The scene where Princess Longsan met Xue An also made the atmosphere in the field strange.

Among the dragons, all but Ao Yi looked embarrassed.

Especially the Great Elder, he didn't expect things to become like this.

Originally, I tried my best to avoid the three princesses from meeting Xue An, but eventually I saw it.

As for the others, they have different ideas.

For example, the son of the snake, at this moment, his heart is completely cold to the heel.

Because of the affection in Ao Shu's eyes, a blind man can see it.

This is equivalent to convicting him that all his previous attempts were in vain.

The saddest thing is that he found that he didn't seem to be even qualified to be sad or angry.

Ao Shu has nothing to do with him, and he has no right to be sad.

As for anger...

A joke, the other party is a super gangster who is too heavy for the dragons to look up. How many lives does he dare to be angry?

This extremely suffocated feeling made his face become pale.

Upon seeing this, a subordinate standing aside asked in a low voice with great concern: "My son, what's the matter with you? Is it uncomfortable?"

"Close your beak for me!" Young Snake roared with gritted teeth.

The man closed his mouth with a grievance, and then muttered in his heart: "I am a deer demon, where is the beak?"

at the same time.

Ao Shu finally reluctantly calmed down the excitement in his heart, and gave a salute to Xue Anying, "Brother Honglian, my sister has a grumpy temper. Don't be like her!"

"Hey, Shu'er, who do you say is grumpy? I'm trying to help you!" Ao Yi shouted.

"Enough sister, brother Honglian said before, there is no such thing as you think between us!" Ao Shu said sadly.

"You fool!" Ao Yi was stomped by his sister's words.

Although she is sometimes crazy, she is not a fool. On the contrary, her IQ is very high.

So she actually knew that Xue An hadn't done anything to her sister, everything was just wishful thinking of her sister.

But she still has to stand under this banner, because only in this way can she force Xue An to express her attitude, and it is possible to fulfill her sister's wish.

But now all the arrangements have been ruined by Ao Shu's words, how can she not be angry?

At this moment, Xue An suddenly smiled, then turned and rushed into the star boat and shouted: "Aren't you coming out yet? Are you planning to hide until the end?"

What do you mean?

Who is he talking to?

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, they heard a light sigh from the star boat.

Then I saw a white light flashing, and a foolish man appeared in the field.

Everyone's eyes gradually widened.

This is... the Tianhu family?

The people from Qingqiu Fox Country are also here?

But the people who reacted the most were the Dragons.

When he saw this man, the elder couldn't help but startled, "Fox... Fox night?"

Hu Ye smiled awkwardly, then bowed to the elder, "Qingqiu Fox Country, the sky fox clan Fox Ye, I have seen the dragon elder!"

The expression on the face of the Great Elder is simply brilliant.

There is a touch of relief, a touch of excitement, but more is still unknown.

Because he didn't understand at all, why this fox night dared to appear here!

Wasn't he the most afraid of seeing people from the dragon clan before?

What's more, there is Ao Yi present now!


I saw that Ao Yi also looked at Fox Ye with shock. It was not until a moment later that the expression on her face gradually became somber, and then there was a sneer.

"Who am I? I turned out to be the first **** in the heavens! Tsk tsk, the two scumbags are here today. This is really a rare scene!"

Hu Ye shook slightly, then took a deep breath and looked up at Ao Yi.

"Second princess, long time no see!"

"Humph!" Ao Yi snorted coldly from his nostrils. "Why? Don't hide? You dare to come and see me? Come on, what do you want to do?"

As she arrogantly asked Fox Night, Ah Ruan Anyan walked off the star boat one after another.

Arou walked straight to Huye's side, then gently took Huye's arm and asked softly, "Little fox, who are you talking to?"

The atmosphere in the field suddenly became extremely solemn.

Almost everyone can see Ao Yi's frantically beating eyelids and the bulging veins on his forehead.

The murderous aura was so strong that it was almost substantive, and it was suffocating.

"Who is she?" Ao Yi asked, pointing at A Rou.

Huye became extremely calm at this time, and said in a very calm tone: "This is my girlfriend, the future wife! Her name is Arou!"


Scales appeared on Ao Yi's shoulders, which was a sign that she was too excited and caused her human form to lose control.

"What did you say? You say it again?" Ao Yihan said.

"It's okay for me to say it ten times! Ao Yi, forget it, you look down on me again, why bother about the so-called marriage contract? Let it go, isn't it good?" Hu Ye said in a deep voice.

"My **** not, even if I look down on you, you can't go looking for another woman behind my back!" Ao Yi was going crazy.

And this kind of Shura field also made An Yan very worried. She grabbed Xue An's hand and whispered softly: "Husband, will Huye and Arou be fine?"

"Don't worry, no, after all, the Dragon Clan will not let this Ao Yi come here!" Xue An said.

At this time An Yan suddenly reached Xue An's ear and lowered his voice: "Husband, that girl over there has been watching you!"

Xue An knew who it was without looking back.

And the smile on An Yan's face also made him feel embarrassed, so he could only cough lightly: "Ahem, Yan'er, listen to me..."

"Okay, no need to explain, I'm not such a stingy woman!" An Yan said with a chuckle, and then turned to look at Ao Shu again.

At this moment, Ao Shu was full of sorrow and sorrow, because An Yan's appearance shattered the last illusion in her heart.

Even because of An Yan's noble temperament, she couldn't even think of being wrong, so she could only stare blankly.

An Yan couldn't help but sigh a little with this lovely and pitiful appearance.

For a time, the entire temple was transformed into the ultimate Asura The dragon elders stared at them with big eyes, and they didn't know what to do.

Persuade, I don’t know how to persuade!

Let's do it, the other is Red Lotus Immortal Venerable, and the other is Qingqiu Tianhu!

At the time of the dilemma, a female voice sighed softly: "Okay, Yier, you should step back first!"

Following the voice, a woman appeared in the scene.

This is a woman wearing a plain white dress with picturesque eyebrows and a calm temperament all over her body.

After seeing this woman, the elders of the dragon clan gave all the gifts together.

"I have seen the princess!"

That's right!

The visitor is the dragon princess, Ao Qing who guards the origin of the holy land.

Xue An smiled slightly, "Well, the one who can really take care of things among the dragons is here!"

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