So just as the little fox jumped into the air, the ball had already rushed to the front, and then hit each other heavily.

The little fox is very strong, but reluctantly all his attacking moves are ineffective on the ball, so he is easily knocked out by the ball with absolute weight.

Then another golden light flashed, and the little fox was hugged by the ball before he landed.

That's right!

A fox is held in his arms by a koi carp with its fins. This picture is incongruous.

Not only that, the ball also rubbed the little fox's hair with his big head, while humming very comfortably.

The little fox wanted to break free but couldn't break free, and the counterattack was also ineffective, so his eyes couldn't help but be full of unlovable colors.

Everyone looked at this scene with a smile, even the fox shook his head and chuckled, and then looked at Xue An thoughtfully.

Do pets have such a personality? Haven't heard of anyone in the heavens who keeps magic runes as pets.

This man is really full of mysteries!

In the next few days, everyone lived together harmoniously and friendly.

Except for the occasional screams of the little fox and the elders of the dragon race chasing by two little girls running all over the sky, everything is so beautiful.

As for why these dragon elders were chased by two little girls around the world...

"Grandpa Long, let us pull out one beard, just one!" Nian Nian shouted.

"No one will work, this is the dragon's beard that the old man has carefully taken care of for thousands of years!" The dragon elder dared not even turn his head, shouting and fleeing away.

"Ball, come here!" Thinking about it, shouted straightly and neatly.

The magic rune koi, which was "sucking foxes" on the ground, flew up immediately after hearing the words, picked up the two little girls, and chased them to the fleeing dragon elder.

For a time, the entire dragon clan can be said to be like a joke.

Countless dragon elders couldn't help lamenting.

Unexpectedly, Xue An wouldn't cause trouble now, but replaced with two more lethal little girls.

In this regard, Huye and Huwan showed the consistent stance of Qingqiu Fox Country, which is absolute neutrality.

In fact, Huye now has no extra time to take care of other things.

At this moment, he has completely fallen into the ocean of love, sweet and unable to extricate himself.

The two were glued together like paint, wishing to see each other every second.

This atmosphere that is enough to torture single dogs naturally makes other people retreat.

"Rouer, when the matter here is finished, I will take you back to Qingqiu Fox Country, apply to the elder, and then marry you! When Old Xue got married, there was a big battle, of course I Don't be inferior to him, it will definitely give you an unprecedented wedding." Hu Ye said vowedly.

"Actually, it doesn't need to be so troublesome!" Arou whispered, the shadows of Fox Night in the cut water pupils, "As long as I can be with you, I don't need anything."

"No, as the woman of my Fox Ye, how could you be so shabby? I must tell the world so that everyone knows about your existence." Fox Ye said arrogantly.

The happiness in A Rou's eyes was overflowing, but soon she thought of something again and slowly lowered her head.

"But my identity..."

"What's wrong with your identity? Don't worry! Everything has me!" Hu Ye said seriously.

A Rou nodded slightly.

Despite this, her heart still felt empty.

She knew very well that although her eyes were good, she was just a mortal woman at best.

But the identity of Fox Ye is the heir of the noble Tianhu clan.

This gap is countless times greater than the emperor and the beggar.

How can you make her not feel inferior?

Alas, I’m all to blame for my poor talent, otherwise the enlightenment of the emperor's fluid can not only heal my eyes, but also transform me into a monster race.

At that time, he should be worthy of him!

At this point, Arou couldn't help sighing secretly.

At this moment, she suddenly felt itchy behind her ears, so she raised her hand and scratched it.


Why is the skin here a bit hard?

This thought flashed in A Rou's heart, but he didn't care too much.

Maybe it's a small bag.

Just when it was very lively outside.

Among the tea pavilions.

Xue An was sitting in a chair, making tea.

After a series of operations, the refreshing fragrance of tea began to permeate.

But Xue An was the only one in the tea pavilion at this time.

Ao Qing was busy dealing with the Dragon Sacred Land, so naturally she could not accompany her.

Although the third princess Ao Shu was willing to accompany Xue An, Ao Qing walked around and brought him by her side, not allowing her to leave for a moment.

An Yan is looking after the two little girls.

Anyway, it's quiet here.

In front of Xue An, there are two sets of tea sets, as if waiting for someone to arrive.

at last.

When Xue An picked up the teapot and poured tea into the two teacups.

An imperceptible sword light flew across the sky at an incredible speed, and then landed on the opposite side of Xue An.

Amazingly, it was Li Jingxing, the master of the sword palace.

It's just that Li Jingxing at this time is different from before.

Although he was vigorous before, his eyes always seemed muddy.

At this time, his eyes were as clear as ice and

Xue An didn't even lift his eyelids, and said lightly: "Sit down, the tea has just been cooked."

Li Jingxing smiled freely and sat directly opposite Xue An.

Then Xue An handed over the tea cup.

Li Jingxing took it with both hands, took a sip, and then exclaimed, "Good tea!"

"Of course it's a good tea. This is the nine-turn Lingwu tea I picked out from Zhuge Zang."

Li Jingxing put down his teacup and said with a look of surprise: "Have you seen Zhuge Zang?"

"Of course I have seen him, and I have seen not only him, but also Chu Wuxiang Ye Hanshang and others!"

Then Xue An recounted what happened on the earth.

After listening, Li Jingxing was silent for a moment, then nodded, "It's a pity that I isolated all the news at the time and couldn't rush over."

"Okay, it's just a little quasi-immortal emperor. You can't do it!" Xue An smiled.

Li Jingxing took a deep look at Xue An, and couldn't help but said: "Strange, if someone else speaks in this tone, I will definitely think he is bragging. I think it's normal if you say that alone!"

"Of course, I am a dignified fairy!"

"I said it used to be!"

"Hey, you are starting to poison your tongue again!"

After that, the two looked at each other, and then laughed.

Amidst the laughter, Li Jingxing raised his tea cup and said sincerely, "Thank you!"

Xue An waved his hand, "You are polite, why? Is it buried?"

Li Jingxing nodded, "Hmm!"

As he said, he drank the tea in the cup and said with a sigh: "I buried her in her hometown. That planet is already deserted, so I transformed it, especially full of it. Phoenix, because I know, her favorite is this kind of flower."

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