Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1826: Haoyue's Tribulation

"" Ao Qing said incoherently, you didn't say why for a long time, obviously you have been completely shocked.

"Do you want to ask, how did I know about this? Right?" Xue An said lightly.

Ao Qing did not speak, but the expression in her eyes explained everything.

Xue An stood up and walked to the window of the tea pavilion. Outside the window was a huge tomb like a mountain, where the bones of the white kings of the past were buried.

Xue An looked up at these tombs, and said leisurely: "If I am not mistaken, the origin of the so-called holy land is actually the gathering of the blood of the white kings of the past! After their death, their blood and power have not dissipated. It’s to return to this place and become the holy land of the Dragon Race!"

Ao Qing didn't know what to say anymore, including the great elder.

Because this is the core secret of the Dragon Race.

Now Xue An has said that, how can we not make them horrified.

At this time, Xue An went on to say: "Don't be surprised why I know this, because from the moment I entered this space, I perceive the strangeness here."

As he said, Xue An raised his hand to point to these tombs, and said solemnly: "These tombs... are clearly dying!"

The tombs were originally dead, but now Xue An uses the four words of dying to describe them.

But after hearing these words, Ao Qing slowly lowered her head with a sad expression on her face.

"Because the origin of the holy land is formed by the gathering of these white king tombs, their death means that the origin of the holy land is gradually disappearing, am I right? The princess!"

Xue An turned around, looking at Ao Qing with piercing eyes.

Ao Qing was silent for a moment, and finally nodded with difficulty, "Yes, the power of the ancestors is indeed disappearing, and the origin of the holy land has not been able to support the situation for several years!"

"So you stay here, trying to guard this world, so as to slow down the speed of their death? Even if... it requires you to give your own life, it doesn't hesitate?"

If Xue An's previous remarks only made Ao Qing feel puzzled and shocked, then these remarks now made Ao Qing completely aphasia.

She couldn't imagine how Xue An knew this.

Obviously, he didn't tell anyone these secrets.

Even the great elder didn't know anything about it.

Now Xue An has broken the secret.

She sat there almost numbly.

The Grand Elder reacted first, and then exclaimed: "Princess, is what Red Lotus-sama said true? Are you really guarding the Holy Land at the expense of your own life?"

By now, concealment is no longer useful, so Ao Qing nodded slowly.


At this time, the elder was pale and sat on the chair, unable to even speak.

Ao Shu even cried out even more.

She suddenly felt that she was very useless, because she hid in the secret realm to retreat because of a little thing, and thought she was very powerful.

In the end, the eldest sister took all the pressure silently.

Xue An sighed softly, "Is it really worth it?"

Ao Qing smiled bitterly, "What if it is not worth it? Just as you said, the spirit of the ancestor is dying, and the origin of the holy land is rapidly dissipating. In a few years, it will become a barren land. The sacred place of the dragon will no longer exist."

Speaking of this, there was an invisible tear in Ao Qing’s eyes, “By then, the dragon race without the protection of the first king will become a race that has lost hope, and such a race is destined to not last, so for the sake of the dragon race To survive, even if I give everything, I will not hesitate!"

"Even if it can only be postponed for a while?" Xue An said.

Ao Qing nodded, "Yes, even if it is delayed for a second, it is meaningful!"

Xue An was silent.

The perseverance of this dragon princess is simply moving.

As for Ao Shu, she was already crying at this moment.

Even the great elder was red under his eyes and bowed his head silently.

Xue An sighed softly, "This is why you rejected me?"

"Yes, because the current strength of the Holy Land's origin is not enough to support a training! So I am sorry." Ao Qing said calmly.

At this moment, Xue An suddenly said: "Then why does the origin of the Holy Land suddenly disappear? What is the reason for all this?"


Why did the former king's spirit soul, who had been doing well for countless years, suddenly start to die, and the origin of the holy land is also constantly dissipating? What is the reason for all this?

With these questions, everyone looked at Ao Qing.

Ao Qing was silent for a moment, then shook her head gently, "I don't know, but I have a guess!"

"All of this is probably also related to Di Liuxu!"

"Di Liuliu?" Xue An was slightly startled, and asked rhetorically.

"Yes! Because of the emperor flow!"

Ao Qing said slowly: "Since the great moon catastrophe five thousand years ago, Emperor Liuzhi has never appeared again, and since then, the development of the monster race has almost stagnated! Then it broke out again. A battle to seal the demon, my father fell in this battle!"

"Since then, the origin of the Holy Land has gradually dissipated, but at first the speed was so slow that people didn't even notice it, but the latter speed became faster and faster, and finally reached the point where it is out of control!

Everyone was moved by Ao Qing's words.

Because of the calamity of Haoyue and the battle to seal the demon are extremely important events in the history of the demon clan.

Unexpectedly, the origin of the Holy Land is also closely related to these two major events.

But Xue An didn't show much surprise. He only saw his eyes flickering and seemed to be thinking about something. It was only a moment later that he narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a deep voice.

"In other words, as long as you find Diliuqian, you can solve all the problems?"

Ao Qing shook her head and smiled bitterly, "How easy is it? In order to find the emperor, I don't know how many amazing and brilliant people in the monster race have put all their lives in the past five thousand years, but in the end they are still in vain!"

"Even I have searched for it more than once, but I didn't even have a clue! That's why I stopped this idea, because Diliuxiang is probably gone long ago!"

Everyone looked desperate when they heard the Arou couldn't help lowering her head.

But Xue An shook his head quite confidently, "The words can't be said so absolute, since it has appeared before, it means it will definitely appear again."

"So there is only one question now, and that is what the **** is going on in the Battle of Conquering Demons?"

After all, Xue An looked at Ao Qing with piercing eyes.

Ao Qing pondered for a moment, and finally smiled bitterly: "Forget it, there is no need to hide it now!"

With that said, she raised her head and looked at Xue An with a solemn expression.

"The specific details of this battle have been hidden for many years, and it has even become a taboo among the monster races, but the truth is actually very simple. In order to fight for the last side, the big monster races still have the secret realm of the emperor's fluid atmosphere. And fight!"

"It's that simple?"

"It's that simple!"

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