As she was talking, she suddenly tripped under her feet, and then fell into a dog gnawing feces, and the dragon egg in her hand also let go, and slammed straight to the ground in the shape of a parabola.

This time the audience uttered exclamations.

But at the moment when the dragon egg was about to land, a soft tentacle suddenly appeared and caught it without any danger.

Then Zhang Xiaoyu wiped the cold sweat on his forehead with another tentacle, got up from the ground, smiled awkwardly and said: "Mistakes, all mistakes!"

Everyone let out a sigh of relief.

Xue An smiled at Ao Qing: "Princess, this is my subordinate!"

Ao Qing looked at the dragon egg with a surprised expression, and the great elder on the side also leaned in at this moment.

"It is the genus of Flood Dragon, but it is strange that why is the dragon aura on it so strong? It also seems to have the aura of a magic dragon." The elder was puzzled.

Xue An smiled indifferently, "This is not surprising. When I went to Lost Paradise some time ago, I killed a group of magic dragons and sacrificed their blood."

These words were very understatement, but the Great Elder and the Dragon Clan elders trembled and swallowed their saliva subconsciously.

The Abyssal Demon Dragon is considered a dragon in the strict sense, but because of its perverse and ruthless behavior, it was expelled by the dragon very early.

This abyssal dragon was not an easy one, but was directly sacrificed to a group by the murderous grandfather in front of him.

How can this not make them terrified.

Ao Qing also retracted her gaze at this time, nodded and said, "Well, since this is Lord Honglian's subordinate, let's put it in the Holy Land together!"

Zhang Xiaoyu couldn't wait for a long time. He immediately waved his tentacles and carefully put the dragon egg into the holy ground.

The dragon egg slowly sank into the condensed water-like brilliance, and then began to flicker slightly, as if a life was breathing.

Zhang Xiaoyu saw tears in his eyes.

"Boss, after waiting for so long, you are finally going to wake up! If you don't wake up, I guess the readers will forget you!"

Hu Ying raised her hand and knocked on her head, "What nonsense, be careful to make you fall asleep too."

Zhang Xiaoyu hurriedly hugged his head and said with a smile on his face: "Yes, yes, sister Fox, I was wrong, I just felt it."

At the same time, these emperor elves who had finished enlightening the holy land of the dragon race gathered together in the air, then slowly sank down and fell into a deep sleep.

Nian Nian was a little nervous, and asked her sister in a low voice, "They will be fine, will they?"

Think about it and shook his head confidently, "Don't worry, they just use up the energy they carry, nothing will happen!"

Nian Nian took a breath, patted her chest and said, "That's good!"

Hearing the dialogue between these two little girls, Xue An couldn't help laughing, his eyes full of pride.

In any case, kindness is a beautiful quality.

Is not it?

The Holy Land is gradually recovering. This is a major project, and naturally it cannot be completed overnight.

What's more, Xiaosha's training also takes time.

So everyone lived in the dragon clan.

Now, the two little girls are like fish in water, they are going crazy.

Like now.

"Grandpa Long, how old are you?" Nian Nian asked curiously.

Although the dragon elder was respectful and afraid of Xue An, he liked these two weird little girls very much. He couldn't help but smile lovingly: "How old do you think I am?"

"Hmm..." Niannian tilted her head and thought for a moment, and suddenly her eyes lit up, "Look at your beard all white, you should be a hundred years old!"

"Nonsense!" Think about it, shook his head, and then hated that iron is not a steel road: "Dad said that dragons are very powerful and have a long lifespan, so how could Grandpa Long be only that old?"

"How old did you say sister?"

"I think it must be at least two hundred years old!" Thinking about it, said seriously.

The dragon elder was also amused by the scene before him, and he couldn't help laughing, "Yes, I am indeed more than 200 years old, so I am more accurate in guessing."

"Wow, so the youngest?" Nian Nian opened her mouth wide in surprise.

The dragon elder nodded with a smile, just about to speak.

Reading the next sentence made him dumbfounded.

I saw Nian Nian curiously and said: "Then you have lived for so long, and your beard is white. Are you about to die?"

"Uh..." The dragon elder suddenly didn't know what to say.

At the same time, Hu Wan suddenly turned his head and said with a smile: "Old dragon, don't forget the talent of this little girl!"

As soon as this sentence came out, cold sweat oozes from the forehead of the Dragon Clan Great Elder.

Yes indeed!

Don't look at the two little girls in front of them, they are as cute as jade dolls.

But their natural ability is one by one against the sky.

One can see through the essence of everything, and the other is able to speak and follow the law.

If she accidentally said that she was dead, wouldn't she be wronged?

As soon as I thought of this, the smile on the face of the elder became stiff, "Ahhh, I suddenly thought that there is still something to be done, I will leave first!"

After that, he turned around and fled in a hurry.

"Sister, why did Grandpa Long suddenly run away?"

"Who Maybe you got it right. I feel like I'm running out of time!"

The great elder who had fled to the distance felt cold for no reason, and almost fell from the air.

"It's boring, let's go find Big Fatty to play!" Niannian said with a pouting mouth.

The two little girls just wanted to find the little fox.

But at this moment, I heard a roar full of anger and despair.

Immediately afterwards, a white light flew to the front and jumped directly on the shoulder of the fox vine.

It was the little fox.

It's just that this little fox at this time has lost its former style, and his beautiful hair is drooping, and the eyes of a pair of foxes are full of grief and anger.

"What's the matter?" Huwan couldn't help being a little surprised.

To be her pet is naturally unique.

It can be said that apart from being unable to transform, this little fox is not inferior to ordinary true immortal powerhouses.

The little fox groaned very aggrievedly, but before he could finish speaking, a golden light suddenly flashed, and then a plump golden koi appeared in front of everyone.

"Ball ball?" The two little girls exclaimed at the same time.

That's right.

The koi that appears here is the spirit of Fu Bao Xiaolou, the magical rune ball.

After seeing the ball, the little fox's fur all over exploded, and there was a low warning roar in his throat.

But this rune ball simply ignored these, or it might not understand the meaning of these actions at all.

Facing the warning from the little fox, he hummed a few times in surprise, and then floated over.

The little fox jumped up and tried to avoid it.

But no matter how fast it is, it can't be compared to a ball that has no physical restrictions at all, because it is transformed by a magic rune.

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