Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1822: Brother Gulian is merciful

The sweat beads on the forehead of the great elder were already clearly identifiable, and the dragons behind him were also terrified.

The Dragon Clan, known as the number one demon clan in the heavens, was actually on his own territory at this moment, and was frightened by one person.

It is estimated that no one would believe this, but it is the case.

"Red...Master Honglian, this matter really has nothing to do with my dragon clan, I can assure you of this!" the elder said difficultly.

Xue An's face was calm, without sadness or joy, as if he hadn't heard the words of the great elder at all.

But it was this calm that made the atmosphere in the court extremely depressing.

The great elder opened his mouth and was about to say something more. At this moment, he heard an excited shout from the distant sky.

"Wow, you scumbag, how dare you come to our Dragon Race? See if I won't teach you today!"

Following the voice, seeing a Guanghua flying to Xue An with a thunderous force, and before everyone could react, he blasted two punches one after another.

The fists are fierce and deterrent.

Everyone was shocked.

But Xue An didn't even blink his eyelids, and slightly moved to the side to avoid these two punches.

It was only then that people could see that the punch was a woman with an excited and crazy face.

"Two...Second princess?" Someone exclaimed.

That's right, it was Ao Yi, princess Long Er, who rushed to the court and fought Xue An without questioning.

At the same time, this Ao Yi still didn't have any intention to stop after two punches failed one after another. Instead, he stepped forward half a step, punching and kicking again.

Every move and every style went straight to Xue An's vitals, and he had no scruples, full of madness.

Xue An is like a leaf of duckweed in the storm, dodges from left to right, seeming to be in danger of overturning at any time.

But at this moment, Ao Yi suddenly stopped attacking, and then stepped back a few steps, his face sinking like a waterway: "Xue, why don't you fight back?"

Xue An smiled, "Because I am afraid of hurting you."

"Stop talking nonsense, you gave my sister up and down, and you gave her affectionately and wrongly. Today you said that the next big day, I have to let you know how great aunt is!"

Feeling that he was underestimated, Ao Yi couldn't help but get furious, and rushed up again.

The audience was also boiling over because of her words.

"What? The Red Lotus Immortal always abandoned Ao Yi's sister? So, is the previous rumor true?" Someone said with a look of astonishment.

But more people are desperate.

After all, many of them were here for the purpose of Longsan Princess Ao Shu, but they never expected to hear this extremely explosive news at this moment.

Xue An frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: "Ao Yi, I hope you don't talk nonsense, I have nothing to do with your sister, and it is even more impossible for me to give her up and down!"

Ao Yi didn't listen to that at all, and while attacking frantically, he roared: "At this time, he still doesn't admit it. He is really an irresponsible scumbag. Take it to death!"

Ao Yi is a real immortal king cultivation base, and because of the blessing of the dragon bloodline, her strength is much higher than that of the same-level strong, and coupled with the full force at this moment, she actually forced Xue An to retreat again and again.

The elders of the dragon clan watched from behind, and couldn't help admiring the great elder's vision from the bottom of my heart.

"Elder, you are so insightful, you can actually think of using the second princess to deal with Xue An's trick, and the subordinates really admire it!" An elder actually slapped him.

But the great elder at the moment did not have the slightest complacency. On the contrary, his expression was extremely ugly, his eyes fixed on the situation in the field.

When he heard the elder's flattery, he snarled, "Shut up, you! Now quickly go to the third princess and let her stop the second princess, who is a lunatic, and don't fight anymore!"

"Why?" The elder actually asked rhetorically.

"You idiot, if there is nothing about the White Tiger clan, the second princess may really be able to stop Xue An, but now Xue An is here to stand up for his men and suspect that our dragon clan is also involved. If this is to force him , What will happen is really unpredictable!"

The words of the great elder awakened the dreamer.


At this moment, Xue An's complexion gradually sank.

He didn't want to do anything with this mad woman, but she was so aggressive, and the clay figure was still three-pointed, let alone Xue An.

Therefore, he said coldly: "Whether you believe it or not, this is the truth anyway, dare to be presumptuous, and be careful that I let you calm down now."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Ao Yi laughed nervously, completely ignored Xue An's words, and the offensive became more and more violent.

Xue An's eyes were getting colder, and he stopped abruptly. Without dodge, he greeted Ao Yi's fist.

A touch of excitement appeared in Ao Yi's eyes.

But in the next second, the excitement turned into consternation.

Because Xue An suddenly raised his hand to block Ao Yi's punch in the almost impossible time.


This punch seemed to hit a copper wall and iron wall, and Ao Yi didn't even react, and he was shaken out.

But this was just the beginning. At the moment she was shocked and flew out, Xue An lied in front of him and came directly behind her, and then he wanted to do it.

Ao Yi felt the chill behind him, and felt awe-inspiring in his heart. He wanted to dodge, but was shocked to find that he was actually locked tightly by Xue An's mind and couldn't move at all.

At this very moment, another Guanghua quickly rushed into the field, and before it fell, an anxious female voice came from it.

"Brother Honglian, be merciful!"

As soon as this voice came out, Xue An's eyes flashed Guanghua, and then he flashed away. Only then did Ao Yi get rid of the blockade, and fell down.

At the same time, Guanghua dissipated, and there was a beautiful girl wearing a lotus shirt with a curly skin.

At this moment, the young girl’s eyes were radiant and full of tears, and she looked at Xue An foolishly at Xue An smiled, and then nodded at her, "Shu'er girl!"

This extremely simple address made Ao Shuji want to cry, because she had seen this scene in her dream more than once.

Especially after hearing the bad news about Xue An's fall, she woke up from tears almost every night.

But when this scene really happened, the person who was thinking about it really stood behind him.

Ao Shu suddenly felt a strong sense of unreality.

All these emotions were mixed together, which made her fall into confusion, even unable to speak.

Ao Yi looked at his sister with a green face, and then gave Xue An a fierce look.

The meaning is obvious, just say it's okay?

But Xue An looked calm, and didn't even bother to pay attention to this mad woman.

Because those who are clear are self-clean and those who are turbid, he has a clear conscience, this is enough.

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