of the banquet hall and rushed to Xue An in just one moment.

He didn't wait for any further reaction, but when Xue An suddenly raised his palm in the inconvenient time, he slapped his hand.


After a loud noise that was so clear that it was toothless, but seeing the fierce spirit who was still aggressive just now, he was directly fanned out like a kite with a broken line.

And in the air, he couldn't control it and vomited several mouthfuls of blood.

This scene caused a slight commotion among the Baihu tribe.

at last.

Li Xioling was able to land, and looking at him at this time, half of his face was swollen and a circle bigger than his head, and his eyes were filled with extremely resentful light.

He was going crazy.

What happened in the last few days?

Why can't anyone get along with their own face?

First, Ao Yi almost shot himself out of shape, and now he was stunned by a human youth, and he was still in front of the people.

How can this not make him angry.

Xue An seemed to flick an ant without even blinking his eyelids, he said lightly: "Go on!"

"Die me!" Li Xiaoling was already on the verge of madness, his eyes were bloodshot, the joints all over his body made a chucking sound, and then the original form of his body appeared.

It is a white tiger with awe-inspiring power.

I saw him staring at Xue An coldly, and then rushed forward.

The fierce and fierce spirit in the body state is more than twice as fast and powerful as before.

Even many people were too late to react, only seeing a white light coming straight to Xue An.

Xue An didn't move, as if he had already entered a certain state.

Many people sneered in their hearts.

This kid is dead!

But in the next instant, the sneers on these people's faces solidified.

Because at the moment when Bai Guang rushed to Xue An, a palm shaped like a sapphire jade appeared out of thin air and directly caught the white light.

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