Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1841: Kill the possessed monster

But these tentacles just rushed to the halfway, a sword light suddenly flew across the sky, wherever they passed, these tentacles were chopped in half.

The smelly blood sprayed all over the place, and "A Rou" let out a painful roar.

"Ah ah ah Jian Xiu, I'm going to eat you!"

As she said, she suddenly opened her mouth, and her cheeks were torn apart in an instant, revealing her mouth full of hideous and terrifying teeth.

Upon seeing this, Hu Ye almost fainted, and his whole body shook, and then he screamed hoarsely.


With the shout, his eyes became blood red, and then he rushed up with an angry roar.

"I'm going to kill you!"

From Huye's point of view, A Rou had become such a ghost, and he had obviously suffered an accident.

How could this not make him angry.

But just as he rushed closer, Xue An's voice suddenly came from behind, "Be careful not to hurt her, her current appearance is just the monster attached to her who is messing up, A Rou is fine!"

Hearing these words, Hu Ye was slightly taken aback.

And it was in this stupefying kung fu that A Rou suddenly flew up and went straight to the emperor in the sky.

Not only that, at the same moment, the severed tentacles on the ground also began to squirm as if they were alive, and then surged and flew after Ah Rou.

This **** and weird scene is simply tingling scalp.

Hu Ye was a little at a loss.

He doesn't know what he should do. If he shoots directly, he is afraid of hurting Arou, but if he does not shoot, this monster is obviously going to devour the emperor's fluid to strengthen himself. If this allows him to succeed, it will be more troublesome then Up.

In a dilemma.

A figure suddenly appeared in the void, directly blocking A Rou.

"Go away!"

A Rou roared, her head suddenly turned into a huge mouthpart, swallowing directly at the person in front of her.

The person who stopped A Rou was naturally Xue An.

Facing such a disgusting blow, Xue An frowned slightly.

"Has anyone told you that you have bad breath?"


Xue An's words made the monster slightly startled.

At this moment, Xue An suddenly stretched out his hand and plunged directly into the mouth of this blood basin.

The monster seemed to realize something and immediately began to struggle frantically.

But Xue An's speed was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, the entire arm was completely submerged in this blood basin.

The monster was speechless, he could only scream, and at the same time the fangs in his mouth grew rapidly, trying to bite Xue An's arm.

But all is in vain.

Before these teeth touched Xue An's skin, they were directly crushed by Jianguang, and even the blood was too late to drip, and they were evaporated into nothingness in the air.

A look of horror appeared in the monster's eyes, and then her skin began to surging, as if something was swimming in her muscles, trying to break out of her body.

"Want to die together? Ha ha, you deserve it?"

Xue An sneered. With a sudden force on his arm, the monster instantly froze, and then Xue An slowly pulled out his arm.

With each movement, A Rou's body recovered a point.

at last.

Xue An's hand came to his mouth. At this time, people finally saw that what Xue An was holding in his hand was a monster beast with all its fangs.

It resisted with horror, trying to get rid of Xue An's shackles.

But Xue An didn't even lift his eyelids, and slammed outwards.


This monster beast was pulled out of Ah Rou's mouth.

As the blood splattered, everything that was terrifying and terrifying instantly turned into fly ash, A Rou returned to her original appearance, and then fell straight down.

Hu Ye immediately rushed forward and hugged her. After a closer inspection, she was relieved.

Because the current Arou is not a major problem except for the coma caused by physical weakness and excessive shock.

There was no trace of the torn mouth before.

at the same time.

Xue An in midair held the monster beast in his hand and said lightly: "Let's talk, where is your body now?"

The monster trembled all over, hissed: "You..."

"Don't worry about how I knew it, now I am asking you, so I only give you three seconds to think about it. Once the time has passed, Lihua Feihui!"

Xue An's tone is very flat, but it contains unparalleled confidence.


"Jianxiu, you are very powerful, but you shouldn't care about this nosy. Now let me go, I will treat it as if it hadn't happened." The monster roared.

Xue An seemed to have not heard, and continued to say: "Two!"

"Jian Xiu, if you dare to kill me, then wait to endure endless pursuits. Me and my power are existences that you can't imagine, and my anger will be beyond your end."

Xue An's mouth gradually raised, revealing a cold smile, and then whispered: "Three!"

As soon as this last word was uttered, Xue An slammed hard.


This monster beast was squeezed and exploded by Xue Ansheng before it even had time to scream

But at the moment it was crushed to pieces, countless blood and flesh and blood residues flew in all directions, trying to escape here.

I have to say that this trick is really strange and powerful enough.

Because as long as a drop of blood escapes, it is considered to have escaped.

The average powerhouse may be really helpless in the face of this scene.

At least this monster thinks so.

But before it had time to be proud, Xue An flicked his finger slightly, and a ray of flame appeared in the air.

When this flame came out, the temperature of the entire world began to rise rapidly.

The blood of this monster beast was surging continuously, as if it were extremely painful.

Xue An said lightly: "I said I want you to be turned into fly ash, then you have to turn into fly ash!"

With that, Xue An snapped his fingers.


The flame soared into the sky, directly igniting the entire sky.

Amidst the raging flames, a faintly terrified howl came from the void, and then all the blood and residual limbs of this monster beast were burned into nothingness.

This fire is coming and going fast.

After just a few breaths, the fire that had soared to the sky disappeared without a trace.

Looking at the sky at this time, there was no trace of a monster beast.

But at this moment, a little gray-green brilliance fell.

Xue An spread out his hand and caught the brilliance, then gently closed his palm and closed his eyes.

The field became very quiet.

Everyone watched with bated breath.

With a full cup of tea, Xue An suddenly opened his eyes, the brilliance in his eyes flickered, and then there was a bit of murderous intent on his face.

"Very well, I haven't asked you to settle the affairs of the Chinese people. You dare to collude with these demons to harm sentient beings. Then don't blame me for being rude!"

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