Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1842: Restart the Holy Land

After finishing the monster beast completely, Xue An fell to the ground and Hu Ye hurriedly greeted him.

"How is it? Have you found out the origin of the other party?"

The voice was extremely cold, and it was obvious that the fox night, who had always been arrogant, was really angry at this moment.

Xue An smiled, "A little eyebrow."

"Then who is it? Where is the main body?" Hu Ye asked impatiently.

Xue An shook his head, "It's not the time to talk about this."

"What's the time then? Old Xue, don't betray you, tell me who it is, I will smash it into pieces!" Hu Ye gritted his teeth and roared.

"This matter is very complicated. It cannot be said clearly in a few words, but you can rest assured that I will give you an explanation on this matter!"

What did Hu Ye want to say, at this moment, A Rou, who was lying on the side, suddenly let out a cry.

Hu Ye shook all over, and immediately ran over like flying.

at the same time.

A Rou's eyelashes trembled lightly and slowly opened her eyes.

Hu Ye looked at her with concern. "Rou'er, how is it? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

A Rou shook her head slightly, trying to say something, but was stunned.

Because she was shocked to find that she could actually see things.

The clouds in the sky, the grass and trees on the ground, everything appeared in her eyes.

But all these things combined couldn't compare to Fox Ye who was smiling at her.

She had fantasized about Fox Ye’s appearance more than once, and she had touched his facial features with her hand, so as to construct an outline in her heart.

But how can that vague, purely imaginary image be comparable to the living person today?

A Rou was dumbfounded.

Hu Ye didn't understand what it meant. Instead, she thought she might be uncomfortable. She couldn't help shouting anxiously, "Arou? What's wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable? Talk to me!"

As he said, he raised his head and shouted at Xue An: "Old Xue, come and have a look, what's wrong with Rouer?"

But at this moment, A Rou suddenly stretched out her hand to stroke Fox Ye's cheek. Although tears came from her eyes, she smiled and said, "I'm fine, I'm fine, just a little excited, so don't make a fuss."

The impatient Fox Ye calmed down instantly, but then he suddenly noticed something and his eyes gradually widened.

"Arou, your eyes...!"

Because he suddenly realized that Ah Rou's eyes, which were originally dim and godless, had light at this moment.

He could even see his figure reflected in A Rou's pupils.

A Rou nodded vigorously, letting tears sway freely on her face, and said with a smile: "Well, my eyes are already healed, I can see you!"

Although it was just a very simple sentence, Huye's eye circles gradually reddened, and then he took a deep breath, choked up and said, "Then... Am I handsome?"

Arou smiled like a flower, "More handsome than I thought!"

As she said, she sat up abruptly and kissed Fox Ye's lips deeply.

Seeing this scene, everyone present was very moved.

Hu Ying was full of tears and whispered: "Brother, you have finally found your happiness, congratulations!"

Fox vine looked strange, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

An Yan quietly blocked the eyes of the two little girls, and then watched the scene with a sigh.

But she didn't know that although the two quirky little girls were blocked from sight, they were talking in a low voice.

"Wow, was that just kissing?" Nian Nian whispered.

"Yes!" Think about it.

"It's so romantic!" Nian Nian couldn't help sighing.

"Do you know what romance is?"

"I don't know, but I look like I want to cry, this should be romance!"

Despite the twists and turns, the incident ended in a happy ending.

When Fox Ye happily lifted A Rou from the ground, Ao Qing was discussing with Xue An.

"Master Honglian, Diliuye has been collected now, but Yi'er is unconscious, so the next step is to need Ling Qianjin's help, otherwise the Holy Land cannot be enchanted."

Xue An nodded, "Yes."

Ao Qing breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, she was really afraid that Xue An would open his mouth at this moment.

After all, the name Xue Bapi is deeply rooted among the dragons.

Unexpectedly, Xue An agreed so simply and without any conditions.

Ao Qing couldn't help being ashamed of her previous "dark thoughts".

"Well, without further ado, we will set out to return to the ancestral land immediately."

Naturally, there is no need for someone to stay behind in this secret realm at this time.

Therefore, Ao Qing led the elites of the Dragon Race to clear the way, and Xue An and others followed in a star boat.

When they left the secret realm, these monster races outside were all staring at them.

They don't know what happened in the secret realm.

But they could feel the breath of Emperor Liuzhi.

So when the dragons flew away from the secret realm with the emperor, they could only look at it with envy, but they didn't dare to make any changes.


Opposite now not only the former Red Lotus Immortal Venerable, but also the strong from Qingqiu Fox Country joined.

Such strength has exceeded the imagination of most monsters.

If they are united, they are not without opportunities.

But the key is that so many monster races get together, no one wants to be the first bird, so they can only watch the dragon race and the star boat of Xue An and others whizz by.

"Damn, UU Reading Dragon Clan now has the blessing of Emperor Liuzhi, and will definitely return to the peak in the future and become the veritable No. 1 clan of the heavens." Some Yao clan said with envy and hatred.

"There is also the Qingqiu fox country. They originally had the blessing of the three-life tree and other gods, but they actually wanted to make a move to **** the emperor's liquid, which is really greedy.

"The most important thing is this Red Lotus Immortal Venerable. He is the body of the human race, and Emperor Liuzhi has no effect on it. Why does he want to mix this matter?"

"Oh, who knows! After this incident, the monster race will probably never have peace!"

There are sighs, jealousy and worries.

In short, the whole Yaozu was boiling over because of this incident.

at the same time.

Xue An and others have returned to the ancestral land of the dragon clan.

Waiting to enter the dragon holy land again.

Although it was only a short while away, the momentum here was even more decayed.

Obviously leaving Ao Qing's suppression, death here is accelerating.

Ao Qing took a deep breath, barely suppressed the excitement in her heart, and respectfully said: "My lord, please let the daughter do it!"

"it is good!"

Xue An agreed still very simply and neatly.

Then Nian Nian commanded these little elves to begin to revive the dragon's holy land origin.

Because of the communication of thoughts and the command of thinking, all this progressed extremely fast.

Soon, the dragon holy land, which had been extremely decayed, showed a little brilliance.

Ao Qing immediately put the body of her sister Ao Yi in it, preparing for the rehearsal.

But before she straightened up, Xue An said indifferently: "Princess, now we should fulfill her promise!"

Ao Qing was taken aback.

At the same time, Zhang Xiaoyu, who was already going crazy, stumbled over here holding Xiaosha's dragon egg.

As she ran, she shouted, "Master, I brought Master Xiaosha's egg!"

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