Next, Ao Qing briefly recounted the history of the battle to seal the demon. After listening to it, Xue An was silent, thinking for a moment before speaking.

"That is to say, this battle ended with a tragic victory by the Dragon Clan, and that secret realm will belong to you?"

Ao Qing nodded and smiled miserably: "Yes, my father was seriously injured because of this battle, and died soon afterwards! As for the secret realm..."

Ao Qing shook her head, "I know what you are thinking, but for so many years, our Dragon Clan has explored the secret realm thousands of times, but there is no clue about the emperor, so this road will not work. of!"

Ao Shu, the third princess standing by the side, couldn't help but nodded when she heard the words, "Yes, Brother Honglian, I have been in that secret for a long time, and I haven't found anything unusual!"

Xue An's eyes flickered slightly, and he slowly said, "That's not necessarily, you can't find it, it doesn't mean I can't find it either!"

Ao Qing sighed slightly, just about to speak.

But at this moment, Ao Qing suddenly felt a shock from the depths of her own blood.

This could not help making her stunned, and then suddenly got up, blurted out and said: "Is it Yier?"

Not only her, but the third princess Ao Shu also felt the vibration from the bloodline, and her eyes widened and said, "It's the breath of the second sister! What happened to her second sister?"

The whole tea pavilion fell silent instantly.

Ao Qing's complexion was pale, and after perceiving it carefully, her whole body suddenly shook, "It's a secret realm! Yi'er's breath came from the secret realm!"

"Princess, what happened? What happened to the second princess?" The elder elder couldn't help asking.

Ao Qing took a deep breath and said quickly: "Just now, my third sister and I felt a vibration from the depths of the bloodline. It was the breath of Yi'er. But this kind of bloodline induction is usually not in an emergency. It won't be used, which means that Yi'er may be in trouble!"

"What?" The elder exclaimed in exclamation, and then furiously said: "Who would dare to be against the second princess? And it is still in the secret realm of our dragon race?"

"I don't know, but the situation is urgent, we need to rush over immediately!" Ao Qing said, turning to look at Xue An.

"Guren-sama, do you want to go together?"

"Of course!" Xue An nodded, "We are also responsible for the second princess, and we are naturally bound to do it!"

"Well, without further ado, we set out now!"

After speaking, the group immediately flew up, left the Dragon Sacred Land directly, and then came to the secret realm in the vast void.

Time went back five minutes ago.

In the dragon clan secret realm not far from the sea of ​​stardust, a figure suddenly appeared.

It is the second princess Ao Yi who has just left in the ancestral land of the dragon clan.

I saw her fall, her face full of grief and anger.

The scenes that just happened flashed through her mind like a revolving lantern.

Especially when Fox Ye heard the joyful expression after retiring, Ao Yi, who had never been really frustrated from childhood to most of the time, went crazy.

"Asshole, all men are big assholes! You dare to divorce me, Fox Ye, you are an out-and-out asshole, pig brains!"

Ao Yi waved his fists and feet full of resentment, fantasizing the air in front of him into the hateful smiling face of Fox Ye.

After a hysterical vent, Ao Yi finally sat down on the ground panting, then grinned and began to cry bitterly.

The cry was extremely miserable, as if to vent all the grievances in my heart through tears.

While crying, Ao Yi choked and cursed.

"Fox...Fox night, you are a big bastard, big pig's hoof!"

But just when she was crying and sad, the ground that was dripping from her tears suddenly appeared with shallow ripples.

The ripple was very slight at the beginning, even Ao Yi didn't feel it.

But soon, the ripples became stronger and gradually spread far away.

Ao Yi, who noticed the strangeness, couldn't help but stop crying, and stared at the scene before him with astonishment.

At the same time, the ground of the entire secret realm began to ripple, as if suddenly changed to the surface of the water, and exuded a soft brilliance.

"This...what's this?" Ao Yi muttered foolishly with his eyes wide open.

As soon as the voice fell, suddenly, a bright round moon as big as a huge sun appeared in the sky.

The full moon is as radiant as jade, and it will illuminate a piece of silver on the rippling secret ground.

Ao Yi was completely stunned by the spectacle in front of him.


Suddenly she thought of something, and she couldn't help feeling a huge shock, and then blurted out: "Emperor Flowing Blood!"

The voice became a little hoarse from overexcitement.

But it seemed to be disturbed by her words. The originally prosperous moonlight suddenly shook, and even the entire secret realm trembled, and there was a faint collapse.

Ao Yi was shocked.

Because what she was facing right now was a **** that the Dragon Race and even the entire Monster Race had been searching for thousands of years and couldn't.

If the only clue was taken away by a word of his own, then he would be to blame for his deaths.

In a hurry, she immediately mobilized the power of the whole body to spread the information through this blood medium.

But at this time everything is fading like a tide.

The full moon faded and the ripples disappeared.

Ao Yi gritted his teeth when he saw the situation, then slammed his heart, and flew directly towards the faded scene.

Under the full urging, Ao Yi's speed can be described as extremely fast, even so, she can only catch the last ray of light.

But at this moment, everything is accelerating and it will disappear completely.

Ao Yi yelled, "Don't go!"

Then he dashed forward, and his whole figure was suddenly submerged in the brilliance, and then all the visions disappeared without a trace.

The secret realm once again returned to calm, but at this time there was no trace of Ao Yi in the entire Except for the few tears on the ground, it seemed that she had never appeared before.

At this moment, the sisters Ao Qing and Ao Shu felt the bloodline vibration, and then rushed to this secret realm with Xue An and others.

And at the same time, somewhere in the distant Yaozu.

A certain big demon hiding in the darkness opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes cut through the sky like electricity, and even agitated layers of fine lines in the space.

"Emperor Flowing Blood? The breath of Di Flowing Blood that has long disappeared?"

The excited voice of this great demon trembled, and then he couldn't help laughing wildly.

"Hahahaha, it really is the road to heaven, and the Diliu Berry still exists in the world! As long as I have it, then I will break through the current realm in one fell swoop. At that time, I will become the monster race, and even the heavens. one person!"

But at this moment, a enchanting female voice suddenly came from this wild laugh.

"What's so happy?"

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