Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1821: 1 person here, the gods abdicated!

Big... big loach?

Everyone present gradually opened their eyes, and they were all stunned by the name.

That is the great elder who leads the dragon clan!

Such an identity, not to mention that it belongs to the monster race, even if it is placed in the heavens, it is an existence that cannot be ignored.

May I ask which monster clan cannot show respect when seeing this great elder?

But in the mouth of this young man, he became an old loach.

How can this not shock everyone.

Young Master Snake was also taken aback, took a deep look at the white-clothed boy, and then a mockery appeared on his face.

What a lifeless thing, dare to be so disrespectful to the Great Elder, no need to ask, he will be torn to pieces by the angry dragon in the next second.

This is also good, I'll save myself no more trouble.

But just when he thought that the white-clothed boy was bound to die, what happened next made the smile on his face instantly freeze.

I saw the great elder rubbing his hands in a rather embarrassing manner, and then he sneered and said, "Master Honglian, long time no see!"

This scene was like a heavy hammer hitting the hearts of everyone present.

Especially this young snake, couldn't believe his eyes.

When did dragons become so talkative?

The key is that the rest of the elders and the dragon did not respond after hearing that their family's elder was scorned by others!

What the **** is going on?

And this Guren-sama... why does it sound so familiar?

These questions were entangled into a mess in the mind of Young Snake.

Faintly, he suddenly felt a terrifying fear.

at the same time.

Xue An smiled faintly, "I didn't expect that you still remember me!"

Although Xue An was laughing, the elder felt that his body was cold, and a cold sweat appeared on his forehead, and then he hurriedly said with a smile: "Look at what you said, how dare we not recognize you? Right, red Master Lotus Immortal!"

When I heard the last four words of Red Lotus Immortal Venerable.

Everyone present and watching the situation in the field through various means was shocked, and then there was a silent uproar.

Because until then did they understand that this glaze-like young man with clear eyes is actually the one who was once dead, but has recently reincarnated and rebuilt, and then slashed the Five Elements Evil Emperor, which has caused an uproar among the heavens. The Red Lotus Immortal Venerable.

Once they knew his identity, everyone immediately understood why the great elder and the dragons were so careful before.

Because... this is an out-and-out peerless fierce!

Although I haven’t seen it with my own eyes, a rumor has been circulating among the monsters that this Red Lotus Immortal Venerable had been to the Dragon Clan’s ancestral land more than once, and even nearly gave the Dragon Clan’s family wealth accumulated for thousands of years Packed away.

If that's all there is to it, the key is that there are rumors that this Red Lotus Immortal Venerable seems to have some inexplicable ties with one of the three dragon princesses.

Because of this, when the Red Lotus Immortal Venerable fell, these dragons who had almost lost money and wealth were so happy that they had to celebrate with wine.

These rumors passed through everyone's minds, and many people who saw the opportunity quickly began to quietly retreat.

Because they knew that since the rebirth of the Red Lotus Immortal Venerable had come to the ancestral land of the Dragon Race, it was more than just saying hello.

God knows what the killer grandpa wants to do here!

So to be safe, it is better to leave as early as possible.

All of a sudden, the people who quietly retreated and scattered were in an endless stream.

These people didn't even dare to show their brilliance until they flew far enough away, and then secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

One person here, the gods abdicated!

This is Xue An’s Xianzun Yuwei!

at the same time.

Xue An said leisurely: "Very well, since you still know that I am Red Lotus Immortal Venerable, and you also called me a sir, then I will ask you a word now, and you must answer honestly!"

Seeing Xue An's expression getting solemn, the elder's heart couldn't help but hesitated, what's the matter? What is this killer going to ask? Need to be so exciting?

But he reacted quickly and hurriedly said: "My lord, please tell me, I dare not deceive it!"

Xue An's eyes grew brighter, "What happened to the Yutu Banshee who was imprisoned by the Baihu clan?"

The elder looked at Xue An with a dumbfounded look, and a big question mark gradually appeared on his forehead, "The female demon imprisoned by the Baihu clan?"

Xue An's eyes flickered, "Yes!"

"I don't know what banshee and male demon belong to? Also, this white tiger clan is in charge of that old fellow Li Tuluo, why would you ask me?"

"Don't know?" Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly.

The elder nodded like garlic, "I really don't know what you are talking about!"

Xue An smiled coldly, "Okay, then I will let you know what happened!"

With that, Xue An said without looking back: "Come out!"

Following the voice, but seeing the brilliance flashes in the star boat, these jade rabbit banshees appeared in front of everyone one after another.

"The Jade Rabbit Clan!"

"It's actually the Yutu clan who has disappeared for a long time!"

"Gosh, how come they suddenly appear here?"

There was a slight commotion in the crowd, and some people said in astonishment.

"This is the Jade Rabbit Banshee I rescued from the Baihu clan, and it is also my former subordinate. Do you know what they have experienced?" Xue Ansheng said coldly.

Following the voice, these jade rabbit banshees cried and recounted their tragic experience.

After listening, many people were silent.

Although they are monsters, they also know the truth about doing something and not doing something.

But the mistakes made by the Baihu clan had broken through the limit of being a demon and reached a heinous level.

Many monsters are showing anger ~ which naturally includes this group of dragons.

And Xue An looked at this equally indignant great elder with a deep face, and said lightly: "Do you know why I am looking for you now?"

"They originally came to your dragon clan, but they were robbed by the white tiger clan halfway through. I need you to give me a reasonable explanation!"

Hearing Xue An's seemingly calm and murderous words, the elder trembled all over, and immediately said: "Master Honglian, our dragons really don't know about this!"

"If we know that the Baihu clan is doing such nonsense, how can we just sit back and let the innocent monster clan fall into such a situation?"

"Oh, isn't it?" Xue An was unmoved, "Then how do you want me to believe you?"

As he said, Xue An showed white teeth, and said in a harsh tone: "After all, they are my subordinates. I have been away from the situation for a few days, and my subordinates have been treated like this. I am really angry!"

"And the result of my anger, you know!"

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