Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1824: Cancel the marriage contract

Ao Qinglian moved lightly and stepped forward slowly.

Wherever the momentum is, the whole audience is solemn.

Even the crazy Ao Yi stood there obediently, lowered his head not to speak.

At this time, Ao Qing, who had passed in front of her, said lightly: "I will clean up you when I turn around!"

Hearing this, Ao Yi's eyes showed a rare look of fear, and then he lowered his head.

Then Ao Qing came close to Xue An, smiled slightly, and then bowed in a salute, "Ao Qing, I have seen Master Honglian!"

Xue An nodded, but did not speak, because he knew that since the princess was here, he must have something to say.


Seeing Ao Qing standing upright, her face solemnly said: "Master Honglian, I know everything. I sympathize with the Yutu clan's experience, but this matter really has nothing to do with my dragon clan, because I have just thoroughly investigated. Once again, there was no collusion between the Dragon Clan and the Baihu Clan."

"So now there are only two possibilities. One is that someone else betrayed the Jade Rabbit tribe, and the other is that this is purely a coincidence! Of course, this thing can't be left alone!"

Speaking of this, Ao Qing's eyes showed a bit of murderous aura.

"This white tiger clan acted recklessly, tortured the Yutu banshee, who is also a monster clan, and trapped my dragon clan in injustice. Its sin is to be blamed, so I have ordered someone to go and destroy the white tiger clan immediately!

This remark was eloquent, well-founded, and neither overbearing nor overbearing and convincing. It can be seen that the princess is far better than the other two princesses in dealing with people.

Xue An did not speak, but quietly looked at the princess Ao Qing opposite.

Ao Qing did not avoid it either, but calmly faced Xue An's gaze.

After a long while, Xue An narrowed his gaze and nodded lightly, "Okay, then I believe you this time! As for you to find the Baihu clan to settle accounts... it is not necessary."

Xue An smiled coldly, "Because they have been annihilated by me!"

Upon hearing these words, there was a commotion in the crowd.

Young Master Snake's face turned white with a sigh.

Ao Qing couldn't help showing a look of surprise in her eyes, but she quickly recovered her calm, and then nodded slightly.

"If this is the case, then thank Master Honglian for his righteous action and get rid of this great scourge for my monster race!"

In a few words, this misunderstanding disappeared.

The atmosphere in the field also relaxed.

Then Ao Qing turned her head to look at the fox night.

"Master Fox!"

The look on Hu Ye's face was a bit embarrassing, but he still bowed his hand, "Princess, I..."

"No need to say!" Ao Qing waved her hand, "Yi'er has been savage since she was a child and can't speak. What happened just now was that she did something wrong. I will apologize to you on her behalf!"

Ao Yi trembled when he heard this, raised his head and shouted with puzzled expression: "Big Sister..."

She really didn't understand why she had to apologize to Huye.

But Ao Qing only glanced at her lightly, and she swallowed all the words that followed.

Hu Ye also had a look of astonishment, Xuan even said in a hurry: "The princess is too serious, and I have something wrong with this matter."

Ao Qing looked calm, "It doesn't matter whether it's right or wrong, it doesn't matter anymore. The point is that since you have to meet your beloved, then the marriage contract between you and Yi'er should be annulled!"

Hu Ye never dreamed that Ao Qing would say something like this. The goal that he thought would have to go through a twists and turns to achieve, but now so easily achieved.

The ease even made him feel unreal.

But the people who responded the most were the Dragon Clan members, especially the Dragon Clan elders, who couldn't believe their ears.

The elder elder even lost his voice and said in shock: "The elder princess, the second princess's marriage contract was personally concluded between the first king and the elder of the Qingqiu fox country, so cancel it like this... I am afraid it is not appropriate!"

Ao Qing was calm, "What's wrong? My father is no longer there, so what I said can represent the meaning of my father! And no matter who signed the marriage contract, the premise is that the two sides are in love. Yue, otherwise it will be a total tragedy!"

"What's more, it's not that no one wants my Yi'er. Why bother to pester someone who doesn't like her, and she doesn't like the other person?"

Hu Ye could hardly wait to kneel down on the ground and kowtow to Ao Qing, because these words were so good that they were in the arms of Hu Ye.

Correct! That's it! The marriage contract was cancelled quickly! Hu Ye shouted in his heart.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Ao Yi suddenly shouted.

"Who said I don't like him?"

The audience was shocked when this sentence came out.

Hu Ye almost choked to death by his own saliva, and then looked at Ao Yi with a dazed expression.

At this moment, Ao Yi's eyes were already red, and he choked at Huye and said, "I have always liked you!"

Huye felt cold all over, but couldn't say anything.

Ao Yi went on and said, "I mock you and don't look down on you. It's all because I want you to be better, but you **** has never understood what I mean, and even avoided me!"

Speaking of this, a line of tears fell from the corner of Ao Yi's eyes, "But I really like you! I thought I had a marriage contract, and we would be together sooner or later, but you betrayed me and found an individual woman. ! Even humiliate me with retiring, you bastard, I hate you!"

Speaking of the last, Ao Yi burst into tears in the sky, and then turned around, turned directly into a streamer, flew into the void, and disappeared.

The audience was quiet, and people stared at this scene blankly, and then looked at Fox Night with extremely strange eyes.

It looked like he was watching a scumbag who abandoned his wife and son.

The corners of Hu Ye's mouth twitched, and there was no blood on his face.

He never expected that things would turn out to be like this.

Why suddenly, he became an out-and-out guilty man?

But the problem is I don't even know the whole process!

Ao Qing gave Hu Ye a meaningful look, and then said lightly: "Master Fox, since the situation has changed, then this matter needs to be discussed more carefully!"

Fox Ye wanted to cry without tears, and was so upset that he didn't even bother to lift his head.

At this time, Ao Qing said: "Master Honglian, since you have come to the ancestral land of my dragon clan, please come to the mansion for a comment!"

Xue An nodded, "Just about to disturb!"

Then Ao Qing said to the many monsters in the distance: "Everyone, I'm really sorry, things have changed, and the celebration has been temporarily cancelled. After a few days, my dragon will prepare a banquet to apologize to everyone!"

Naturally, these monster races couldn't say anything, especially now that Xue An is here, they wish to hide away quickly.

Therefore, after hearing Ao Qing's words, the crowd succumbed to the amnesty, and then they dispersed.

"Master Honglian, Master Fox, please come with me!" Ao Qing said, turning around to lead the way.

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